Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Born in 1927 , Denis Serjeant qualified as an architect the hard way , by taking external examinations whilst articled to an Oxford architect .
2 This measure arose as the result of an initiative by a private member , Alf Morris .
3 Vogel trained as an architect and was a resident artist at the Polish Royal Court .
4 Its origins are lost in antiquity but the Rock has probably ben used as a fortress from the Iron Age .
5 And third , how has the central system for planning and controlling spending in Whitehall changed as a consequence of the ‘ hard times ’ ?
6 Ironically enough , his main field experience occurred as a fortuitous consequence of the First World War .
7 April 9 , 1944 , brought the crew their tenth mission , on what Dan described as a ‘ Long haul ’ to the FW 190 plant at Marienburg , in East Prussia .
8 Too late Polly realised that her words were open to a very different interpretation from the one she intended , and her heart sank as the woman 's face creased into a hard-edged cynical smile .
9 Linda Kitchen excelled as the housekeeper who fails to marry her master , Peter Savidge as the dogged servant of the heroine who finally gets his girl .
10 The bridge was complete , the air blowers on each rig whined as the remaining air bags were inflated for additional buoyancy , and footwalk posts and ropes were installed .
11 Herr Nordern staggered as the night air hit him and Bodo held his elbow as they lurched back to the flats .
12 Francine Brody trained as an actress at RADA and at Pittsburgh University .
13 In the in vivo assay both mutations behaved as the wild type , but they had slightly lower affinities than wild type in vitro as judged by gel retardation assays .
14 Col. Eduardo Herrera Hassan , a former chief of police , was arrested by United States troops on Dec. 5 following what the government of President Guillermo Endara Galimany described as an " attempted coup " .
15 This ‘ success ’ prompted a further onslaught by senior ministers against what Baker described as the ‘ hysterical gossiping ’ among MPs about the leadership .
16 The PLO failed as a leadership , not as an idea .
17 Indream , Dana qualified as a real person among zombies anyway .
18 An extrapolation of this responsibility saw Hermes designated as the conductor of the souls of the dead to HADES , as well as being a god of sleep and dreams .
19 And this part of your mind that makes you feel guilty Freud regarded as an internalized representation of other people to some extent , and indeed he thought that it , the superego was constituted by internalization and identification with the parents at the culmination of the Oedipus complex .
20 Significant differences in teachers ' attitudes towards the collegiality and openness of SSE are associated with whether they have seen the Solihull booklet , how well they can recall it , and whether changes in schools occurred as a consequence of its use .
21 In the steep-sloped area , a situation might have developed where overgrazing and deforestation occurred as a result of onerous taxation and loss of land to colonisers , leading to virtual environmental collapse .
22 After the meeting of Nov. 14 , it was announced that agreement had been reached on forming a Union of Sovereign States , which Gorbachev described as a union of " Confederal Democratic States " .
23 Some changes , however , were made in the draft to satisfy those who had challenged it in this way : union republics were given eleven rather than seven seats each in the Supreme Soviet 's Council of Nationalities and ex officio places on the Committee of Constitutional Supervision , and changes of wording were made in order to remove what Gorbachev described as the ‘ misunderstanding ’ that the rights of republics had been infringed .
24 Gorbachev described as the most topical issue facing the congress the role of the communist parties in the union republics .
25 In the aftermath of the Bush visit , US troops began patrolling parts of Panama City , a move which Foreign Minister Julio Linares described as a " flagrant violation " of the bilateral Panama Canal Treaty of 1903 , which accorded sovereign rights to the USA only in the Canal Zone .
26 JOHN Major 's income tax cut which Labour described as a bribe should be in the people 's pockets in mid-May , but he should be able to provide an even greater post-election thank you for the majority of voters in the form of a stabilised housing market .
27 Landscape gardener Timothy Griffin married midwife Sheena Catto in what Sheena 's mother Ann described as a ‘ perfectly charming ’ ceremony .
28 With the dreadful simplicity that orders the movement Hegel erected as a system , society trots along before my eyes reproducing to perfection the mechanism of the death struggle : the reduction of a ‘ person , to a ‘ nobody ’ to the position of ‘ other ’ — the inexorable plot of racism .
29 Oswald , whom Bede regarded as the fifth overlord of the peoples south of the Humber and described as ruling within the same bounds as Eadwine ( HE 11 , 5 ) , clearly became on this testimony as powerful a ruler as Eadwine had been , but on his accession he faced an immediate challenge in midland and eastern England from Penda .
30 Despite the high incidence of recurrent haemorrhage in patients treated by both techniques only four of the 33 deaths in the study occurred as a result of bleeding varices .
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