Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 Many beginners are at first baffled as to how to make the shout .
2 It is probably true to say that these new sensations were at first quite undetected , as such , by himself .
3 The Major in command is at first flustered , then morose .
4 The fact that the use of the bare infinitive should give rise to an impression of impoliteness or vulgarity is at first sight a bit surprising , but when considered in the light of make and have , examined above , the reason becomes clearer .
5 ‘ Cept there 's more goin' on in the evenin 's with First Aid and the like . ’
6 The morale of the air force was at first excellent , this being achieved through provision of better rations and other privileges .
7 In the confusion following Belgium 's partial withdrawal from its colony , the UN force was at first given the foolish order not to shoot unless attacked .
8 The relief of being able to believe in his innocence was at first so great that temporarily it overwhelmed him .
9 As we have seen , the stimulus given to the economy by Emancipation was at first limited .
10 In fact , neither side was at first attempting to reach the defensive flank of the North Sea ; rather , each was hastening to get around the enemy 's northern flank in the only area where mobile warfare was still possible on the Western Front .
11 Progress on arrangements for the voluntary transfer of those in housing need from the big cities to the smaller surrounding townships was at first very slow .
12 The ventral interradial areas are at first naked but become granules covered .
13 Yeah , cos the Rug Rats are on first .
14 As in France , Gothic buildings in England were at first Transitional , incorporating features of the new style into Romanesque work .
15 However , these processes — central though they were to the success of PNP were at first given little attention in the LEA 's in-service support programme .
16 It is true that the British Medical Journal wrote favourably about his technique in 1930 : ‘ Mr. Alexander 's work is of first class importance and investigation by the medical profession is imperative . ’
17 The mitigation of the law was at first carried so far as to sacrifice that object , said J.S. Mill .
18 Neither Princess was of first rank in the European hierarchy of royalty and both were protestants .
19 Coleridge 's Somerset household was at first intended to have a touch of Pantisocratic inclusiveness .
20 Russia chose the latter option , and her campaign in the south was at first to have a most promising outcome .
21 The committee was at first divided over the proposal , with Betty Sinclair opposing the whole idea of protest marches , and a decision was deferred to a later meeting , which agreed to go ahead and fixed the date for 24 August .
22 The Central Committee was at first unsympathetic but on 10 October , at a meeting which Lenin attended , it was resolved to make armed insurrection the order of the day .
23 When the Wolof children were asked to put together the pictures or objects in an array that were most alike and to give their reasons , the question was at first put in the form ‘ Why do you say ( or think ) that these are alike ? ’ .
24 Donning a yarmulke , he promised a Jewish group that ‘ we 'll keep a glatt [ strict ] kosher kitchen at the White House , ’ a pledge that his aides were at first unsure whether to treat as a jest or for real .
25 It has been suggested that the paranotal lobes of insects were at first connected with epigamic behaviour ( Alexander and Brown , 1963 ) but it is perhaps more likely that they were associated with locomotion from the beginning .
26 The legal status of agency workers is at first sight rather anomalous .
27 As the narrator of The Prisoner of Zenda , Rassendyll is at first inclined to be deprecating about the relationships between ‘ the palace at Strelsau or the castle of Zenda and Number 305 Park Lane , W. ’ He is well aware that his brother , Lord Burlesdon , prefers to forget the misbehaviour , in 1733 , of Rudolf the Third of Ruritania and the Countess Amelia , wife of the fifth Earl of Burlesdon and twenty-second Baron Rassendyll , which resulted in the transmission of certain characteristics ( ’ long , sharp , straight noses and a quantity of dark red hair ’ as well as blue eyes rather than the dark hue more common to the Rassendylls ) in several generations of the family .
28 When this was pointed out , the family 's reaction was at first disbelief and then concern , because the sale would have fallen through on this point , especially as , when they acquired the property , they had used a solicitor and a surveyor .
29 At the local level , sanitary reform was at first hampered by the chaotic diversity of different local bodies ( Flinn 1969 ) .
30 Despite her discovery of the simpler B pattern , Franklin 's attention was at first directed to the more crystalline A form ; but by March 1953 she had carried the quantitive analysis of the B form patterns to the point where the paths of the backbone chains were determined , and she wrote up her work in a typescript dated 17 March — one day before news of the Watson and Crick structure reached King 's .
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