Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] find the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was cold and wet by this time , but after a tour of inspection I found the house was deserted .
2 Sir : I consider myself fortunate in having selected your launch issue from the station bookshop , being attracted by the price , for as a relatively new computer user I find the content both interesting and easy to read and understand .
3 The switches I find the most awkward to deal with are the mains rotary on/off switches that are supplied by several of the main electronic component retailers .
4 One day when I went to give my language class at the university I found the word maricone ( queer ) chalked in large Gothic letters on the blackboard .
5 On this field I found the best combination was to set the Silver Sabre at minimum discrimination and maximum sensitivity .
6 When I started to make it up to my horror I found the stripes did not match up front and back .
7 And after a speedy search I found the drawer where she kept all her gym knickers . ’
8 In industry I found the status system much more difficult to comprehend .
9 In Lisbon I found the Portuguese captain , who took me in his ship to Brazil , all those years ago .
10 On my short acquaintance with Victorian Cichlids I found the males to be single-mindedly aggressive when breeding , but their harassment of tank-mates soon diminishes after spawning .
11 ‘ Sir David himself finds the task rather daunting and suspects he will not accomplish it before Reginald 's wedding day . ’
12 When Leonora returned to the bedroom she found the bed turned down invitingly .
13 Readers who find the discussion too brief may wish to consult one of the many basic economics textbooks which cover this area .
14 A TEENAGE papergirl who found the body of murdered bus driver Kevin McEvoy on her first day at work was back doing her rounds yesterday .
15 The project is the idea of the American oceanographer Dr Robert Ballard who found the wrecks of the Bismark and the Titanic .
16 There were no violent incidents of that magnitude at Twickenham for the Calcutta Cup match , but I know of many Scots who found the atmosphere unpleasant and have decided not to attend future rugby internationals in London .
17 Miss Field and Jane Martin … the adventure puzzle proved the trickiest winners of the books here are Mrs. Windsor and Graham Williams … most popular round was the racing … you all knew the answers only two winners I 'm afraid … well done Mrs. Cullis and N.Bonner … and three cheers for the kids who found the secret santas toys and games have been won by Tim Overton …
18 We struck out for Cambridge and although we made the odd wrong turn they were quickly rectified and with luck on our side we found the hotel .
19 When we finished our chat and tried to re-enter the auditorium we found the double doors were tight shut and we were locked out .
20 On arrival at the racecourse we found the large Hermès marquee to seat 1200 for a charity luncheon , surrounded by the Hermès village .
21 If we examine the lexical units referring to other modes of perception we find the following correspondences :
22 This may sound a somewhat highfalutin' way of making an obvious point ; but the obvious points are often the important ones : in this tension we find the limits of experience , beyond which we locate an objective universe and within which we locate subjectivity .
23 From Carson to Paisley one finds the argument that it is legitimate to fight to regain one 's fundamental freedom if the sovereign with whom one has covenanted one 's allegiance betrays that allegiance and conducts one into slavery .
24 In the course of one chapter we find the following phrases , in this order : there seems no explanation on Darwinian grounds It is no easier to explain It is hard to understand It is not easy to understand It is equally difficult to explain I do not find it easy to comprehend I do not find it easy to see …
25 In the capital Mogadishu we find the answer .
26 The whole morning was a fair to average shambles , even when we got back to Battalion HQ We found the basement at Cadogan Gardens full of fainting civilians — mostly rather pretty girls . ’
27 When the police stopped the car they found the seals in the bag .
28 Since people 's self-assessments tend to reflect the way they wish they spoke , Trudgill took it that women wished to identify themselves with a higher social class , and thus that their status aspirations were higher than men 's ( with male informants he found the opposite tendency , which will be discussed later on ) .
29 Now back in Bucharest he finds the people who stifled his union at birth are still holding important positions in the film industry under the umbrella of the National Salvation Front .
30 Constraint-based programming is an artificial intelligence technique which finds the optimum way to allocate means and resources .
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