Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] her head " in BNC.

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1 She had a cloud of short hair curving in clinging waves about her head , the colour of barley silk , and under the feathery fringe her forehead bulged childishly , with room in it for a notable brain , the one thing about her that was not suavely curved and ivory-smooth .
2 She dismissed me with a jerk of her head and took the call .
3 She looked around for Rosa ; and sighed when Sabina indicated , with a jerk of her head , that she was in her room , and fuming .
4 ‘ The old girl left us in the dark , ’ said Iris with a jerk of her head towards the empty desk .
5 With a peremptory jerk of her head , and a wordless signal of command , Rainbow 's dancing partner orders me out of my subject and into the nearest dark comer .
6 She glared at himone short , singeing glare of her black eyes , and her hair swinging round the jerk of her head .
7 The hair fell to just above the nipples that protruded slightly through the black nylon , and a silver streak on the right side of her head matched the silver of the dumb-bells when they caught the light .
8 Maisie asked , scratching the side of her head .
9 She stood in the open door , fists up on either side of her head , banging it , banging it hard , and wailing , " No , no , no , oh no …
10 She started to turn , just in time to glimpse and duck beneath the hairy forearm that was sweeping towards the side of her head .
11 Unease stretched out in Chesarynth 's body ; a pulse beat in the side of her head .
12 Nothing was ordinary , nothing was expected , except for her two black legs and the black plaits on each side of her head .
13 She appeared to have been holding a makeshift icepack to the side of her head and a couple of the cubes had skidded out of reach and begun to melt , almost as if she 'd been in too much of a hurry to stretch over for them .
14 ‘ Not that , either , ’ she said , and she tapped the side of her head with a forefinger .
15 Her cheeks were pink , and a couple of coils of copper hair had fallen from her hairdo , one on each side of her head .
16 She beat the side of her head with her fist , and shouted , ‘ What an idiot I 've been !
17 ‘ You bring out the worst in me , woman , ’ he said , leaning over her and supporting himself on his hands , one on either side of her head , trapping her .
18 ‘ The only need I have where you 're concerned is for you to leave me alone , Luke — ’ She froze momentarily as he lifted a hand , passing light fingers over the bright satiny curls at one side of her head .
19 His other hand flattened against the trunk at the side of her head and he stared down at her , his eyes brilliant with the anger sparking in their depths , his mouth firm , only inches away from her own .
20 Gripping her wrists , he pushed them up on either side of her head , and swooped down to kiss her fiercely , with devastating thoroughness .
21 She swallowed again and tried to ignore the terrible sharp pain that was twisting viciously into the side of her head .
22 Squatting in the soil , knees bent double either side of her head , intent on her hands working between her legs , Carolyn could have been taken for only half her age .
23 It divided into two , then curled back on each side of her head , bursting into bud , then leaf , to wrap around her skull .
24 ‘ Make way for the Lord Mayor , ’ she said one day on the front steps , as she moved her bucket aside , and he , bending over her , said , ‘ Many a true word spoken in jest , Rosie , ’ to which she had reacted quickly , saying , ‘ Yes , Mr Jones ; but those who sit on horsehair chairs generally get their bums scratched , ’ bringing from him the reaction of a push on the side of her head and their laughing together .
25 ‘ That 's better , ’ he murmured against the side of her head .
26 His fingers came out and hovered at the side of her head .
27 ‘ She 'll leave me , ’ he said brokenly against the side of her head .
28 A clutch of sweet-scented jasmine twined in her hair on one side of her head uplifted and upgraded her sundress .
29 Raper shouted a string of obscenities at the woman , then threw an ashtray at her , striking her on the side of her head and causing bad bruising .
30 Overwhelmed by the viciousness of the attack , Pearl Heart could only manage a slight bob of her head .
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