Example sentences of "[noun] [art] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 However if this undefined elephant arises , bearing in mind the time the development planning process takes , is it reasonable to think that the elephant would wait around long enough for that to happen ?
2 Clients must be notified of major changes in the membership of a firm , though this rule does not compel a firm with more than a few partners to incur the expense of notifying all its clients every time a partner retires or joins , though there may , of course , be good commercial reasons for doing just that .
3 Star Macaulay Culkin will get a cut every time a toy , poster or T-shirt is sold .
4 So it 's no wonder the 12-year-old multi-millionaire who plays Kevin McAllister in the film is smiling because he gets a cut every time a till jingles with another toy , poster or T-shirt sold .
5 Thus the forecast 's window of 12 months rolls forward three months every time the forecast is updated , and the balance of the previous periods ' forecasts still within the new window are automatically updated as well .
6 To report from the front , there is now a gadget that can be fitted to your refrigerator that makes a noise like a pig every time the door is opened .
7 Here we had a poor suffering sergeant — he suffered a very great deal every time a new ‘ shower ’ like this lot came his way — just on the verge of retirement .
8 Learning : This consists just of adding a new pair ( I , J ) to the set R every time the robot moves to a new position .
9 I 'm just wondering er the statutory instruments we 're passing tonight er and I did raise this point to the minister about the drain on the private sector every time a rule and regulation is passed .
10 There seems to be a sense running through all these research reports that teachers regard boys ' behaviour in school , whether it be groaning in unison every time a girl answers a question , or physically harassing female pupils , as quite natural and inevitable .
11 They effectively stretched the bones every time the pins were turned .
12 When they formed the Army Education Corp , during the war , they er , they wore uniform , most of them were warrant officers , and soldiers but in uniform you could come out I mean , they been ordinary soldiers , but they 'd been put put on a charge every time the saw them , you know .
13 The most useful is the automatic mode : by keeping the trigger gently depressed , the tool will fire a staple every time the nose is pushed on to a surface .
14 I have a sense of failure every time a bomb goes off , in Northern Ireland or here ; but more so here .
15 ‘ It 's the Best Exercise ! ’ was what she yelled at Robert every time the Dobermann came for Badger at about thirty miles an hour with the clearly expressed intention of biting his head off .
16 London ! ’ cried Victoria every time the train , a slow , halting , bucolic train , drew to a standstill , either at a drowsy country station where cow parsley foamed along the line or simply nowhere , among the fields , to have a little rest .
17 He did n't tell her it broke his heart every time the Argentines hurt a horse or he saw a terrified stray dog racing by the side of the road .
18 The spatial data is extracted from the CAD part file , automatically providing an update every time a new part is added to the assembly design .
19 ‘ It is not enough for blue-suited ministers to rush for cover into the ivory towers of Whitehall every time a controversy blows up .
20 Staring through the streaming window , Nell gritted her teeth every time the bows pushed out over the top of a big wave , only to hang in space before dropping away into the sixty-odd feet of the following trough that seemed to her a mile deep .
21 It was true that the happy-go-lucky dockers , working for a few pennies every time a ship came in , were being watched carefully by Captain Robins on the bridge , but it all seemed rather haphazard , as though I would be lucky if I ever found all my trunks .
22 Did you notice how their attacker with long hair seemed to crouch down and try to catch the ball every time a ball came near , Fairclough was excellent at marking him , I think they wore the same pair of shorts !
23 Two czarist officers , bulky in their comic-opera uniforms , solemnly played Russian roulette , each downing a drink every time the firing pin of their revolver came down on an empty chamber .
24 These are the most frequently used records and involve making a mark every time a specified behaviour is witnessed .
25 Even at 70 to ninety pounds a time the models are a monster success .
26 Piers cleaned out his ear with his little finger and then leant on his elbow with his forehead on outstretched fingers — and shook his head every time the instrument ( I did n't know what it was then ) vibrated .
27 Pedestrians scampered blindly across the road to catch waiting buses , the cars jerked ahead a few yards every time the traffic lights turned to green .
28 They believe they would not have achieved so much had they tried to score points by claiming victory every time an amendment was made or a change was accepted .
29 C'zinsit had presented the same argument every time the topic was mentioned .
30 It is no good not following those rules and then worrying when your teenager is not back at the expected time , looking nervously at the clock and twitching the curtains every time a car pulls up in your road .
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