Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 At the moment , at least , it seems that gravity can be unified with the other physical interactions only in some supergravity theory .
2 If one is willing to discard the possibility of Picasso having focused his attention on these particular heads in the Louvre — and this is unlikely since they were not shown on the ground floor like the Osuna reliefs , the Dama de Elche and other important Iberian pieces , but in a small room in the basement together with some twenty other heads — his acquisition of them is useful in establishing a chronological sequence for the painting of the different sections of the Demoiselles .
3 And the insane , uncontrollable screaming of ‘ I 'm gon na be a pop star might be a bit much for some .
4 Notice that we have mentioned two ways of specifying an operation to be performed : by having various lengths of operation code field , or by having a fixed length operation code field together with some form of subsidiary information field .
5 Martin sat down ; he had been wanting to get to know Sarah better for some time and this seemed like a good opportunity .
6 The wing had stopped off in Germany merely for some flaps to be fitted .
7 We had developed this principle by joining lumps of plastic explosive together with some machine gun cartridges to make a simple anti-personnel charge .
8 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
9 Taken at the Contract 's Division annual sales conference in March , the photograph shows the Stoddard Mercia Sales Force together with some of the back-up team , including designers from London , Runcorn and Elderslie .
10 But if , and most of are I 'm sure that we 've come today with some thorn in our flesh somewhere , some worry , some difficulty or a disappointment perhaps of some kind , then just remember that in all things God works together for good with those who love him , and for that rejoice and give thanks , and again I say , rejoice .
11 It 's a vicious circle from which the only escape is to bring all parties together with some common framework such as Eureka with the prospect of Government support in order to reduce the very real financial risks involved .
12 After a frightful red-headed youth with a beard had taken Hyacinth away to some dance , the party had broken up , though not before Grunte , who was tight , had made a speech about ‘ many years of close friendship … a happy ship … a united party ’ and much more of the same .
13 Edwards also states that he is being driven by environmental concern and that climbers are wearing the crags away in some place .
14 Thanks largely to some generous donations from absent well-wishers , we also made more money than last year .
15 It was well known how these sinister plasteel cadavers could house Stealer broods , adrift for centuries or millennia till a fluke of the warp vomited the derelict into truespace close to some vulnerable world .
16 A shirt right , okay , but really good words now from some of the things he 's told us like going
17 Lawrence came on as replacement and was thrust into the action immediately with some solid tackling as Bishop 's Stortford started to attack .
18 EMBOLDENED by the election result , that near-extinct breed , the yuppie , is taking its first tentative steps abroad for some time .
19 There was a seal there in some water , a great herring gull with a damaged foot , and other creatures .
20 In bed in hostel in Lausanne — had a most restful evening , did n't have any tea apart from some crisps and an apple , and sat down by Lac Leman for a couple of hours or so , taking in the evening sun and reading 's book .
21 [ Vera Brittain , Testament of Friendship : the Story of Winifred Holtby , 1940 ; Geoffrey Handley-Taylor , Winifred Holtby : a Concise and Selected Bibliography together with some Letters , 1955 ; Paul Berry and Alan Bishop ( eds . ) ,
22 Cut 4cm ( 1½inches ) off the ends of two of the rectangular cakes and sandwich all four cakes together with some of the buttercream , the shorter ones on top , centred widthways but aligned at one end .
23 On this view , one of the more important problems of methods is to relate these various elements together through some inferential apparatus in systematic ways .
24 He stopped in his tracks , scanned the window opposite for some minutes , then turned to walk into the building much more slowly and thoughtfully than before .
25 Do you handle these emotions better in some situations than in others ?
26 The sight of half-a-dozen ‘ Airknockers ’ , all clattering around the circuit together at some future PFA Rally , will be something wondrous to behold — and listen to .
27 Following the success of our 1990 cruise we have included many of the most successful visits together with some new ports of call .
28 During the life-cycle of the family it was easier to maintain a home ashore at some times than at others .
29 Ideology provides the justification and politics the means for shifts in economic outcomes — redistribution of income and wealth away from some sectors and groups towards others .
30 The structural contradiction does not produce its effects directly in some mechanical and impersonal fashion , but is the source of a conscious struggle between classes , and this struggle is influenced by numerous other social and cultural factors .
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