Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] call [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The National Co-ordination Committee of Opposition Groups called for a day of civil disobedience on April 15 and for a general strike — " Operation dead cities " — on April 18 and 19 , which appeared to be widely observed .
2 In the context of political campaigning for parliamentary elections to be held on Oct. 13 , opposition groups called for the banning of the Bulgarian Communist Party and other hardline groups which did support the Soviet coup .
3 Under pressure from Western donor governments and from opposition groups calling for the restoration of multiparty civilian government , the PNDC on July 5 , 1990 , announced the opening of " a national discussion on the country 's political future " with the purpose of developing an " authentic , African brand of democracy " .
4 Despite a warning that the government would act " immediately and resolutely " if the unrest continued , there were further protests in Seoul and elsewhere in the ensuing days as a coalition of student and dissidents groups called for the overthrow of the Roh government .
5 At the end a section of the Coleraine fans called for the resignation of manager Billy Sinclair .
6 Oh I should think it would be the best part of an hour and er then I 'd go along Street down into Walker Brothers call in my father 's office .
7 On June 11 in Sofia , after the first round of elections , as many as 100,000 students and opposition supporters called for fresh elections to be held .
8 Rallies had been held repeatedly since March 26 in Dushanbe , the capital , organized by the opposition parties calling for the resignation of the Supreme Soviet Chair , Sarafali Kenjayev .
9 Opposition parties called for stricter curbs on pollution .
10 The report prompted opposition parties to call for the immediate resignation of the Finance Minister , Manmohan Singh , and the governor of the Reserve Bank .
11 The opposition CDS called on Alfonso Guerra , a close friend of the Prime Minister Felipe González , to accept " political responsibility " for the affair and resign .
12 The Aberdeen and Shetland mail steamers call at Wick Bay , weather permitting ; this clause has a deep meaning in it , as many can witness who have seen how the waves break on that shore at times .
13 The trunk lines called for stations of all sizes from small lean-to flag stations to large city termini .
14 Payments due in 1990 and up to March 1991 were rescheduled over 14 years with an eight-year grace period , and the Paris Club governments called on commercial banks to make an equally exceptional response to Poland 's needs , as well as to keep closely under review the country 's likely rescheduling needs for the period after March 1991 .
15 Up to 300,000 people heard speeches by leaders of nationalist organizations and senior CPL officials calling for the restoration of Lithuania 's full independence from the Soviet Union .
16 TWO gunmen shot dead a leading opponent of the Iranian government in Rome yesterday and other Iranian opposition figures called on the Italian authorities to close Iran 's embassy and arrest its ambassador .
17 It was put repeatedly to the psychologist witnesses called by the defence that whatever the tests might say those present could form as good an impression of Mr X 's intelligence from observing his behaviour in the witness box .
18 He had been under attack from right-wing politicians for some time , in particular for signing an appeal by a wide range of opposition forces calling for greater democracy in Hungary .
19 Opposition leaders called on the two ministers at the ministry of justice to resign .
20 Other opposition leaders called for foreign observers to monitor the elections .
21 Opposition leaders called for an investigation after Namaliu , who had been trailing 1,600 votes behind rival candidate Oscar Tammur at an early stage of the count , secured victory following an unexplained power blackout while the final ballot boxes were being processed .
22 Sotheby 's can ill afford to have its auction prices called into question .
23 So that even when suspicions had been roused and blood tests called for , Marie was convinced the baby she was nurturing was her own .
24 Other Opposition MPs called for the Ombudsman to investigate the issue and for Mr Robert Jackson , higher education minister and the scheme 's author , to resign .
25 Opposition politicians called for the dissolution of parliament and the holding of fresh elections .
26 The inability of the PPP — dominated provincial government to handle the crisis led opposition politicians to call for its immediate dismissal and prompted the army to press in June for full emergency powers to check the spiralling communal violence .
27 The Dispatch led with the headline : ‘ Teacher and the Girls She Told ’ , and carried a picture of the wicked Miss Outram surrounded by her innocent young charges , while The Derbyshire Times called for the Board of Education to step in to arbitrate .
28 Successful targeting of unemployment benefit policies calls for analysis at the individual level .
29 People have a range of abilities , and higher management posts call for an all round capability , not least of which is the ability to draw resources together , and to lead .
30 ANC officials called for police help during the weekend of April 13-14 when some 500 armed Inkatha supporters attacked a workers ' hostel near the Mandelas ' home in Soweto .
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