Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] at the " in BNC.

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1 When we are required to respond to Green Papers , White Papers or Royal Commissions , whether we are negotiating over the Courts and Legal Services Bill or standard fees in the magistrates ' courts , the quality of our response must at the very least match that of other interested parties and groupings .
2 We have decided to hand them over ( Gen Keightley is in touch and on good terms with the Russian general on his right ) , but I suggested that the Russians should at the same time give us any British prisoners or wounded who may be in his area .
3 I was not aware — I have not yet received reports — of that demonstration , but I believe that it is ironic that the IRA and its supporters should at the same time be enjoying the privileges of democracy and using the methods of terrorism .
4 But , to avoid an immediate and pre-emptive Serb offensive , allied aircraft would at the same time bomb Serb artillery positions and supply lines .
5 Are you arguing Mr Girt that the level of provision of employment land proposed by North Yorkshire County Council is excessive , bearing in mind your request that the County Council should at the same time cater for one hundred percent of past migration trends , including that coming from the Leeds Metropolitan Area ?
6 Because plutonium can not be made safe rapidly , Russia must at the very least compile and police a thorough inventory of its nuclear materials .
7 But remedies involving , for example , an extra tax payable by each person in a household would at the moment be madness : many councils would be left struggling with exactly the enforcement difficulties that have made the poll tax so hard to set up and administer .
8 A learned paper from Paris has confirmed this opinion by declaring , after an exhaustive description of my son 's genius , that there was no doubt that this child would at the age of twelve write an opera for one or the other of the Italian theatres ; but everybody thought that a German should reserve such glory for his own country alone .
9 Diversification may at the time appear to be the only way that the company can maintain its profits growth and defend the value of its shares .
10 Any applicant for a course of study who has a criminal record should at the time of application inform the Academic Registrar who will advise the applicant whether or not he or she is likely to be able to satisfy certain eligibility requirements for the course .
11 ‘ ( 1 ) The bankrupt shall at the hearing be examined on oath ; and he shall answer all such questions as the court may put , or allow to be put , to him .
12 Lij Yasu 's restoration would at the least constitute a considerable propaganda success for Turkey ; it might even bring Abyssinia into the war on the side of our enemies , at a time when we were fighting the Germans in East Africa , the Turks in Sinai , Mesopotamia and the Aden Protectorate , and the Dervishes in Somaliland .
13 It then comes to the practical point , Citing German experience to show that ‘ there was a tendency for employee and shareholder representatives to vote and act in distinct groups ’ , they add that the presence of co-opted directors on the board would mean that either group would at the very least need to gain the support of the majority of the directors before they could carry or veto a proposal .
14 ‘ On sentencing any person convicted of murder to imprisonment for life the court may at the same time declare the period which it recommends to the Secretary of State as the minimum period which in its view should elapse before the Secretary of State orders the release of that person on licence under section 27 of the Prison Act 1952 …
15 It can certainly happen that a head might at the same time be expected to manage the school democratically by the staff , deferentially by the governors , assertively by the local authority and pliantly by parents .
16 ‘ Success in television must at the end of the day be measured in terms of programme standards , and to achieve so much this year augurs well for the future . ’
17 Others believed that practices described and demonstrated at length by persons of high status in the Authority must at the very least be strongly recommended and might even be — or become — mandatory .
18 Yet , recognition of that extension might at the same time open up the possibility that vulnerable people who do not desire death , despite their suffering , might be killed by others for reasons of their own : this would subvert the right to self-determination , and is an argument against a mercy-killing defence or offence .
19 Clearly , listening to a Robert Johnson record now , in Britain , is very different from dancing to him playing live in a black bar in Mississippi in 1936 ; and there are probably consequential differences in the music itself , too ( for example , Johnson would at the very least be constrained by the time-limits imposed by the record form — as all musicians , even to some extent on LPs , are ; thus , in some ways a Duke Ellington concert , in a ‘ bourgeois ’ concert hall , using written parts , might turn out a more ‘ oral ’ experience than the same piece encapsulated on a twelve-inch record ) .
20 She stood on the pavement and pointed the spray can at the low brick wall of their front garden .
21 He assumed , as he had been led to believe at meetings with General Helmuth von Moltke immediately prior to the war , that Germany would at the outset deploy some eight corps in East Prussia .
22 A Contracting State may at the time of signature , ratification or accession , declare that it will not execute Letters of request issued for the purpose of obtaining pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries .
23 Er modern logistics floor space will at the very least yield about a thousand jobs sorry a hundred jobs per thousand square feet .
24 The large stake held by Allianz and its friends will at the least make Michel Albert , AGF 's chairman , think twice about offending Germany 's insurance establishment .
25 Sanders and Lloyd-Greame would at the least be held up for years by coalition , for there was no room for their promotion .
26 This kind of generalised discussion can at the same time draw in a number of points covering health aspects , daily routine , and the emotional needs for company , and a sense of belonging which if not met can result in depression , anxiety or misery .
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