Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The atmosphere which is evoked in the reading of the poem is one of hopelessness , of resignation , of dark depression and sadness alleviated only by the concluding couplet through which we understand that although oncoming death seems to ‘ take away ’ everything from him , his beloved still remains and can see the glimmers of life through desolation .
2 Like the faith for which they argue , the best books are there not to collect dust but to stretch minds and to shed light .
3 However , he thought that this meaning had evolved from the original word for a straight track , via the clearing of the woodland through which it passed , to the more common present-day meaning .
4 There is a one-day familiarisation course during which they are introduced to their supervisors , other staff members and postgraduates already on the course .
5 By introducing a programme for the training of drawing teachers in 1871 , the school opened up a vocation to women : a vocation through which they could attempt to have more secure incomes .
6 In marital therapy it is often noticeable that although a couple are asking for help to sort out their problem , so that they may have the closeness and intimacy for which they yearn , fear overcomes hope , and whenever things start to improve one of them can be relied upon to start up the next quarrel .
7 Does it not add to the reasons for which they have to act , and to the considerations which may justify their authority ?
8 Those who do their best but , for reasons for which they may not be to blame , are not temperamentally suited to deep involvement in the special problems of the elderly , may have other talents for caring .
9 We would ask the reader to bear in mind from the outset , however , that we write from the viewpoint of the English urban sub-culture , in which we are not only fieldworkers and observers but life members ; nevertheless , we believe that the English and American complexes of parental experience show very many points of coincidence , both historically and contemporaneously , both in the things that parents do and in the reasons for which they do them : and that , therefore , a discussion in these terms will have a validity for parent-child behaviour on both sides of the Atlantic .
10 I now set out the reasons for which I agreed that the appeal should be allowed .
11 The reasons for which it is drawn influence the way it is drawn .
12 It 's an inset problem , and therefore one is looking inevitably at the reasons for which you can moved an inset boundary , supposing that one already exists , which it does n't , but let us suppose it does .
13 By his own account , after much expenditure of charcoal and years of failure , he discovered a powder through which he made a successful projection of sufficient gold to pay off his creditors .
14 ‘ Doone phoned me yesterday to say he 'd been to the boatyard and taken away some objects for which he would give me a receipt . ’
15 The general election will be the opportunity for which we have waited .
16 Problems with a terminal or page printer would be considered a lower level problem than a problem with the disk units or processor for which we have no spares .
17 These examples gave the journalists the story for which they were looking , and they used them in headlines to show that our Report was against the teaching of grammar and ‘ correct ’ English , and that we favoured a policy of ‘ anything goes ’ .
18 These six activity books provide children who are beginning to learn English with a wide range of activities through which they can practise English grammar and vocabulary , and develop their reading and writing skills .
19 Unfortunately , the survey did not ask them if they sold the products about which they said they had received insufficient training .
20 It was not enough to have modern weapons and ‘ the best of young Irishmen ’ if the people did not understand the nature of the freedom for which they were fighting and that
21 She knew the part for which she was cast was that of the self-sacrificing heroine , encouraging the man she loved in his spiritual aspirations ; but she withheld the words of sympathy and understanding .
22 The alternative name for a close relation , Hamburg parsley , is turnip-rooted , the root being the part for which it is grown , and ordinary parsley tends to follow the same root pattern .
23 The second and third albums , ‘ Freewheelin ’ ( 1962 ) and ‘ The Times They are a Changin ’ ( 1963 ) , established him as a real and original talent , as both singer and songwriter , with a message that seemed as arresting and vital as the times through which he was fortunate to be living .
24 Dr ‘ Bothwell ’ Because we 're so over-burdened by relative trivia and social problems , we can not utilise the skills for which we 're trained … we 're trained to treat medical problems …
25 Instead of employing the skills for which he is well paid , he passed to an offside Mo Johnston .
26 But what is peculiar to the doctor is that the successful action , the save , is seen to be brought about through the use of the esoteric skills for which he trained and which , by and large , remain untested and unused .
27 It is in this area that more clinical research might most profitably be done , for these are complex psychological phenomena about which we have little certainty .
28 Accordingly , the proposed Second Banking and Investment Services Directives prohibit member states from subjecting firms from other member states which wish to set up branches or provide cross-border services in their jurisdiction to their own authorisation requirements in the case of activities for which they are already authorised by their home member state .
29 ‘ A system to convert data from internal and external sources into information and to communicate that information , in an appropriate form , to managers at all levels in all functions to enable them to make timely and effective decisions for planning , directing and controlling the activities for which they are responsible . ’
30 In addition to their knowledge and expertise in the activities for which they are currently employed , many have additional relevant experience ( botanical , geological , horticultural ) gained from previous employ or personal endeavour .
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