Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] ' " in BNC.

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1 I have a certain nostalgic respect for that kind of 1970s ' ultra-Leftist-womanist impossibilism , but for me it has two major problems .
2 Siting the Boilerhouse at the V&A ( between 1982 and 1987 ) was a bold attempt to revamp the museum 's image as an old-fashioned and intimidating palace of culture while at the same time implying a continuity or purpose : one of the first Boilerhouse exhibitions was on the subject of ‘ taste ’ , a neat dovetailing of 19th century didactic aims for the museum with the concerns of 1980s ' retailing .
3 This approach , which dominated the abortion reform movements of Sixties ' North America , is rooted in liberal humanism which values science and rational thought .
4 The acid-sweet pastels of 1950s ' food photography come to mind .
5 Disraeli Gears from Tesside are rather different as they look to the energy and rawness of the Sixties rather the dull produced stomp of Nineties ' heavy rock/ metal .
6 LIBERALISATION has been one of the key concepts of eighties ' economics , a word which has acquired such power in Anglo-Saxon officialdom that there is virtually no argument about its virtues .
7 Potiphar with its slick routines from six girls in 1920s ' costumes was superb .
8 Eroticism has been placed firmly on the feminist agenda , a challenge to the desexualisation of lesbianism which represented a significant strand of seventies ' feminism .
9 THESE Hartlepool lads throw everything into this two-track demo , and end up sounding like early Eighties ' pop combined with touches of Nineties ' hardcore .
10 There will always be an element of the old school that insists that proper cooking must be done using traditional methods , but increasingly , chefs , catering managers and kitchen staff in general are putting their trust in 1990s ' technology to enable them to carry out their work .
11 THIS CURIOUSLY wart-like plastic troll ( right ) , currently clawing its way from Seventies ' oblivion to Nineties cool-kitsch , has had a boost from Wrangler .
12 It was easier going to the house — he and Richard 's wife Pat used to swap wartime evacuation stories with each other and then they would play verbal tennis , making conversation out of the spoken lyrics of Forties ' songs — than going to the theatre to see other actors , as they sometimes did together after the run of Public Eye .
13 In fact this vision of pop is as fictional and irrelevant today as the indie notion of ‘ perfect pop ’ ( an airy idyll of sixties ' byrdsong ) , Today 's pop is soulful , concerned with banishing inhuman traces , yearning for a lost passion and integrity .
14 A major flaw of the liberal discourse of fifties ' social realism is the attempt to explain away racism by locating prejudice in individuals , often already pathologised others , such as working-class youth or sexually frustrated women .
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