Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But no transgression against Hume 's stricture is involved in pointing out that people 's views about what ought to be — their moral stance and outlook — may be directly related to certain distinctive features of their lives .
2 Everyone has had a chance to air their views about what should be done with young offenders — everyone , that is , except the young people themselves .
3 post traumatic stress , I have my own views about what will happen there
4 I therefore decided to strengthen and redeploy the AIB team in preparation for what would obviously become a major task for the next eighteen months or so .
5 A significant feature of this narrative as a whole is the division between what might be loosely termed descriptive and actional frames .
6 I told her no messages had been sent and suggested that if Uncle was a businessman — I thought it better not to mention that we already knew he was a multi-millionaire businessman — he might naturally tend to be secretive and that he might also be reluctant to broadcast the fact that he had lost his yacht through what might have been his own fault .
7 Then , holding everything else constant so far as we can , we form a judgement about what will most probably happen .
8 The Dutch , for example , had what at least from their own point of view were admirable and generous plans for what might have turned out to be an independent Indonesia ; but , like the French , had failed to persuade their Republican adversaries that their ultimate freedom was assured in European hands .
9 I have already had queries about what will happen .
10 Only so can we hope to retain their enthusiasm for what must inevitably sometimes seem a long and weary journey .
11 Prime was born in the early 1970s , structured around the PrimOS operating system , which was developed on Honeywell Inc minicomputer hardware under a government contract , which meant that when people on the development team wanted to take it into the commercial world , they were able to buy the operating system for a nominal sum , and developed a new processor optimised to run it to create the 50 Series , the customer base for which will now be subject to a flock of companies wanting to win users over to their open systems .
12 There was then the decision about what should happen to the foods division .
13 I know that there are views among the opposition groups about what should be cut out of this budget .
14 Gandhi seems to have felt some flicker of remorse about his treatment of the Sarabhai family ; at any rate , without confessing error , he preoccupied himself with working out rules for what might be termed the just fast .
15 That applies as much to hon. Members opposite , to whose arguments for improving the system under their regime I look forward , as to other hon. Members with their proposals about what should be done about it .
16 In 1946 a Committee at Stoke began planning a curriculum for what would become the University of Keele .
17 Even if one 's occupation is freely chosen , it usually carries with it a set of rules about what should be done , when , how and to what standards .
18 The new tenants have no rules about what should happen in the pub .
19 Ultimately , he dashed out of bed and caught a cab to the theatre — where he arrived thirty minutes after what should have been curtain time , to see his erstwhile audience walking away , dejected looks on most of the faces .
20 To blame religion for what could be people 's failure to live up to it is not logical .
21 There had been doubts about which would break first , Christmas or booksellers ' spirits .
22 It was around this time there were grave doubts about what might be called the cost-effectiveness of the results achieved by Bomber Command .
23 He had rather enjoyed it and it had helped him to keep his mind off what might be happening to Snodgrass and to Floy and Fenella .
24 To fulfil a positive role for a profession , its education and training programme should equip candidates for what will be demanded of them in their future careers .
25 I felt proud and grown-up as I made my way down the road , concentrating my mind for what might be required of me .
26 And it was apparently during that hospital visit that Ross and his brother had had a long serious talk about what would be best for the children .
27 He must , if necessary ( and many children manage this ) , become bilingual , able to switch as the occasion demands between what may be virtually or actually two languages .
28 He refused to believe that physical laws should not make a definite , unambiguous prediction for what would happen .
29 He has no illusions about what will be in Dwayne 's plane .
30 For younger enthusiasts there will be an under-14 tournament , entries for which must be received before 1.30pm on the day .
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