Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Cardiff slowly pushed at the door , widening the thin jet-black wedge .
2 This is the position that Djilas eventually arrives at , arguing that because ‘ property ’ meant the use , enjoyment and disposition of material goods , and the communist political bureaucracy uses , enjoys and disposes of collectivized property through the organizational medium of state administrative institutions , it obtains its power and privileges from the collective ownership of state property and therefore constitutes a new class ( Djilas 1957 ) .
3 Employers constantly gnawed at the high level of wages which had been built up during the First World War .
4 A roe deer came down into reeds opposite to munch at green stuff .
5 But Dierdriu only smiled at him , and Fergus saw that it was the cruel , charming smile of her ancestors , who had lain with the wolves .
6 The Germans naturally excelled at a style developed by themselves ; most commonly this was a simplification of Gothic features .
7 A fixed-term contract naturally expires at the end of the contract period .
8 His elbows were on the table edge , his heavily ringed fingers idly scratching at a thick black beard as though it aided his concentration .
9 A local dental surgeon , Mr. Williams , was kind enough to attend at Dr. Prior 's request and he administered the gas gratuitously .
10 In general , though , it was considered taboo — a place scientists should not tread — until the tide apparently turned at the 1986 international conference of human geneticists in Berlin , where participants openly discussed the possibilities .
11 Down below , thieves , assassins , trolls and merchants all realised at about the same moment that they were in a room made treacherous of foothold by gold coins and containing something , among the suddenly menacing shapes in the semi-darkness , that was absolutely horrible .
12 Fortunately the two groups only met at one session .
13 Acting as Port Agent for P&O Cruises for the first time , Ellerman & Bucknall were responsible for a range of activities all aimed at ensuring a trouble free visit for Canberra in both Durban and Cape Town .
14 I relished the moment during a rehearsal once when Mel Brooks suddenly boomed at the researcher , ‘ Judith — go to my dressing-room and put on that thing I bought you ! ’
15 It took her some time to get used to that but she got the knack of it in the end , and they spent hours together shooting at marks , or at rabbits on the Down or pigeons in the high trees at the forest edge .
16 Corbett secretly marvelled at the cool composure of his opponent .
17 Wordsworth explains how his own mind slowly arrived at maturity , how he dedicated himself to poetry , and how after being diverted by Cambridge , France and Godwinism , his imagination was restored , a vision of the eternal Mind granted to him on Snowdon ( Prelude 1805 , xiii , 1–119 ) and his poetic vocation assured .
18 The mind rather boggles at what might happen should this expedition not be a success — and the odds are not all that good that it will bring back the Bledisloe Cup from Australia or a one-test rubber win from South Africa .
19 At night , while John 's impatient body sleeps , I listen to the waves loosely slapping at the side of the stilled ship .
20 When he came to look at the poem Miss Gilberd had intended to teach , Toby rather wondered at her judgement .
21 In 1987/88 , 80% of all modules were completed with full success — and 75% of the candidates successfully completed at least one module and therefore received a National Certificate .
22 ‘ To my mind , ’ she wrote , ‘ he has all the qualities of a leading man that the British film industry badly needs at this juncture : youth , good looks , a photogenic face , obviously alert intelligence and a trick of getting the maximum effect with the minimum of fuss . ’
23 The oars dipped unhurriedly in the calm water , and when the boat eventually arrived at the shore there was a further infuriating delay before the procession formed up and began making its way round the harbour to Ballingolin .
24 The ratings are only approximate and even where manufacturers quote a temperature as ‘ good down to … ’ these refer only to valley performances so camping at higher levels will require a warmer bag .
25 Scott merely glared at the DI .
26 Robert , the mind literally boggles at those distances mine does , anyway .
27 Whittaker , his chairman Geoff Mulcahy and late chairman John Beckett all worked at Tate 's rival , British Sugar , before taking over Kingfisher 10 years ago .
28 As the cell proceeds down a pathway genes are switched on and off reflecting an internal programme , for external signals only act at the branch points , directing the cell along one or other of the paths open to it .
29 When she tapped him on the arm he turned swiftly , his eyes suddenly narrowed at the sight of her .
30 His clients all rushed at him together .
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