Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] have been " in BNC.

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1 I worked out , later , that a ceptor from orbit may have been how my enemy had found the opening in the first place .
2 Clearly their views may have been different from those of the people who died , but respondents are likely to have taken into account the reactions of their relatives and friends , and how these respondents felt about the care in the homes is also of interest and concern .
3 Their views may have been coloured by the fact that they found evidence of significant misreporting of publication data in some areas , to the extent that they suggest automatically lowering research ratings as a penalty for discovered deliberate misreporting .
4 Their views may have been coloured by the fact that they found evidence of significant misreporting of publication data in some areas , to the extent that they suggest automatically lowering research ratings as a penalty for discovered deliberate misreporting .
5 Decorated metalwork and pottery can , in addition , be studied by the measurement of elements in designs to determine which objects may have been made at the same source , using the same tools , or even by the same craftsman .
6 Thomas Arnold , although the significance and peculiarity of his personal achievement at Rugby may have been exaggerated , typified the attempt to meet the demands of a rising middle class by moving the local grammar schools into the national , or ‘ public ’ , category .
7 But in view of passages in Revelation like 7:3 which speak of ‘ sealing the servants of God in their fore-heads ’ , and Romans 4:11 which speaks of circumcision as ‘ the sign and seal of being in the right with God through faith ’ , it is not impossible that baptism may have been in the apostle 's mind when he spoke of this sealing with the Spirit .
8 The Black Prince may have been an unforeseen bonus .
9 A spokesman said : ‘ The damage may have been caused by the surf dragging them over the rocks .
10 If they did not act in order that the plaintiff should suffer damage they are not liable , however selfish their attitude and however inevitable the plaintiff 's damage may have been .
11 The rise may have been achieved by shops slashing their prices to attract customers , said Nigel Whittaker , chairman of the CBI 's distributive trades panel .
12 The division may have been the only way that Chlothild was able to ensure that part of Clovis 's realm passed to her offspring .
13 Korda may have been touted as a gifted player , but he was hardly a household name .
14 They also believe that their poor accomodation may have been a factor in loosing the baby .
15 The plaintiff 's remuneration may have been based partly or even wholly on commission on orders obtained , or in the case of more senior employees upon the turnover of the business or some part of the business .
16 Therefore , the empirical evidence suggesting that reliable signals of each actor 's state are not seen in the course of animal conflicts may have been misinterpreted .
17 A spokesman admitted some personnel may have been unhappy with a process of ‘ radical ’ change , but insisted : ‘ The vast majority of people would not have recognised the description in that article . ’
18 Moodie may have been a priest but in death his body had been laid out like some broken toy to lie on a shelf , the grimacing features half-hidden by a dirty cloth ; the eyes still open , sightless and empty .
19 Oldham 's task at Gateshead may have been eased by the Tynesiders ' dismissal earlier this week of their American guard , Darryl Thomas .
20 Such cases may have been exceptional , but a great many servants seem to have passed their lives in households where their employers knew them by their functions , not their names .
21 As stated , these cases may have been correctly decided .
22 The initiating event in these three cases may have been technical , but the persistent fistulas are probably related to underlying Crohn 's disease .
23 Now to the house itself , one of the early observers gives us a clue when mentioning the house he writes of the fine Elizabethan chimneys still standing , these I believe are those which collapsed in 1973 after having previously been lowered owing to their dangerous condition , on the collapse of these some fine timber framing was discovered in the older parts of the house showing considerable blackening , and Mrs Lingham informed me that vestiges of a gallery were discovered , and it was suggested that this part of the building may have been of the hall type .
24 Ford 's money may have been in evidence , but Ford 's men were not .
25 By that time the money may have been dissipated .
26 So it 's a bit frightening when you think a pensioner 's money may have been in that account at thirteen fifty on a , on ten thousand invested , and now they 're down to seven hundred .
27 In January 1644 , assessed at £1,000 , he pleaded for a mitigation ; his lack of money may have been due to personal extravagance at court as much as political troubles .
28 Investigators say it 's possible the money may have been taken to Iraq or Turkey to buy refugee supplies on the spot .
29 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
30 In three men gastrectomy may have been the cause and in two poor nutrition may have been responsible .
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