Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But by then he had already come to doubt whether Parliament shared the commitment he felt , with Harrison , to the kingdom of Christ on earth .
2 In 1635 Warner sought the patronage of William Cavendish , first Duke of Newcastle , and his brother Sir Charles Cavendish [ qq.v. ] , to whom he sent tracts on telescope construction and concave and convex glasses , receiving a reward of £20 .
3 Aldridge made no sign or sound as he went through to the airing cupboard to get himself a fresh towel .
4 Nenna made the tea and lit the wood stove .
5 One full-timer and three part-timers led the move , with a former guest editor and the ever-present — they had little else to do Hell 's Angels .
6 In most countries north of the Alps wine was the luxury of the rich , even though most of the wine drunk at this time was what we should call ‘ vin ordinaire ’ ; and even communion wine ( which had done so much to foster the growth of the northern vineyards ) was drunk less and less by the laity in these centuries , until communion in one kind became the rule .
7 The total is slightly up on 1991 when DEC sold a total of 5,225 workstations in the UK worth £47.9m — 3,855 of which were VAX/VMS workstations worth £33.1m , against just 1,470 Unix systems valued at £47.9m .
8 Given the constraints on space and the existence of two universities within the city , the University operates an informal zoning agreement with Oxford Brookes University , so that , for example , the University made no bid for a major site which was recognised as being crucial for the development of Oxford Brookes University .
9 Millwall boss Mick McCarthy made an approach for the striker three weeks ago , but was given the cold shoulder .
10 The television series Twin Peaks produced a rash of books that will be read in true page-turner style by legions of devotees .
11 A demand for dolphin meat for human consumption has been only a recent trend , but high transport costs from the remote Iki Island made the export of edible dolphin meat uneconomic .
12 JUSTIN FARTHING wasted no time picking up the winning thread following his disappointment at Aintree with the Martell Fox Hunters ' favourite , Rushing Wild .
13 The prayer made no difference .
14 As I said earlier this year , there will not be enough of any one crop to give self-sufficiency , but the contribution this small plot has made to the good budget has ten times repaid the outlay on seeds and materials .
15 Watching a small , speckled lizard sunning himself on the trunk of one of the trees , Luce made an attempt to push her uneasy fancies aside and fulfil her half of the bargain .
16 After Charibert 's death Leudast made the mistake of wishing to see Tours transferred to the kingdom of Chilperic .
17 The taxpayer transmitted the case stated to the High Court out of time and the Court was thus deprived of its jurisdiction to hear the appeal .
18 These repeated the proposals of the earlier memorandum and in addition recommended the disbanding of the National Advisory Committee , the suspension of the 1937 League conference and the replacement of the New Nation by a bulletin for League branches prepared by the National Organizer 's office .
19 Few of the specifics of the James proposals were implemented in the forms envisaged , but government acceptance of the principle of a degree structure to replace the certificate became the focus of debate and planning in the colleges and departments of education .
20 During World War II ICI operated a factory making anti-knock additives for aviation fuel and Gibson was in charge of the process work .
21 Whittaker got the recognition he deserved when he was invited to accompany the England team to Canada in 1931 .
22 The driver led the way , turning around periodically to check that the others were with him .
23 The documents sent to Mr Dalyell concerned the sinking of the Argentine warship General Belgrano during the Falklands conflict .
24 Claude Duclos wiped the champagne froth from his mustache with the back of his hand and refilled their glasses .
25 On March 12 Hawke announced a package of market-liberalization measures designed to make the economy more competitive and to reduce the current account deficit .
26 In its first full financial year , RBIC made a profit of more than £4 million but even better results are promised .
27 A CAR salesman sold a vehicle under a false description , a court heard yesterday .
28 The only judgments concerned a feeling of ‘ warmth ’ in which there was a clear discrimination between the ‘ frame ’ and the ‘ interior ’ ; ‘ bright-dull ’ , ‘ makes use of colour ’ and ‘ made by flicks of the brush ’ .
29 It was also true that the France of de Gaulle was trying to reverse her military defeat in 1940 by winning hegemony in post-war Western Europe by political means ; and her partners in the EEC lacked the unity needed to stand up to her .
30 For example , in Birmingham in 1973 a young mugger was sentenced to a draconian 20 years ' detention amid enormous publicity , and yet this sentence made no difference to the incidence of mugging offences in Birmingham or in other areas ( Baxter and Nuttall , 1975 ; Beyleveld , 1990 : 157 ) .
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