Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] must [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Bernard I must tell you , listening to you at the moment is Simon Wigg on one of our other lines erm just a word about Simon before I bring him in .
2 Er , I 've had a word with Jeremy about decorating , oh Florrie I must apologise I did try to ring you , I think I managed to get everybody else , erm but you were n't there , in and then I , I left it I regret to say , erm but we thought perhaps we ought to have the kitchen re-decorated and I 've had a word with Jereminy , Jereminy , Jeremy and he says about two hundred pounds and I did get permission from some of you and I 've gone ahead and asked him to do it and he said about three weeks , but before we can have that done , in the meantime , the roof leaked again out in the kitchen Erm , so I 've had a word with Peter who was going on holiday and he should be home this week and he said he will look at it as soon as he 's home , so I 'll give him a ring , I 'll try tomorrow night , I 'm out tonight , I 'll try and give him a ring tomorrow .
3 Then he said quietly , ‘ In that case I must apologise . ’
4 If I 'm to solve this wretched murder case I must have something that belonged to MacQuillan .
5 But in that case I must warn you that I have no heart .
6 ‘ In that case I must ask you both to come down to the station with me .
7 Chairman I must respond to that , that the work secret road is not appraise donated to this organization , I think it 's one latched onto by the press to develop some headline , er nobody 's ever used that phrase about anything being secret in this organization whatsoever , the simple fact is that these drawings for your approval are not yet finished , that 's the extent of secrecy , my staff are still working on them , they 'll come
8 er and Chairman I must say that as to request from County Council at Molds and County Council at Harson , from the Ipswich Borough Council for their copies of the plans which you have not yet received , I have to decline the protocol it takes that this committee is the first to see the county surveyor 's proposals , and I ca n't give any other elected member within Suffolk prior treatment over that to be quite honest .
9 I have some sympathy for the Home Secretary in these matters , he is not an Officer of State who over-occupies the position for whom I normally have a great deal of sympathy I must confess , er but on this occasion I do have some sympathy .
10 But long ago , in 1946 , the questing and the questioning had become almost unbearable , and I knew that to keep my sanity I must force myself to an arbitrary conclusion : I would believe the least terrible of terrible possibilities — that the plane had been shot down over the Channel by enemy action .
11 Of the thousand-plus programmes I must have taken part in during those years I remember very little , and those mostly trivial things : Thor Heyerdahl the Norwegian explorer arriving half an hour late from Broadcasting House because the taxi driver sent to fetch him understood he had been told to pick up four airedales ( a reasonable enough request , he reckoned , from the BBC ) ; the maverick film director Ken Russell whacking Alexander Walker , the Evening Standard film critic , over the head with a copy of his own paper ; Norman St John Stevas , MP ( now Lord St John of Fawsley ) winking at a cameraman who had had the stars and stripes sewn on to the bottom of his jeans ; Enoch Powell 's eyes filling with tears when I asked if he was an emotional man ; A. J. P. Taylor on his seventy-fifth birthday admitting he had never been offered an honour and when I asked him which he would like if given the choice , his replying , ‘ A baronetcy , because it would make my elder son so dreadfully annoyed . ’
12 She does stare quite a bit I must admit .
13 It embodies the decision impugned and apart from the definitions I must set it out in full .
14 I was doing sticks I must admit .
15 If I can get near Mum I must tell her that she should do a spot of witnessing to the woman across from her .
16 He was very , very kind ; he said of course I must go with the orchestra .
17 ‘ But of course I must go .
18 Of course I must go .
19 But of course I must carry out her late father 's wishes .
20 But she 's sure to have some ideas about my future , and — and , well , she 's been so marvellous all this time , running the house and looking after poor Daddy , that of course I must consider her now .
21 ‘ And of course I must obey your slightest wish as if you were God .
22 Of course I must add that the concept of ethnicity is available to them , as it would not be available to my neighbours if I bought a cottage in Suffolk , unless they were anti-Semitic .
23 Of course I must add a , a word of warning here , because whereas once upon a time many people used to be able to ring the Weather Centres or a Met Office to get their own personal forecast , which was very nice , we enjoyed doing this , it has now got to the stage where so many people are trying to ring us that we just can not deal with all the enquiries personally , and we 're looking into ways and means of erm providing forecasts of this sort of nature , they 're general sort of nature , by other means , such as radio and television .
24 ‘ This one sounds quite promising , but of course I must see him first — one ca n't always tell from the application , he added primly .
25 Oh well it 's gon na be another forty five minutes I must admit I have sympathy for the people who are going to listen to this .
26 That 's the experience I must render !
27 For example one notices over many years of you know having teaching I must have taught hundreds now in different class groups , ca n't help noticing that although you 're the same , subject is the same , the syllabus is the same , the reading list is the same , the room is the same , the time of day may be the same , but the groups are completely different .
28 ‘ And one of those times I must have crossed into someone else 's territory . ’
29 In future I must make it a rule never to use those cold , wet , good-for-nothing days for looking at crags .
30 Whatever the risk of shock to my more mathematically allergic readers I must write this celebrated equation just once :
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