Example sentences of "[noun] [art] [noun pl] or " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , in each case the sufferers or recovering persons may be the last people to be aware of these changes in themselves .
2 Anyway , in case the police or the soldiers stop you , better for both of us if I 'm not your passenger . ‘
3 This means that at whatever level the stresses or insults initially attack the system , the effects , if the body is strong enough , will be confined to the physical plane .
4 In some ways it resembles a barchan ( see Chapter 11 ) , but the arms trail , whereas in a barchan the arms or horns lead : the barchan presents its convex face to the wind , the parabolic dune its concave face .
5 If as a result of that provision the trustees or the majority of them are deemed , in relation to the trust , not to be resident in the United Kingdom , the provision goes on further to provide that the general administration of the trust shall be treated as ordinarily carried on outside the United Kingdom .
6 to rebuild and reinstate at its own expense the Premises or the part destroyed or damaged to the reasonable satisfaction and under the supervision of the Surveyor the Tenant being allowed towards the expenses of so doing upon such rebuilding and reinstatement being completed the amount ( if any ) actually received in respect of such destruction or damage under any such insurance policy or
7 So with projection we run into the future the plans or actions that we have conceived .
8 I think it is certainly the members er input is required to balance and weight perhaps individual criteria when they have a body er of information before them , but certainly er there is no intention to er er to er weight the criteria or to imply that er one is er more or less important than twelve .
9 If the following clause is included ( which is stated in the precedent possibly to be inappropriate where the premises form part of a larger building or centre ) , the following comments will apply : [ 7.7.9 if and whenever during the Term the Premises or any part of them are damaged or destroyed by an Insured Risk and the insurance money under the policy of insurance effected by the Landlord pursuant to [ its ] obligations contained in this Lease is by reason of any act or default of the Tenant or anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] wholly or partially irrecoverable immediately in every such case ( at the option of the Landlord ) either :
10 Tap the keys as indicated by the boxes rather than typing the letters : eg do not type the letters or the plus sign in Alt+U
11 1.18 " Restrictions " means all matters affecting the Site or the Premises or their use registered or capable of registration as local land charges and all notices charges orders resolutions demands proposals requirements regulations restrictions agreements directions or other matters affecting the Site the Premises or their use or affecting the Works served or made by any local or other competent authority or otherwise arising under any statute or any regulation or order made under any statute
12 Orcadian dialect it 's often said has no words of endearment no dears or darlings but I think perhaps came as near to it as any word .
13 Dual Income No Kids or some such nonsense .
14 Nevertheless , visiting hours were an ordeal far more to be dreaded than the occasional unattractive things the doctors or nurses came and did to me .
15 Erm a cultural diversity report which lists for example the events or and film erm which relate to erm that aspect of our policy .
16 They required for authentication the subscriptions or signatures of the cardinals , the token signature of the pope and an elaborate dating clause by the chancellor .
17 G. caputmedusae differs from G. arcticus ( Fig. 8 ) as follows : the arms are densely covered in granules which are absent or sparse in G. arcticus ; in G. arcticus the granules or low spinelets are confined to the radial shields with a very sparse scattering of smaller granules interradially .
18 These represent in most instances the crofts or separate paddocks of half an acre to an acre in size which have been hedged around since medieval times .
19 After sewing the neck shape I either overlock the shoulders or pick up the stitches on a darning needle using the same colour yarn .
20 Additionally , Rule 5 — 30(2) requires that in respect of a warrant or derivative , before a firm : ( a ) recommends a transaction ; ( b ) arranges or executes a transaction ( even if it has not recommended it ) ; or ( c ) acts as a discretionary manager ; it must have sent the private customer a Warrants or Derivatives Risk Warning Notice and obtained a copy signed by the customer so that the firm is satisfied that the customer has had a proper opportunity to consider its terms .
21 It 's eivver the workers or the bosses .
22 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
23 Children , too , were rather expected to play , and to play quietly , behind the house no balls or tin trumpets were ever to be left on the gravel sweep .
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