Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] into the " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Occhi got into the taxi , took £1 out of his wallet and gave it to the appellant who then , the wallet being still open , took a further £6 out of it .
2 A note of hysteria crept into the voice from the grave .
3 Alexandra plunged into the wastepaper basket to retrieve the torn envelope .
4 Nutty rode into the warehouse to see if it was ready , and Hoomey followed her , towing Bones , who was ready to go wherever the food sacks were going .
5 She came in front beside Patrick and Jim crept into the back , where he promptly fell asleep .
6 Whitlock got into the passenger seat and the driver immediately started the engine .
7 Horror crept into the room and settled beside them like a crouching beast .
8 ‘ What we need is a little liquid refreshment , and there 's a little pub ’ — Morse got into the passenger seat — ‘ just along the road here . ’
9 On instructions from authorities , Peking University , the focus of the student rebellion , sent a dance troupe , one of scores of similar groups dragooned into the celebrations .
10 ‘ You have a very positive standing , my dear young lady , ’ said Mr Stanforth patiently , and perhaps a little patronisingly , too , for this was where money entered into the reckoning , and very young concert artists and music teachers with a living to make must surely react to the alluring image .
11 She blinked and looked up , smiling , as Jim wandered into the room with a handful of X-rays .
12 Petr Korda crashed into the top ten for this year with puzzled frowns asking : ‘ Petr Who ? ’
13 The people of Kislev moved into the Old World from the areas east of the Worlds Edge Mountains and founded the kingdom which lies on the north eastern borders of the Empire .
14 Mr Coleby peered into the darkness on either side of the streetlamp .
15 Their hired Vauxhall Astra which was travelling thirty miles an hour crashed into the back of an army convoy and caught fire .
16 Once three night birds rose into the blue-black of the sky .
17 A month later the Commonwealth Aircraft Company ( CAC ) -built Lincoln heavy bombers of 1 Squadron thundered into the Tengah airstrip , at Singapore , commencing combat operations that would last eight hectic years .
18 Each time they sank down , they clustered closely , finally expelling one of their number , who fluttered to the ground and began — as if under compulsion — to walk , or rather scuttle , towards us ; whereupon the other birds fled into the shelter of their tree .
19 Jezrael 's fingers crisped into the grit beneath her ; even her face worked with the adrenalin that surged up , so much did she want to shove him away and make him save himself .
20 He scanned the newsprint greedily while his teeth sank into the bacon sandwich , the melted margarine dribbling over his fingers .
21 Her teeth sank into the hand at her mouth and the man yelped , staggering away .
22 Flagellation and other exotic practices formed part of its creed and Rasputin entered into the spirit of these with enthusiasm .
23 But , in 1942 , the Wehrmacht moved into the whole of our country and things changed . ’
24 In 1948 an illiterate van-driver , Timothy Evans , who was twenty-three , and his pregnant wife Beryl moved into the upstairs flat .
25 The Marmorata built into the rocks
26 When , bound in a van der Waals complex with & formula , is photolysed and the H atom impelled into the & formula , the delay time for appearance of the OH reaction product varies between 0.25 and 1.5 picoseconds .
27 As Ebenezer was also serving in the army , Florrie moved into the flat above the shop , together with her schoolboy son and Arnold 's young bride , Maudie .
28 The conference chairman shouted into the microphone that he had got his little list and he was damned if he was not going to stick to it .
29 It is said that when Christie moved into the new mill he took the machinery with him and this must have included the scribbler and carder. with the " Devondale " piercing machine , the slubbing Billy and spinning Jennys .
30 Edouard moved into the house at St-Cloud alone .
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