Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But the recession may even be healthy in making it more difficult to publish the second-rate , he argues : rather than having a clear strategy of which subjects they would concentrate on , far too many academic publishers were happy simply to print a selection of the manuscripts they were sent , including multi-authored books and conference proceedings which tended to be of limited academic market .
2 ‘ Closure of the USM may prompt a rush of restructuring by USM companies that decide that this is the opportunity for an MBO or a delisting , or even to maximise shareholder value by break-up or sale , but the current recession may not be the ideal timing for any of these options , ’ says PW 's Nigel Crockford .
3 The data from the recession may not be useful in managing in normal times but on the other hand may help in managing the next recession .
4 THE recession may still be biting , but video games company Nintendo continues to buck the trend .
5 A male may not be aware or the possibility or a female 's alternative reading of what an object constitutes or signifies ; similarly , it may never occur to a member of a one social class that some revered object may be subject to a parodied and subversive interpretation by members of another .
6 When the subject enters the political arena and becomes politically controversial , we assume an elective silence on the political issues and confine ourselves , if we intervene at all , to constitutional or legal questions or views on practical matters affecting the law and its administration where our views may naturally be expected and sought .
7 And father we pray that our hope may not be in vain but may lead us to sharing again in your kingdom .
8 Even illustrations may not be adequate , details of pictures often being poorly represented , leaving an artist 's techniques , materials and handling to be discovered from more specialist studies .
9 As external forms , however , objects may also be independent of the interpretation of any one particular group , and their consistency as a material presence may belie the actual variety of meanings they evoke .
10 It will even take account of the fact that some relevant objects may not be described as ‘ wooden ’ at all , but as being made of ‘ beech ’ , ‘ mahogany ’ , ‘ deal ’ or the like .
11 While perception of objects may not be prior to those mental apparati which absorb them ( a version of the Kantian categories ) , it does act as a firm physical constraint upon them .
12 Within such an approach , objects may not be reducible to the workings of a central hierarchical principle , or be directly related to what are otherwise considered the most important social divisions .
13 The decision to withdraw from the NPT may well be part of that .
14 These languages and their related cultures may also be studied as components of the MA(General) .
15 Some societies and cultures may indeed be more pleasant to live in , just as some seem more exciting and others nastier .
16 Coins may also be acquired from various sources ; local finds or gifts of collectors may give very different pictures .
17 Coins may also be found and reported on a casual basis by interested members of the public or systematically searched out by treasure hunters with metal detectors .
18 The proportion of non-flying invertebrates may not be as high , and they are harder to sample systematically , but I am optimistic about the numbers that remain undiscovered .
19 For in secondary schools , so often organised in this way , a child 's experience may not be as ‘ coherent ’ ‘ broad ’ and ‘ balanced ’ as the curriculum planners imagine .
20 Guidelines for acute severe asthma based on hospital experience may not be an appropriate yardstick by which to judge how asthma attacks are measured in the community .
21 The higher success rates obtained for Imperial units suggest that out of school experience may well be an important factor in making the associations required .
22 It seems likely that for a parent or spouse , the experience may well be comparable to the sorts of events and difficulties implicated in depression .
23 Others still may be associated with specific circumstances ; but we must remember that every problem is founded upon the impact of circumstance on the personality of the individual or persons concerned , so that earlier experience may again be involved .
24 The industry may be run down to 12 or 14 pits , and there may be no interest from the private sector , because long-term contracts may not be negotiated , especially in view of the amount of imported coal .
25 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
26 However , as explained at page 32 below , dealings on exchanges which are not recognised investment exchanges ( RIEs ) or designated investment exchanges ( DIEs ) may in fact be treated as " off-exchange " for the purposes of the COB Rules ; moreover , qualifying futures contracts may still be within the money market exemption ( see page 24 below ) provided that they are not bought or sold , or expressed to be as bought or sold , on an RIE .
27 But although his selected trio — Northwich Victoria 's Liverpool-born defender Jeff Parker , Warrington Town utility man Paul McNally and Northern Ireland Under-21 midfielder Norman Kelly may not be household names , he is convinced they are the right choice .
28 Such damage may however be considered under 4*/5* Maxplan Contents policies as accidental damage .
29 If during repairs , further underlying damage is found , this damage may only be accepted as coming within the cover of the policy if it is directly related to the incident giving rise to the claim .
30 In the end , the failure to offer an entitlement curriculum may not be a failure of the National Curriculum , but of the market-led sections of the Reform Act .
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