Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Trent sprinted up the dock and spotted the President 's granddaughter .
2 Profit taking among construction groups wiped out the gains made in the wake of the Chancellor 's speech .
3 The chestnut-seller laid out the chestnuts on the grating to cool and then brought them over to Owen and Georgiades .
4 Housework is defended as ‘ real ’ and ‘ hard ’ work , a defence made all the more necessary because of the low status and value conventionally accorded to it .
5 BBC entertainment chief Jim Moir announced yesterday the programme will run until at least April 1994 .
6 The man who , up to then , had experienced 18 years as a player at the highest level revealed how the sack made him determined to prove he had not suddenly become second rate .
7 Colin fought back the inevitable question .
8 Only migratory birds sought out the marshes — in late summer on the way south to warmer climes and in early spring on the way north to breeding grounds .
9 On arrival , Stirling divided up the area between the two squadrons .
10 The driver sought out the agreed parking space which was as far away as possible from the canteen and shop complex .
11 While the fireman attended to a brew , the driver sought out the R.S.F. in his lair , and enquired the loco number ‘ 4913 ’ came the reply .
12 With singer Bradley acting out his Mozzer fantasies by lurching around on top of the monitors — only lacking a bunch of daffs stuffed down the back of his pants — their arrogance level has been hoisted a welcome couple of notches .
13 As Lisa laid down the phone her hand was shaking .
14 The captain of the guard led them on to the scaffold , a scrawny-faced clerk gabbled out the sentence of the court .
15 So even if Lisa made up the deliveries , there was no reason why she should make the connection .
16 In addition to specifying what the core should contain , the framework laid down the percentage of the timetable to be allocated to some subjects , for example , English and mathematics were each to be allocated ten per cent .
17 In July 1914 air travel was still a novelty to many people and during an outing by employees of an Accrington firm of billiard table makers to Blackpool , a deaf employee named Jack Hargreaves became possibly the first deaf man ever to go up in an aeroplane when he went up as a passenger in a two-seater Fokkers biplane piloted by a Mr. H. Blackburn .
18 In relation to Chloe , Pauline and Dan lived out the conflicts of their own adolescence .
19 As the heat of the afternoon penetrated even the cool heavy shutters and stone floors of the farmhouse , the feasting guests gradually reduced their assault on the table , and drowsiness floated in with the warm air , caught them in a soft hug and lulled them to sleep .
20 I 'd blown it , and I stood on stage in a semi-circle with the rest of the acts and an artificially bright smile , while the compère read out the marks awarded to each act by the three judges .
21 Frau Nordern asked when the hubbub had died down .
22 Photographs , coloured yarn and a short text made up the rest of the display .
23 Bernard stubbed out the cigarette and got to his feet .
24 Luce caught only the tail-end of Rosa 's murmur as the housekeeper slipped out , closing the door quietly behind her .
25 Between them Locke and Newton built up the mental picture of the universe which the educated classes in the eighteenth century absorbed as incontrovertible truth .
26 EAST GERMANY battened down the hatches yesterday on the eve of Mikhail Gorbachev 's arrival in its capital , Berlin , for the fortieth anniversary of the country 's creation .
27 John Stewart demonstrated how the budgetary environment can impact on the culture of public sector organisations .
28 The University had filed for patents , believing that millions of dollars could accrue if test-tube fusion were commercially practical , and the patent lawyers were concerned about what would happen if other groups found out the results and duplicated them .
29 Nutty found both the running and swimming hard , but had no option but to keep up with the boys .
30 She smiled , and her heart beat away the seconds , tick-tock , tick-tock , tick-tock .
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