Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] seem [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To the casual observer , the tide may seem to be the only movement of water in the estuary .
2 The writer may seem to be actively creating , whereas in fact he or she is being passively fashioned by the public 's desires , ‘ built by the House ’ of fame .
3 Kosuth 's show was not called the play of the unmentionable for nothing : for Establishment Man , the whole censorship scam must seem like a glorified game-show that can be viewed with Olympian detachment , fingers poised on the remote-control button .
4 For speech recognition to be of any real use , however , the computer must seem to ‘ understand ’ the speech as fast as another human , the number crunching approach rarely achieves this .
5 Children today are almost invariably talkative , and the idea of sitting in silent rows in desks must seem to them unthinkable .
6 Although participating in a programme may seem to be involving , it is no more personal than simply viewing .
7 Studies of working memory in animals may seem to be rather remote from the standard , acquired distinctiveness procedure .
8 To those who possess this kind of power to influence or even determine political outcomes , the possession of the single individual vote must seem by comparison a trivial and irrelevant form of political participation .
9 When a waiter asked me , and the people I was eating with , sentence ( 2 ) in Task 2 , we understood him , even though , in textbook terms , his words might seem to be nonsense .
10 Indeed action would seem to be necessary for the input systems to function properly : the role of eye-movements in vision being the most obvious case .
11 Therefore the use of s.52 agreements to achieve odour prevention and abatement would seem to be unaffected and still legitimate .
12 Certainly , the easiest route for companies to obtain a duty-free quota would seem to be to buy a Polish firm that has been assigned one .
13 As in other areas of financial modelling , most notably that of money demand , 22 the message from this study would seem to be that account needs to be taken of institutional developments in financial markets in moving towards the construction of plausible empirical models .
14 This may look like an easy knock-down argument against a silly theory which nobody has ever seriously held : but what is true of mental pictures would seem to be true of any kind of mental representing process which encodes sensations in some determinate form .
15 Although the plots of the two books would seem to be very different , they actually end in a similar manner , on a promising note .
16 The postwar generation , unschooled in the brutality of hardships of war and reconstruction , compares its lot with that of West Germans , with double their standard of living , rather than with their neighbours to the East , to whom the mountains of sausages and pigs ' trotters in butchers ' shops would seem like a dream come true .
17 Blake says that the use of clairvoyance would seem to be a skill beyond the ordinary person .
18 While in theory multiple images would seem to be a way of enriching the screen 's information , in practice it was usually just distracting and slowed down the narrative speed .
19 Shuttle buses will commute between the various sites , but confusion would seem to be the order of the day .
20 He looked bewildered , but the whole afternoon must have seemed so unbelievable to him that hopping into a boat would seem to be all of a piece .
21 One lab , one set of engineers and a worldwide sales force would seem to be all that is needed if it is true that companies and markets are becoming more global .
22 The principle disadvantage would seem to be the possible laziness of climbers to replace the sewn sling .
23 He is aware that , absorbing and stimulating as it is , his answer to the question of consciousness will seem to some to be on a par with ‘ 42 ’ , the celebrated answer to life , the universe and everything .
24 At first sight this provision might seem to be a contradiction in terms , but some light is cast upon it by the Declaration appended at the end of the Single European Act , which , whatever its legal status may be , states that the conference considered that the provisions of Article 130R(5) ( 2 ) did not affect the principles resulting from the judgment handed down by the European Court in the ERTA case .
25 For one thing , absurd as the respect paid Lenin may seem in the West , his works in fact constitute a much looser strait-jacket than did Stalin 's Short Course : composed in the heat of political struggle and fierce polemics , Lenin 's works are far from unambiguous and he can be quoted in support of conflicting interpretations of many secondary issues .
26 Thus , a condition or situation which is highly deprivatory in this respect for one man or woman under certain circumstances may seem of minor consequence for another person or against a different circumstantial background .
27 Probably rather less than immediately appears , for , although symptoms of thrush may seem to be related to a recent sexual act , it may be that the trauma of vigorous sexual intercourse has brought to the surface that which was lying dormant .
28 A hint of child abuse may seem to be imparted by his account of a Gothic moment which came about during a walk with her father , at nightfall , in a setting of peasants and forests .
29 He had hit the right note of playful yet dignified affection with the children — mischievous Sam Yaxley had proved an ally there ; and even throughout the days of his own distress he had comforted the sick and sorrowful , acting in the simple trust that , however removed chose impoverished lives might seem from his own , they were members of one another .
30 This internal seniority structure and pattern of mobility might seem to be the sole mechanism underlying the making and breaking of gangs .
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