Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Murray got over the difficulty by appointing a triumvirate in command : Steward , Constable and Sir Archibald , with the Flower of Chivalry as specific military adviser .
2 Covering the sprawled guards constantly , Mortimer hopped over the bodies and continued downwards , his men jabbing the bodies with bayonets to make sure .
3 We passed splendid mare's-tail waterfalls where tiny becks tumbled over the cliffs , and watched oyster-catchers and cormorants wading and diving .
4 Has your view of Harlow changed over the years ?
5 Then Holmes bent over the body and began to move it .
6 Dalrymple presided over the halcyon days of ‘ c'moan or get aff ’ until his retiral in 1926 , and Dalrymple 's days saw the expansion of the system to 100 miles of track and an annual profit , together with a yearly 300 MILLION passengers , not all on the one tram of course .
7 Bare granite peaks towered over the south all day and the pools and falls seemed to grow bigger and better every mile .
8 The remaining 17% occurred over the 10 seconds preceding the onset of the common cavity episode , being evenly distributed through this time .
9 At Christie 's , Noel Annesley presided over a satisfactory auction with his customary skill , a failing voice enhancing , rather than diminishing , his dry humour which maintained the momentum of the sale .
10 Ma bent over the stove .
11 As the result of lengthy investigations into the Duzme Mustafa revolt , Mehmed Sah was implicated in that affair ; and , Husameddin relates , " Molla Fenari grieved greatly that at the end of the investigations , in the year 832 , Mehmed Sah Efendi passed over the bridge of death together with Candarlizade Ibrahim Pasa and the Grand Vezir Haci Ivaz Pasa . "
12 More confusion arose over the terms " project work " , " coursework " , " investigations ' and " problem solving " and they were often used indiscriminately .
13 His bulk bulged over the invisible box he perched on .
14 When , during the summer , disputes arose over the scope of Catalan autonomy and Basque local government , Catalanists and Basque Nationalists concluded that the right was also bent upon reasserting central power .
15 Dawn had begun to break , and daylight crept over the barren countryside .
16 Doubts arose over the length of time which might elapse before the child ceased to be regarded as ‘ newly born ’ , and the Infanticide Act 1938 extended the definition to the killing of a child within twelve months of its birth by a mother whose mind is disturbed either by reason of her not having fully recovered from the effect of giving birth to the child or by reason of the effect of lactation consequent upon the birth of the child .
17 Doubts arose over the competence of the system to cope with cases of such magnitude , Concern was expressed by lawyers , families , councillors , and even Orkney 's re-instated Reporter , Mrs Katherine Kemp , over the relationship between Orkney Islands Council 's Social Work Department and the Children 's Panel .
18 A bitter smile crossed his face as his eyes ranged over the top men in the giant corporation .
19 Kathleen bent over the unconscious patient and sniffed .
20 The salesman and Hank , however , seemed to have reached some agreement and strolled towards the office , where fat old Josh presided over the financing section with the careful rapacity of a born moneylender .
21 During their stay the Juan Carlos and Salinas presided over the signature of a five-year treaty of friendship and co-operation in the context of which Spain was to provide aid to Mexico of 4,400 million pesetas ( about US$40,000,000 at current exchange rates ) over five years in the form of credits and investment in the private sector .
22 As acting President Frederick Gilby presided over the BDDA 's first post-war Congress , held in Glasgow in 1920 , where Ernest Ayliffe was elected as the next President of the Association .
23 Frankie peered over the top of his comic , unable to resist the temptation to join in .
24 ( But the new tube was less sure of itself , and revised versions of it during the next few months whiplashed over the map of south London like a demented snake . )
25 His eyes flickered over the bulging hold-all .
26 I looked past Robin-Anne to where the moon 's path gleamed on the long waves , and then I glanced forward and saw another belt of silver , but this one diffuse and hazy , showing where the first crepuscular light seeped over the world 's grey edge .
27 Various disputes occurred over the years , culminating in a protracted battle at the beginning of the 19th century , with the owner , William Humphries Barrett .
28 Meanwhile , IBM Corp shares plunged $5.50 to $72.50 on the day the company reported a stunning net loss after charges for the third quarter of $2,778m last week and scepticism rose over the prompt promise in the analysts ' call after the announcement that the dividend is safe .
29 Senna lost his front left wheel in the crash and both cars bounced over the kerbs and out of the race .
30 Mairi was still shrieking and striking at Luch while Master Beaton bent over the bed .
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