Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] will " in BNC.

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1 The research evaluates the claim that the latter view emerges at around 4 years and that as a consequence , children 's views about motivation will change in three ways .
2 The ordinary annual grant for restoration will be used up partly by the Laboratorio del Restauro in Palazzo Barberini , which recently restored Correggio 's Borghese ‘ Danae ’ , and partly by the needs of the five other museums which the Soprintendenza is responsible for : the Gallery in Palazzo Barberini , the Spada Gallery , the Corsini Gallery , the Museum of Musical Instruments and the Borghese Gallery .
3 In the case of Julie Smith it will be very short and admission procedures , nursing assessment and preparation for theatre will have to be compressed into a very short space of time .
4 For example , if one reads bread and , the logogen for butter will receive some input ( collect some evidence ) from the cognitive system even before the word butter is actually seen .
5 If the referendum does not result in a reform of the constitution , a rare opportunity for decision will have been wasted .
6 If a witness is not available to attend the hearing after a written statement has been filed and served the court may nevertheless admit the statement as evidence although the lack of opportunity for cross-examination will affect the weight attached to it .
7 Yeah make yourself some money , Kev was looking for a drill , but the trouble is you you do n't get your money off Kev will you ?
8 He went on to warn that next year 's public spending plans for science will only accelerate the decline with dire consequences for Britain 's ability to compete internationally .
9 Because of the voluntarism of the Irish system of Industrial Relations workers must have trust , faith and hope that the bodies to which they refer their cases for adjudication will give them a fair crack of the whip .
10 Unfortunately , proposals for change will become less likely as the lessons of the recent attempts to break the mould of Conservative journalism sink in .
11 And while one would like to think that opting out might allow schools greater freedom to develop their own distinctive philosophy , it seems probable that the vetting of proposals for opting-out will allow only those schools that are choosing to be more , not less , traditional , to do so .
12 The Home Help Supervisor will then call to see what type and amount of help is required , and assist them if necessary to complete the forms on which the assessment for payment will be made .
13 The formulation and implementation of a national energy policy was the first priority of the new president in domestic politics , and , as he saw it , some sort of test both of the governability of the United States and of his exercise of leadership , ‘ Our decision about energy will test the character of the American people and the ability of the President and the Congress to govern this nation . ’
14 During the next seven years , requests for assistance will undoubtably outstrip the resources of international agencies , and UN officials are already taken aback by the response of the Third World .
15 But some farmers , with over-grown footpaths on their land , are concerned that the entire responsibility for clearance will fall to them .
16 SIR — Now that our sports-loving Prime Minister is back in Downing Street , is it too much to hope that his Minister with Responsibility for Sport will be upgraded from an Under-Secretary to a seat at the Cabinet table ?
17 Responsibility for waste will rest on the person who produces it , and everyone who handles it through to the process of disposal or reclamation .
18 We made special provision for the homelessness problem last year , and my hon. Friend the Minister with responsibility for housing will be making a further announcement in the next day or two about the homeless figures for which we are making additional provision in the current year .
19 Every farmer knows that engineers may lower the levels of rivers for all they are worth , but that , without a follow-up operation of underdrainage in each saturated field , the real rewards for agriculture will never be harvested .
20 The rules for interpretation will depend on the genetic constitution of the cells and their developmental history .
21 But the idea of more money for road-building will infuriate environmentalists .
22 Without information about specific incidents it is not possible to develop a methodical analysis , nor is it likely that effective strategies for prevention will be found .
23 It is clear that the choice of signs for comparison will affect the results of such an exercise ; a balance must be sought between too small a number and too great .
24 Section 8 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act provides that a clause in a contract which purports to exclude or restrict liability for misrepresentation will only be effective if it satisfies the requirement of reasonableness .
25 Forms for sponsorship will be available at the next branch meeting .
26 Now it is true that the remedy for breach will sound in damages only , but the primary obligation is the same , namely that that which is covenanted to be done will be done .
27 The imminent publication of guidelines on employing counsellors in primary care prepared by a working party of the British Association for Counselling will greatly help those family health services authorities and general practitioners who have yet to develop such guidelines or do not understand how to assess the qualifications and competence of counsellors they wish to employ and work with .
28 With the EC , the UK 's Ministry of Defence and the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency backing it , momentum for ANDF will be generated , he says .
29 The three candidates Mr Fowler , Mrs Fletcher and Frank Cook , who defends the seat for Labour will speak at an open forum arranged by the Christian Election Forum in Norton parish church , at 8pm on Sunday .
30 The party 's policies and programme for power will affect them directly .
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