Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was a quiet wedding , which the children did not attend , and Pamela became part of their household .
2 Brooke left immediately , and spent the rest of his life in London , where he died 9 May 1963 , in the same year as Sarawak became part of the Malaysian Federation .
3 Following the 1921 Railways Act , on 1 January 1923 the L & NWR became part of the LMSR .
4 BARNEY and Ben became part of the family on our second day in the sleepy little fishing hamlet called Es Calo .
5 There were some handy ones around — Charlie Gillett and Simon Frith 's Rock File series and Dafydd Rees ' Star-File were among those that first made waves of a sort — but it was n't until Guinness published their initial British Hit Singles , in 1977 , that the genre became part of the UK 's list of best-sellers .
6 In 1947 waterways became part of the nationalised transport industry , investment being concentrated on the wider rivers and canals .
7 In October 1981 , Hall Automation became part of GEC Electrical Projects at Rugby .
8 At about the same time that this happened , Bourn became part of 8 Group , the Pathfinder Group .
9 It was n't long before visiting Stone Towers became part of her life .
10 With this re-alignment , Cheshunt , Barnet , Southend and Watford became part of the London District , with Chelmsford in Essex and the rest of Hertfordshire remaining within the District .
11 Second , milk in schools became part of wider wartime rationing and food policy .
12 Her resentment and disappointment became part of the awkward thrust she made to fasten Robert 's gardenia to her shoulder strap .
13 It is well known that this canal always had water shortages , even before modern water extraction diverted part of its natural supply at Greywell , and thousands of thirsty trees grew up on its banks on what had been open country in 1790 .
14 The witness judged part of the secret to lie in the way he seemed to think out what he wanted to say as he went along and made the audience share his struggle after truth .
15 But these photographs are misleading to the amateur who forgets that he is looking at a ‘ frozen ’ action captured part of a swing .
16 17 On a journey of 12 kilometres Ann walked part of the way and rode a bus for the rest of the distance .
17 The itinerary included parts of Czechoslovakia and Austria and a day trip into Hungary , with Martin Randall himself as the lecturer .
18 RESCUERS have recovered 1,226 bodies after an earthquake and tidal waves devastated parts of the eastern Indonesian island of Flores .
19 ‘ Any suggestion or hint of a specific motive for the crime was pursued by the police and the disappearance of other persons at the time of the murder formed part of the investigation .
20 He referred specifically to the point that this concrete path was only " " seven feet long " " , and it seems to me that on the evidence he was entitled to come to the conclusion which he reached on the question of fact , i.e. that in all the circumstances the steps formed part of the building . "
21 Fifty five patients ( 29 men and 26 women aged 23 to 77 years ) ( mean ( SD ) 56.2 ( 12.5 ) years ) with sporadic adenomatous polyps of the large bowel took part in this study .
22 Between 1337 and 1353 the tax on wool formed part of a series of schemes under which the king attempted to establish a body of powerful and wealthy merchants who would be granted a monopoly in the purchase and export of wool in return for making loans to the king which would be repaid from the maltote , the export tax on wool .
23 Twenty-four backbenchers took part in the debate , most of them making speeches opposed to the Bill .
24 This study formed part of the 1985 GHS and informal carers were identified using two screening questions , which asked about extra family responsibilities resulting from looking after someone who was sick , elderly or handicapped in their own household ( co-resident caring ) or another household ( non-resident caring ) ( see Table 8.3 ) .
25 The study formed part of a larger research project on adults and science/engineering courses .
26 There were two conditions , ten subjects took part in each .
27 i The Camel Benetton Formula One racing car formed part of a promotion for the cigarette brand at Euston at the end of July .
28 Customers at each of the Bank 's 750 branches took part in the survey .
29 A record 743 cars took part in 1950 which meant the last car away left Brescia about 12 hours after the first !
30 In July 1173 Richard and his brothers took part in an attack on eastern Normandy made under the command of Philip of Flanders .
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