Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] bring [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The general secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress will need all his negotiating skills to bring together a Board ripped apart , following the sacking of three directors by major shareholders George and Hamish Deans last week .
2 The auction houses bring out six long-held major estates to tempt collectors
3 One such trip was during the first week that Mr. Shipsey started his business — the bakery door was open and Dad and I stood and watched the proceedings , I gazed in amazement as the tin loaves were drawn from the oven , trays of currant buns brought out , brushed with sugar water applied by a three inch brush and doughnuts sprinkled with sugar .
4 According to the report Kuomintang troops brought over from the mainland massacred between 18,000 and 28,000 people following what was deemed to be a Communist-inspired rebellion which began on Feb. 28 , 1947 .
5 Updated refresher training sessions were held for plant operators and new reporting procedures brought in to cover routine monitoring .
6 A little out of it is the Gate House , built in the local Surrey style by Hugh Baillie Scott , for a refined and progressive family who were among the new wave of Surrey homesteaders brought here by suburban railways , and hence having the possibility of commuting .
7 Five management personnel brought in a local French teacher , Eileen Hutchinson through Pontefract company ‘ Communication 92 ’ to lead them through two hours of French instruction each week using a text book and cassette tape course .
8 Measles is particularly sensitive to the nutritional status of the victim ; which helps explain its decline and also its marked social class gradient ; in 1931 mortality from measles in social class V was 20 times that of children in social class I. The fall in family size probably helped the decline of this and other childhood diseases ; fewer younger and vulnerable siblings would be infected at home by playground infections brought home by older children ( Gale 1959 ) .
9 The maturity analysis of commercial assets is one of the disclosure changes brought about by the directive ; another is the inclusion on the face of the balance sheet by way of memorandum of contingent liabilities and commitments .
10 The Authority missed the opportunity to use PNP resources to bring about change here : it needs now to explore other avenues .
11 We will establish regional technology transfer centres to bring together the resources of industry , colleges , and government labs .
12 The second factor was the change in the Ministry of Defence 's decision-making processes brought about by the increasing complexity of Defence issues .
13 It is also important to decide whether the particular issue warrants bringing out all the big guns .
14 Some help is given at the Driving Instructors ' Association test day , where approved instructors can road test vehicles brought along by manufacturers and importers .
15 On the other hand , it might be seen as an opportunity to enhance family life by the more equal opportunities offered to women to take up employment , as well as bringing up a family ; or by the enriched experiences children bring back into the family as a result of their attendance at nursery school or playgroup .
16 A day of B westerns brought in fans by the droves .
17 Furthermore , costs in handling cargoes , the transfer complications brought about by different lock widths and the supplementary road haulage costs , however short the distances , mean that the simple ton-mile difference between quoted road and canal rates represents a gross rather than a net saving .
18 On one occasion I had some winter clothes brought in and it did take up literally half the visit , sorting all that out , and arguing about what I could and could n't have .
19 Liberal licensing laws brought in to entice European visitors to Culture Club mean Glaswegians are experiencing unprecedented freedom to party .
20 By 1294 there already existed at Rouen , on the river Seine , a shipyard controlled by the king and employing specialist ship-builders brought in from Genoa .
21 It was n't as awful as she 'd anticipated , partly because she greatly admired Raimondo 's talent , partly because the audience was so small , just the sheikh , his wives , a handful of retainers , and a couple of the sheikh 's Italian business associates brought along to translate — although one of the businessmen kept giving her glances that made her uncomfortable .
22 This is usually due to fuel shortages brought about by excessive exports of Romania 's home-produced oil .
23 The relaxation of east-west tensions brought about by the ending of the cold war has meant that the fear of nuclear war has receded from public consciousness .
24 MALCOLM ALLISON has advised Bristol Rovers to bring in Manchester City coach Tony Book to link up with him as a joint managerial team .
25 These were mostly dealt with from 1800 onwards as the high prices of the war years brought more and more marginal land into cultivation .
26 These findings add urgency to UN negotiations to bring forward a global ban on CFCs and related chemicals under the Montreal Protocol .
27 Late on the 14th and during the 15th and 16th a further series of Atlantic troughs brought extremely changeable and , at times , very windy weather back to all parts .
28 The above three case studies bring out a number of points about resourcing the public sector which demonstrate that resourcing issues are not the sole province of the technical experts in the area : accountants and economists .
29 He was , he said , greatly encouraged that the publication , last April , of a US paperback edition of The Satanic Verses by Consortium Incorporated — a group of over 70 publishers , writers and human rights groups brought together under the auspices of the Authors Guild in New York — passed off without any significant protest .
30 TOP pension fund managers are having to consider shifting funds into government gilt-edged stock as a result of the fall in the yield on UK equities brought about by changes announced in Tuesday 's Budget .
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