Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These extinct fishes were unlike their modern counterparts in possessing a dermal skeleton of minute scales and/or bony plates .
2 Most LDCs experience at regular intervals external current account ( deficit ) problems due to a lack of diversified exports and/or deteriorating terms of trade because many obtain more than 50 per cent of their export earnings from one or two products , e.g. Zambia regularly obtains over 90 per cent of its foreign exchange earnings from copper .
3 Using this technique these workers reported a right field advantage both with unilateral and with bilateral word presentation and attributed their results to " greater transmission fidelity and/or lesser transmission time of the shorter pathway to the left , verbal , hemisphere ( McKeever and Huling , 1971a ) .
4 There may also be a claim against third parties for inducing breach of contract and/or tortious conspiracy .
5 The reason for this stems from the parallel and/or pipelined architecture .
6 This procedure includes an oral and/or written warning , suspension or summary dismissal .
7 Transgenic mice were genotyped by PCR and/or Southern blot analysis as described .
8 Applications from Centres seeking HCIMA approval to offer programmes of study leading to the Association 's Professional Certificate and/or Professional Diploma , must be submitted to HCIMA at least eight months before the date on which it is proposed to start the programme .
9 In ( 5.29 ) we are discounting the t-year cash flow ( coupon payment and/or principal repayment ) by the corresponding t-year spot yield .
10 If the Club was to look for a return on its money , as any other investing institution would , the criteria for that return would be two fold ; a boom in the popularity of tennis at grass roots level and/or impressive results at international level .
11 Is there a picture of the chairman and/or chief executive — either full page , a portrait by Snowdon or painted in oils ?
12 Should you find yourself in this situation , and to prevent it , always use a gravel cleaner to syphon sediment from the substrate and check water conditions for high nitrates and/or low pH .
13 As there is no apparent difference in the digestion of gliadin in coeliac patients and control individuals , there may be a difference in the intestinal uptake and/or intracellular processing of the partly digested gliadin .
14 On the other hand , they are less likely to be apprehended or detained by the police for drug and/or non-drug offences .
15 Thus , a tax on capital income may reduce saving and lead to a rise in the gross rate of return ; on the other hand , it may be possible by the use of other taxes and/or monetary policy to offset the effects ( as seen in the discussion of balanced growth incidence ) .
16 I am sorry to say that all you were demonstrating was stubbornness and/or poor examination technique .
17 Where there are objections to this , it may be possible to arrange lessons at other times and/or outside school .
18 Nevertheless it should again be stressed that decisions about weeding programmes and/or new building programmes are rarely made on the basis of such calculations .
19 Several respondents noted that their choice of course and/or individual staff member to attend , was at least partly based on the principle that , as attending an external course was ‘ inherently good ’ , that therefore everyone should be ‘ allowed a turn ’ if at all possible .
20 During the sixteenth century , a series of proclamations targeted the major object of early police work — the ‘ suspectid person ’ and ‘ any maner of beggers or vacabond or eny evill disposed person ’ who were to be driven from the streets .
21 Additionally , confidence can be useful for certain types of secrets for which other rights are inappropriate such as the recipe for Coca-Cola or a secret research technique or industrial process .
22 Certainly he never became an outstanding dancer , but as a performer he did have a feeling for movement and character that enabled him to make a theatrical impact in some roles not needing much technique or classical style .
23 Several physiologists have used gall bladders from animal species to study ion transport and the electrical properties of the epithelium by applying either the Ussing chamber technique or whole organ preparation technique .
24 ‘ Michelet has strong emotions , and he smears what he feels on to paper without caring in the least how he does it , and without giving the slightest thought to technique or conventional forms — just shaping it into any form that can be understood by those who want to understand it . ’
25 Since they are presumed to be the only judges of how good their work is , no layman or other outsider can make any judgment of what they can do .
26 Under an annuity policy the company pays a regular income to the insured for a specified period up until death , in return either for a lump sum payment or regular contributions earlier in life .
27 This is tackled through the ethical system of values socialised into doctors through the long process of training and , in many countries , by trying to break the link between clinical decision-making and the financial self-interest of the doctor , through third-party payment or salaried service .
28 the amount of any redundancy payment or unfair dismissal ‘ basic award ’ to which you may be entitled ;
29 Some amateur associations went as far as legal prosecution to prevent any payment or pro fit being derived from the activities they controlled .
30 overseas tax , relieved and unrelieved , specifying the part of unrelieved overseas tax which arises from the payment or proposed payment of dividends .
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