Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Preparation for the latter may be regarded as a matter of self-training : it needs a comprehensive and co-ordinated approach to all aspects of planning , one which covers curriculum and assessment , teaching , management and organization , finance and resources .
2 UK hotel companies are anxiously awaiting the outcome of round one in the bidding for the former East German hotel group Interhotel .
3 The 71000 Trust are looking forward to a number of other interesting activities during the latter half of 1992 .
4 It was probably through the patronage of John Prideaux that Calandrini came into contact with James Ussher [ q.v. ] , later archbishop of Armagh , whom he assisted in his scholarly activities during the latter 's three-year stay in London .
5 St Ives last week reported pretax profits of £10.5m for the half year ended 29th January 1993 , an increase of 4.1% over the same period last year .
6 Whatever the reasons for the latter , Labour was able to fill the political vacuum created , not as an automatic or natural beneficiary , but because of the electoral advances gained from growth of the trade unions .
7 Coopers & Lybrand 's insolvency team has analysed the reasons for the many unnecessary corporate failures it has recently dealt with .
8 The play during the latter interludes — humane warmth not being Flannery 's forte — seems somewhat enfeebled .
9 The statement says that where a member 's opinion is sought on the application of accounting standards or principles to specific circumstances or transactions of an entity of which he is not the auditor , he should ensure that he has access to all relevant information , he should contact the auditor to provide an opportunity for the latter to bring to his attention any relevant facts and , given his client 's permission , he should provide a copy of his opinion to the auditor .
10 Indeed , Britain 's forthcoming presidency of the European Commission might be used as an opportunity for the more dirigiste members of Mr Major 's staff to press for a move to the narrow band of the ERM , in which case interest rates must be locked into those of Germany .
11 This leads to hysteresis , with two possible electron states for the same applied voltage , enabling the memory states to be defined .
12 Alejandro and his son all stop horses with five-inch curbs and send them on with spurs about the same length .
13 The likely outcome is the offer of a three-year contract for the former England skipper and his no.2 Terry McDermott .
14 They compared the average mispricing in the near contract during the stock exchange account which included the delivery date , with that in the next near contract for the same period , and with that for the near contract in previous stock exchange accounts .
15 Since conventionalism is at best no more powerful a conception of law than pragmatism , this marriage would hardly improve the case for the latter .
16 Those putting the case for the former , point to its relative speed , although where large and complicated matters are involved this advantage may be lost .
17 The legislation protects their consciences , and in charity makes financial provision for the few priests who will feel that they must leave .
18 This is associated with a reduction of freedom for the former group and increasing personal access to motorised transport for the latter .
19 He remembers sitting on a hard seat , among a hundred other candidates in a large , impressively ancient room , scribbling a General Essay paper for three hours on EITHER Political Necessity OR ‘ Enrichissez-vous ! ’ not at all sure what the examiners would be looking for in the answers — their ideas or his ideas , or the former subtly disguised as the latter , or the latter masquerading as the former .
20 President Reagan found it difficult to reduce the US budget deficit for the same reasons .
21 Landowners were , however , allowed to retain the rights of pasture and of cutting wood which they had previously enjoyed , subject to the customary payment of ‘ puture ’ to the foresters , and ‘ saving always to the king his deer and pasture for the same ’ .
22 Jean Goodwin presented a £300 cheque to Dr. Bathall for Cardiac Support Group , and Heather Trimming presented a cheque for the same amount to Mrs. Todd for the Alton branch of Sight Concern Hampshire .
23 Orwell 's point can be extended , since these writers recognized not only the dissolution of public or social values but also the bankruptcy of private ones : it ought to be remembered that the notion of " personality " reached its apogee in Oscar Wilde during the same period of scientific and social optimism .
24 At last there 's hope for the many hundreds of children whose lives are made a misery by birthmarks .
25 Progress towards political diversity under Vietnam 's , primarily economic , Doi Moi or " rejuvenation " campaign [ see p. 36696 ] suffered a number of setbacks during the latter half of 1989 , as CPV leaders reacted with some unease at the trend towards pluralism among their communist allies in Eastern Europe .
26 By grossly exaggerating the victim 's treatment of the accused in order to gain sympathy for the latter he had instead made it seem all the more likely that he had meant to kill .
27 Not surprisingly , Ali is chosen by most boxers as the most proto typical figure , though Bunny Johnson cites Jack Johnson and many of the newer recruits to boxing look to Sugar Ray Leonard , the quick-fisted American multiple world champion who blazed his way from an Olympic gold medal at Montreal in 1976 to an estimated 30 million dollars by the end of 1981 .
28 Abbreviations : If you regularly have to take notes about the same subject , you should find it quite easy to develop your own abbreviations which will make you able to take those notes even more quickly .
29 As the evening wore on , with plenty of opportunity to study Melanie as the latter flitted from group to group , Leonora grew more and more furious with Penry .
30 The 15,000 crowd at Limerick 's famed Thomond Park for the All Ireland League key match between Shannon and Garryowen was it own testimony to the grip the competition has gained on the Irish game .
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