Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 And just as laws and institutions are not the only means of controlling governments , so too they are not the only means available to governments for achieving their policy goals .
2 In times of crisis the budgets for cultural institutions are always the first to be suspended , and in some sense this is correct : I do n't want to compete with kindergartens .
3 Durkheim commented on the difficulty of regarding ‘ an enlightened Catholic of to-day as a sort of retarded savage ’ , but he provided the reminder that ‘ the most primitive religions are not the only ones which have attributed this power of propagation to the sacred character ’ .
4 It is , perhaps , ironic that those who hid away and escaped expulsion and quietly re-established themselves in their homelands are now the most prosperous redskins around .
5 The errors of PS are not the main point .
6 MALE lions are not the solitary , ferocious beasts that inhabit the jungles of Hollywood .
7 All the above examples of deaths , injuries , and economic losses caused by corporate acts are not the antics of one or two evil , or mentally disturbed , or relatively deprived senior employees .
8 It is said , in effect , that their acts are necessarily the company 's acts ; that their will , knowledge , and belief are those of the company , and that their consent necessarily implies consent by the company .
9 The reasons are partly the growth of new research in technology and science but as important is the current of ideas and information generated by modern global media .
10 But there are many reasons , as you will see when we put our amendment asking why are budget proposals are different from the ruling groups but the main reasons are simply the ruling group 's refusal , for whatever reason , I just wan na hear the reasons .
11 As was pointed out in chapter 4 through Lévi-Strauss 's example of the Australian Churinga , material objects are often the principal means of objectifying a sense of the past .
12 For , as he says in the introduction to his essay on the tales of Henry James , ‘ criticism seeks to interpret a particular work , while structuralism , for its part , is a scientific method implying an interest in impersonal laws and forms , of which existing objects are only the realizations , ( 1973 : 73 ) .
13 No matter how one acts , desires have to depend upon resources to some extent ; actual possessions are partly the criterion of those aspired to .
14 The fife sentence prisoners are not the only ones serving long sentences ; Maidstone also contained 133 men serving sentences of 10 years or more when I visited .
15 Their accounts are primarily the taxman 's and the banks ' business .
16 In other public sector organizations which adopt the cash basis of accounting , the capital accounts are essentially the same as the revenue accounts although the two are kept separately .
17 However , table lamps are n't the right solution if you are a regular bedtime reader .
18 States are not the only actors ; the distinction between domestic and international societies is less clear-cut than before ; and international politics looks to be influenced increasingly less by military factors and more and more by economic issues .
19 This is a horror movie a fucking horror movie this lunatic is making his own horror film and you ca n't even tell yourself Hell it 's only a story are n't the special effects good it is n't real because that 's exactly what it is and the gorilla man is explaining in that hideous high-pitched baby 's voice what he has in this bottle and in this syringe and I throw up halfway through but they pause the video for me .
20 This might be explained by the fact that the former category are not the direct employees of the establishment and that their terms and conditions of employment are less subject to regulation by unions .
21 However , Cellphones are not the only solution to maintaining contact with moving vehicles .
22 The royalty was first introduced in France in order to assist widows of artists who were killed in World War I. Although France and Germany are now the main countries where this royalty operates , it is on the statute books of another eight European countries within the EC at present ; only the UK , Ireland , the Netherlands and Greece do not have laws relating to a resale royalty .
23 The sources of pasture contamination are again the ewes during the PPR and the lambs following ingestion of larvae which have survived the summer .
24 His enemies are not the fearsome ape Donkey Kong or King Bowser the dragon — though they can be as deadly .
25 Thus according to 1.7.2 the units in Q[x] are precisely the non-zero constant polynomials — and there are infinitely many of them .
26 The Russians are n't the only outsiders for whom there is no place in the new Germany .
27 Palafox and Romana are thus the first of a long succession of generals who claimed that the army officers embodied the general will of the nation , perverted by a selfish clique of unpopular politicians .
28 These editorial policies are not the result of idiosyncratic requirements on the part of journal editors ; they are simply part of the disciplinary culture , which every aspiring academic has to pick up .
29 It is further evidence that its policies are merely the result of what its paymasters , the trade unions , say .
30 The breeds likely to be most closely related to the White Park are probably the Kerry of Ireland and the old Scottish breeds , the Highland and Galloway .
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