Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] also [be] " in BNC.

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1 As external forms , however , objects may also be independent of the interpretation of any one particular group , and their consistency as a material presence may belie the actual variety of meanings they evoke .
2 These languages and their related cultures may also be studied as components of the MA(General) .
3 Coins may also be acquired from various sources ; local finds or gifts of collectors may give very different pictures .
4 Coins may also be found and reported on a casual basis by interested members of the public or systematically searched out by treasure hunters with metal detectors .
5 Voluntary and private services and clubs may also be of use .
6 Difficulty may also be experienced in obtaining reliable accounting information and thus in establishing control over a company 's activities .
7 The money may also be better , although do n't forget travel costs and the time involved in travelling .
8 Module headers may also be added to existing software , allowing it to be brought rapidly under LIFESPAN control .
9 Employers may also be entitled to do this under an implied term .
10 Canine behavioural problems are well recognized , and a specialist in this field may also be able to help you with a specific concern .
11 Most of the criteria are electrophysiological but X- , Y- , and W-cells in the retina may also be distinguished on morphological grounds .
12 Noise may also be caused by scale in direct hot water systems ( page 48 ) or from a faulty boiler ( seek professional advice ) .
13 The programmer may also be given temporary access to other modules by way of special links .
14 The programmer may also be given temporary access to other modules by way of special links .
15 Other people on a low income may also be able to get help with the costs of travelling to and from hospital .
16 Text may also be set centred to the page leaving a ragged edge on both the left and the right .
17 Nevertheless , the converse may also be true : where increasingly conservative views prevail at the more central locations of political power , it is still possible for individual teachers to take a more liberal and even radical stance .
18 Disturbed sleep patterns may also be one symptom of depression , which requires medical help .
19 Also , cash-bloated film and television tycoons formed one important group of new collectors of contemporary art in the Eighties , and since the entertainment business is often the last industry to feel the pinch of a national economic recession , artists may also be retreating to the comfort of their remaining sure sources of income .
20 This geological technique may also be used to estimate the flux of neutrinos from the Sun during the Earth 's history .
21 ( The technique may also be applied to brass instruments , for example the trumpet or the horn . )
22 This technique may also be employed in a forward direction .
23 The hinge-bending variation between the two copies may also be noted .
24 The instruction set for operating on floating-point numbers includes the four arithmetic operations of addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division ( usually without remainder ) ; negate and clear ( set to zero ) operations may also be provided .
25 Assessment may also be used to motivate pupils by providing a target to aim for and a reward for passing in the form of accreditation .
26 Mori Bokharas may also be referred to by a number of alternative names ( including Jaldar , Kafkazi — pl. 28 — and Serapi ) , and it is not unknown for them to be marketed under the name of the gul most prominent in their design .
27 An election may also be a realigning one in that it produces a long-term shift in the balance of support between the parties , perhaps installing one as the new majority .
28 Part of that is due no doubt to ongoing poor relations with the United States , but part may also be the result of a collapse of cultural life in Cuba today , particularly in the visual arts .
29 We know that X-rays can be extremely hazardous , and it is possible that the frequencies associated with laser printers and microwave ovens may also be suspect .
30 But age discrimination may also be practised at a primitive , subcortical level , with aged patients being accorded substandard treatment simply through the exercise of knee-jerk responses based on blind prejudice .
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