Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] at a " in BNC.

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1 Balcerowicz announced at a meeting of the Interim Committee of the IMF Bank on May 8 , 1990 , that Poland would seek a new agreement with its commercial and government creditors to cut Poland 's debt-servicing obligations by 80 per cent .
2 Henry Fielding , whose sister lived at a cottage now called Widcombe Lodge , knew the Bennets well .
3 Before clearing the suburbs to the west Patrick stopped at a café so that they could have a quick breakfast of delicious brioches and excellent coffee .
4 After two hours of driving Carson and Alison stopped at a motorway services area , a cut-rate chunk of space-age that straddled the carriageway .
5 Jim stopped at a café on the road side .
6 In the Netherlands , however , it appears that for much of the past 30 years , a substantial reduction in levels of imprisonment occurred with no greater rise in crime than occurred in Britain ; and that reduction occurred at a time of rising crime in Holland .
7 IF there was one occasion that summed up sporting attitudes in l992 , it was Carl Lewis 's bizarre attempt to set an Olympic record for the greatest number of journalists asphyxiated at a single press conference .
8 A tear slowly rolled down his grandfather 's face , but still his eyes gazed at a point miles and miles away .
9 Markby swished at a trailing bramble with a piece of stick .
10 Talbot went to the Admiral 's wine cupboard and prepared a drink while Hawkins gazed at a spot on the deck which was about a thousand miles away .
11 In the United States government support for organised labour came at a later date than in Europe ( only in the mid-1930s ) , and even then it still remained open to employers to try to persuade their own workers ( short of using overt coercion ) not to vote for union bargaining rights ( i.e. they still maintained ‘ an ethical mandate to continue with their belligerent behaviour towards unions ’ ( Adams , 1981 , p. 287 ) ) .
12 The first official and public indication that the Soviet Union was seeking large-scale Western aid came at a press conference between Gorbachev and Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti on May 22 , when Gorbachev made plain his desire to attend the July G-7 meeting .
13 First , the increased weight of demands came at a time when the actual problems thrust before government were not only more complex and intractable , but were also more interdependent — solve one ( say , inflation ) and you only caused another ( rising unemployment ) .
14 Especially as this new bit of gossip came at a time when the idea that Walter Machin was becoming posthumously a national figure was beginning to filter through to Oswaldston consciousness .
15 Bob knew that , whether she called herself Mad Maggie or Margaret Stanhope , friendship came at a price .
16 The latest theft happened at a Shell garage in Marlborough Road at Swindon .
17 The idea was that light waves traveled at a speed of 186,000 miles a second through the ether , which meant that an observer who was at rest relative to the ether would measure the speed of light to be about 186,000 miles a second , but an observer who was moving through the ether would measure a higher or lower speed .
18 He was also a reformer and builder ; his reforms were far-reaching in administration and law while the arts flourished at a high level .
19 Mugabe declared at a press conference in the capital Harare on April 1 that the election result was " a mandate for all our policies , including the establishment of a one-party state " .
20 The tragedy happened at a transport depot in the town .
21 Gorbachev declared at a joint press conference on July 16 that " the united Germany , sovereign in every way , will say to which bloc it wants to belong " , thus effectively conceding that Germany could be a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) .
22 To confuse the issue even more , at least from Catt 's point of view , her letter from Gedge , Solowka and Gregory arrived at a time when she thought that her role in the group was about to become more prominent .
23 Her career in geography began at a time when , in Britain , this field was still among the less fully organized of the sciences .
24 The delegation looked at a range of hotel operations including food preparation , customer care programmes , sales and marketing and budgeting .
25 Elizabeth Hoby died at a great age in 1609 , after spending her final days painstakingly and efficiently planning her own funeral , down to the minutest detail .
26 She feels it 's sad that Frankie died at a time when he was just becoming popular with a younger audience .
27 Bernice stared at a faded yellow cloth , hanging from the ceiling .
28 Lucy felt at a disadvantage .
29 Behind them , the Monument leant at a crazy angle , its foundations undermined by the yawning pit beside it .
30 Richard laughed at a vision of the nipple cut off and stuck like a baby 's dummy in Martin 's mouth .
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