Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun pl] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Assuming the allegations set out in the statement of claim to be true , whether the defendants are liable in tort to the plaintiff for such of those acts and/or omissions as were committed before the plaintiff 's birth .
2 ‘ Assuming the allegations set out in the statement of claim to be true , whether the [ health authority ] is liable in tort to the plaintiff for such of those acts and/or omissions as were committed before the plaintiff 's birth .
3 By a notice of appeal dated 24 May 1991 the defendants , Merton and Sutton Health Authority , appealed from the decision of Phillips J. on 10 May 1991 , ante , pp. 639G et seq. , on a preliminary issue that , assuming the allegations in the statement of claim were true , the defendants were liable in tort to the plaintiff for such of those acts and/or omissions as were committed before the plaintiff 's birth .
4 Because each application programming interface is open and published , a customer also has the option to add on different objects or modules as required , without needing to buy source code .
5 ( a ) Unregistered land Section 36(2) of the Law of Property Act 1925 provides for severance of a joint tenancy either by : ( i ) a notice in writing given by one joint tenant to the other ; or ( ii ) the doing of such other acts or things as would , in the case of personal estate , have been effectual to sever the tenancy in equity .
6 Sometimes he would interpret my involvement in discussions or groups as me being ‘ got at ’ by outside influences .
7 They did not seek to attract new customers by the excellence of their pitches or facilities as music-hall proprietors did through the plushness and extravagance of their theatres .
8 There are two entrances , one at either end , but no alternative door openings or variations as there only a zip at each entrance .
9 Moreover , it is perhaps doubtful whether many delinquents hold openly oppositional views or values as Cohen suggests .
10 But we are prepared to give some guidelines or pointers as to the practice and procedure to be adopted when a hearing as to a wasted costs order takes place .
11 Retail outlets will view the products that they buy from manufacturers or wholesalers as items that should provide the maximum Contribution per unit of limiting factor , which is floor space .
12 The fact that it may be interpreted by some readers or viewers as pornographic is secondary .
13 We can recognise animals or birds as exhibiting a different degree of consciousness from our own .
14 The next step of adopting a coach as a father figure is more dubious , however , though a great many sportsmen would describe their trainers or managers as Maurice Hope describes Terry Lawless : ‘ He 's been like a father to me ; no , more than a father , actually . ’
15 In most material culture , the individual object is as much a type-token of the larger group of identical handbags , armchairs , spears or canoes as is the case with words , and , even when held as individual property , may thereby mark the relation of object and owner to the set of items it represents .
16 By the agreement , the tenant was authorised to erect ‘ temporary one storey shops or buildings of one storey and for the retention of such shops or buildings as temporary structures ’ until the land was required for road widening and he was then bound to remove the temporary structures and clear the land .
17 There was n't any time to repulse him either with words or actions as his seeking mouth found her tender lips .
18 Sometimes it is acceptable to treat such words or concepts as equivalent to one another , but on other occasions it is important to differentiate between them .
19 This is the spirit in which people are now collecting the details of new genes , and of new nucleotide sequences to go with them ; new proteins and their amino-acid sequences ; and novel membrane protein molecules , channels or receptors as they may be .
20 The common areas of the building are maintained to an immaculate standard by the resident caretaker and a small team of cleaners — there is no evidence of abuse of staircases , lifts or corridors as is apparent in many local authority or other housing association schemes .
21 Thus , Stair , II i. 5 : ‘ The vast ocean is common to all mankind as to navigation and fishing , which are the only uses thereof , because it is not capable of bounds ; but when the sea is inclosed in bays , creeks , or otherwise is capable of any bounds or meiths as within the points of such lands , or within the view of such shores , then it may become proper , but with the reservation of passage for commerce as in the land . ’
22 In type three , the responses are linked in sequences or chains as in performing a motor skill .
23 Attention is being directed to cumulative strain lasting for months or years as well as to the nature and effects of short periods of acute strain .
24 For the walk-in horses are better pack animals than llamas as they carry much more and cost about the same , but horses can not reach all the base camps .
25 Many of us indeed see the arts and sciences as pulling in different directions , ‘ different ways of knowing the world ’ , we might say .
26 Avoid aluminium saucepans , kettles and teapots as this metal may be linked to Alzeimer 's disease .
27 Certainly too much of it in a service ( and there are Mass settings , songs and hymns as well as chants ) can wear thin .
28 In the short text the account of the Crucifixion and the meditator 's awareness of his own sin come to a climax in an outpouring of lyrical prose which has been printed as verse though it seems more effective if the surge of the rhymes and the alliterative cadences rise within the very structure of the prose like great waves to break in the bitter realisation that it is the meditator 's sin which both nails Christ to the cross and blocks the free expression of love in himself : All the internal rhyme , play on words ( ) and alliteration , which intensify the sense of the meditator 's awareness of both the creative power of God " king of " and the impotence of all his own functions , are lost in the long version which omits much of the intense self-disgust present in the short : The emphasis on Christ as the source of life and creativity is similarly highlighted in the short version in the skilful use made of rhyme , cadence and monosyllabic , strong-stressed ends of sentences to graphically convey the moment when he dies and the created cosmos fails : These effects are lost in the prosaic longer version : In both versions the meditator contemplates the appalling inversion of the created order with its lord suffering greater deprivation than the foxes and birds as he hangs " in eyre " ( 88. cf.101 ) with nowhere to lay his head — a reference to Matthew 8:20 traditionally used to emphasise the poverty of God embraced at the Incarnation .
29 These are gentle enough to use on your back , legs and arms as well as your hips .
30 For someone who is only 24 Charlie Swan has had a lot of falls and has broken both legs and arms as well as his nose .
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