Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] for a " in BNC.

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1 an aerial socket and an audio/video socket for a video recorder , camcorder or for a satellite link
2 Some applications companies may also be enamoured by the possibility of using the NetWare Loadable Module to support demo licensing , which replaces ‘ cripple-ware ’ by a full copy of the application that will only run a limited number of times or for a limited length of time .
3 It is in this last capacity that Hitler 's image as perceived by his loyal ‘ following ’ — functioning within the framework of ‘ charismatic politics ’ — played its crucial role , as not only the leaders of Party and State , but those in responsible intermediary positions — whether for ideological reasons or for a variety of careerist or other motives little related in essence to principled hatred of Jews — ‘ read ’ Hitler 's vaguely expressed ‘ intent ’ as a green light for radicalizing actions which developed their own dynamic and momentum .
4 The LFS distinguishes between temporary workers who describe themselves as having " seasonal , temporary or casual jobs " and those with " jobs done under contract or for a fixed period of time " .
5 That is , the charterer lets the vessel or part of the vessel ( space charters ) for a fixed term ( time charter ) , or a certain number of trips or for a voyage to transport a designated cargo ( voyage charter ) .
6 So it is under our present system , and so it would be under the RES , if it were nomination either for a safe constituency seat or for a high position on a party list .
7 Or for tea or for a drink ?
8 Slipping between the pages of a magazine may work for a sachet of shampoo or for a soup mix , but the product can very easily slip out again and the end purchaser may not receive the sample .
9 Success for capital is not necessarily the same as success for labour or for a local economy .
10 After common primary schooling , children were selected by intelligence tests either for one of the old grammar schools or for a technical school , or for a secondary modern school .
11 if either party is by any cause ( other than a cause directly attributable to the other party ) prevented from performing its obligations hereunder for a period of 3 ( three ) months or for a total period of 6 ( six ) months in any period of 12 ( twelve ) consecutive months .
12 There are some reprieved murderers whom it is right to release on licence after very short periods of imprisonment ( for example , a mother who kills an imbecile child from merciful motives ) , and it would be undesirable in such cases for a court publicly to pass a sentence of imprisonment for a few months or for a year or two , and thereby to create the impression that the taking of human life may in certain circumstances be no graver a crime than theft .
13 For shorter sessions or for a wandering style on rivers , a combination chair/rucksack , fold-up stool or chair , are better .
14 ‘ Better for a horse than for a man , ’ said Mrs Yaxlee with relish .
15 His body bore no sign of violence except for a weal around his neck .
16 It is very difficult to give any precise figures to illustrate or establish this ; but a rough count of the twelfth-century marriages noted in three volumes of the Complete Peerage reveals that among the English upper classes of the twelfth century it was much commoner for a lady to have two or more husbands than for a man to have two or more wives ; in the cases noted , almost twice as common ( 36 to 19 ) .
17 There were problems about being the carrier of bills , final demands , and offensive advertising material , but as far as Caro knew Bryony overcame her scruples sufficiently to deliver all mail except for a succession of very obvious plain brown envelopes , which were frequently sent to one particular address on her route .
18 Then a silence began to fall on every living thing around the Cages except for a Man running , not towards Woil but to the visitor caught by the hand in the talons of Creggan .
19 Socialism , however , had been repudiated at the polls even more decisively than Protection , and there seemed to be a stronger case for an anti-socialist coalition composed of the Conservative and Liberal Parties than for a Free Trade one .
20 Twenty minutes later the Sergeant was showing me my accommodation for the night : a bare cell except for a wooden bunk in one corner and two blankets .
21 I know we 've argued all these years and I 've been irritable , if not downright rude , but … but … ’ and Creggan was astonished to see that this fiercest of eagles was suddenly close to a profound grief and for a few moments quite unable to say anything more .
22 He edged his way through the standing drinkers and for a moment she thought he was going to join her , but he merely nodded and drifted down the room , taking up a position by the wall where he seemed to become engrossed in watching the efforts of a group of youngsters on the one-armed bandit .
23 He applied to be joined in the proceedings as a defendant and for a stay of the possession order .
24 But this ca n't be seen — it is n't obvious — a child can become the subject of ridicule and for a sensitive and intelligent child this can be sheer hell .
25 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
26 He wore an expression of abject defeat and for a short moment my attention moved away from my own troubles and I felt sorry for him .
27 All are searching for peace of mind and for a while it seem that Ilmorog can offer this .
28 Voting was also held for all State Assembly seats in Haryana and West Bengal and for a number of State Assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh .
29 Luce buried her face against Michele 's neck and for a long time they sat without moving or speaking .
30 He felt her sudden shock of fear and for a moment , almost involuntarily , his hands strengthened on her shoulders .
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