Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] then [art] " in BNC.

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1 State agencies other then the Ministry of Internal Affairs , furthermore , either had become convinced that the government would run more risks by abandoning reform than it would by continuing with it , or were acquiring ministers whose commitment to change was actually greater than that of their predecessors .
2 They 're just the same with the police force , there could be er , er , an increase in police pay , or there could be any , a very large incident which would require planning , if these happen then it has always been the case , if there was n't the money available then a precept could be put upon us as a local authorities to er , cover that erm , directly .
3 If you get the height right then the width seems preposterous .
4 If there was no map information available then the order and orientation of the contigs was random , but the order of probes within each contig was stable .
5 Is it thirteen foot wide then the room ?
6 If we call the forward steps positive and the backward ones negative then the final position may lie anywhere between +n and -n steps from the origin .
7 First , ideas are actually put into operation in the practical domain arid then the consequences are monitored in a second process of evaluation , this time directed at establishing the practical effect of the ideas as operationally realized .
8 Residential living does need to feel comfortable ; if the food and customs are inappropriate and the language incomprehensible then the elderly person is unlikely to settle down .
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