Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 It did n't take much anaesthetic to render the exhausted patient unconscious , and , as Sophie made the first incision , she put aside her dislike of being critically watched by her professional rival and concentrated on her life-saving task .
2 Durham County champion Craig Kilgour made the first steps towards his comeback last weekend when he was among a number of county players who took part in a coaching session held by English Golf Union coach Bill Ferguson .
3 Formal veterinary instruction began in France in 1762 , when the world 's first veterinary school opened in Lyons , where a 24-year-old named Laurent Gaillard became the first pupil on 16 February .
4 It was presented , to Darlington Harrier Andy Campbell , when the race was established as an open event in 1904 and given to Duncan McLeod-Wright to keep when the Scottish runner became the first man to win three times , in 1929 .
5 The Norwegian biologist Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe made the first important observations on dominance , in the 1920s .
6 But in the new spate of glasnost , or openness , one of I T N's Moscow reporters , Bill Meely became the first European journalist to be shown inside the Lubyanka , the K G B's headquarters .
7 The 18-year-old 's enthusiasm made the first and third chances for Hendrie after 51 and 66 minutes .
8 Last year The Mary Whitehouse Experience became the first TV programme to be reported to the Broadcasting Standards Council after a derogatory sketch about Going For Gold star Henry Kelly was shown .
9 Lieutenant General Augustus Pitt-Rivers became the first official guardian of Britain 's heritage
10 Scott and a team including Chris Bonington made the first ascent in 1977 ; on the rock ridge of Shivling East Pillar ; Greg Child belayed on Lobsang Spire in the Karakoram — another first ascent for Scott in 1983 .
11 On July 1 Andorra became the first non-EC country to join the EC customs union , when a treaty signed in June 1990 [ see p. 37592 ] came into effect .
12 When W. S. Rockstro made the first thorough-going attempt at a life of Handel in 1883 , he had before him a list of no fewer than 53 likenesses made during the composer 's lifetime .
13 Ferguson became the first player to be sent off in the six-year reign of Scotland manager Andy Roxburgh .
14 As officials lit a cutting torch to destroy a Soviet-made armoured car and a cannon at a military base near Erfurt on Aug. 3 , Germany became the first country to destroy arms under the terms of the Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) treaty signed in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] .
15 Nine months later , Francis ' team dominated Canadian sprinting , and the following year Angella Taylor became the first of the group to reach world class .
16 In October Gen. Dmitri Yazov made the first visit to the USA by a Soviet Defence Minister , at the invitation of US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney .
17 Local types were beginning to be noticed , and in 1709 the English parliament passed the first of a series of Enclosure Acts which , indirectly , would lead to breed development by curtailing the traditional practice of communal grazing and random mating .
18 WASHINGTON — General Dmitri Yazov became the first Soviet defence minister to visit the US yesterday , beginning a week of talks as the guest of his opposite number , Dick Cheney , writes Marc Champion .
19 Last year , Campbell Christie became the first person to take complaints over GCHQ to the tribunals , naming a section at the communications centre , K24e , as being responsible for intercepting telexes sent by trade unionists in Eastern Europe .
20 The Boipatong massacre became the first major hurdle which rugby had to overcome and this led to the implementation of All Black and Wallaby tour conditions such a the minute 's silence prior to each test , the display of peace and democracy signed at match venues and in match programmes , the non-playing of national anthems and the removal of any official flying of the South African national flag .
21 In 1555 Primož Trubar made the first translation of the New Testament into Slovene and in 1584 a Slovene grammar was produced .
22 Wolsey met the first crisis by ordering the levy of a forced loan .
23 Ben made the first on-sight of Psycho ( ) and followed it up with on-sights of Genesis ( ) , Rainbow Wall ( ) , Your mother , Monument and Anarchiste ( all ) with Mark sharing the honours on Monument .
24 President Havel of Czechoslovakia became the first head of state on July 19 to ratify the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , signed by the six Warsaw Pact and 16 NATO member countries in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] , and which entailed sharp reductions in troops , tanks and weaponry .
25 He could hardly believe his bad luck though in the sixth frame as Wattana fluked the first red and proceeded to compile a total clearance of 136 , the highest break of the tournament so far .
26 Although Harriot drew the first map of the Moon as seen through the telescope , or glass , Galileo 's series of observations were the first serious scientific investigation of the Moon 's surface .
27 In 1822 , eight years after Thomas Lord [ q.v. ] had moved his famous turf to its last resting place at St John 's Wood , Aislabie became the first secretary of the MCC , the first sign of any real formality of organization .
28 In June 1988 , James Hansen became the first prominent atmospheric scientist to tell governments that the greenhouse effect had been confirmed ‘ with about 99 per cent confidence ’ ( Hansen et al. , 1988 ) .
29 Liverpool SC and Renegades shared the first leg spoils at 6–6 , and it was all square again in the second leg , which means it now goes to a three frame play-off at a date to be decided by the committee .
30 Opposition parties boycotted the first day of the budget session of the Lok Sabha on Feb. 21 , and two state governors were replaced earlier in the month , in connection with the decision to impose president 's rule in Tamil Nadu in late January [ see p. 37964 ] .
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