Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] have first " in BNC.

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1 And in that time I became very close to the bunch of desperadoes I 'd first flown out with .
2 It was the culmination of that mystique of rule which had first flowered in the Punjab under John and Henry Lawrence fifty years before , and whose objective basis in reality was now almost universally taken for granted .
3 The government had refused seven of 17 demands which had first been presented by the UITUA on April 9 ( although receiving little news coverage ) .
4 This was no longer the wily old ecclesiastical politician from the metropole who had first closed down Martinho 's seminary news-letter and then later , seeing which way the wind blew , had made an unholy , if tacit , alliance with Caesar in the shape of Osvaldo .
5 It was Glasgow-born American Lieutenant Arthur Whitten Brown and Captain John Alcock who had first flown an aircraft across the Atlantic one month earlier in June , and their terrible journey in a giant biplane bomber powered by Rolls-Royce engines was very different from today 's high-cruising world of in-flight movies .
6 Laura believed everything in the home should contribute to a pervading sense of calm and peacefulness ; the same calm and peacefulness she had first discovered at her aunt and uncle 's home in suburban Wallington .
7 As Mr Charles , our chief male nurse and I passed each other on our way to and from the admission ward and our offices we had first one and then another sorry tale to tell .
8 Before he left for his six weeks stay in Swindon that spring he had first called her ‘ sweet ’ , she recalled four months later , ‘ in the little passage , near the willows , near the farm ’ on Wandsworth Common .
9 The Tess he had first loved had separated her body from her soul .
10 He was reminded of something he had read somewhere : that it was seldom wise to return to any former haunt hoping to recapture the same pleasure it had first given , because it was sure to be different and disappointing .
11 With the glasses he seemed to put on another nature — his stern , cool attitude she had first noted , and felt unthreatened by .
12 It was the gratitude of the star on This is Your Life thanking the village schoolmaster who had first taken him to the theatre .
13 At the end of January an amendment to Article 27 of the 1917 Constitution implementing a radical agricultural reform was approved by Congress and signed by President Carlos Salinas de Gortari who had first proposed the reform in November 1991 [ see p. 38569 ] .
14 Her name was Paulette , but the Prince called all such girls Charlotte , after the English Princess who had first agreed to marry him , then inexplicably broken off the engagement .
15 After graduating from Sandhurst Military College with the coveted Sword of Honour he had first seen active duty in Korea where he suffered a serious leg injury while attempting to rescue a wounded colleague .
16 But oh , he had set her heart to racing the instant she 'd first seen him .
17 In our scope of registration I 'd first of all we show the accounts department as part of the company .
18 Charity had felt something tug at her heart the moment she had first seen this cove .
19 Marguerite pulled herself together and led the way back into the room they had first entered .
20 The profound changes in the economy and society which had swept the old feudal practices away were for Marx and Engels merely an expression of the profound changes which had first taken place in the mode of production .
21 Stations , hotels , and all other railway works were capitalized on the mineral riches which had first attracted the Spanish .
22 One of his first trips was to see the Amnesty group in Austria which had first campaigned for his long-awaited freedom .
23 He had changed his parson 's clothes and now looked just like the young gentleman she had first met at Trantridge .
24 Every weekday morning just before 10 o'clock I would visit the Chief of Police , John Fyvie , a tall dour and somewhat lugubrious ex-CPR policeman who had first served as a ‘ bobbie ’ in his home town of Aberdeen , Scotland .
25 ‘ I have a question , ’ whispered the penguin , feeling as small as the day she 'd first slid into the waves .
26 Somehow she doubted whether sharing with Sandra the fact that she already did regret the day she 'd first laid eyes on Matthew would be helpful to anyone .
27 It was raining when Patrick Montgomery Lundy , followed by Jane Bradley , stepped onto Irish soil , and he suddenly remembered his mother telling him that it had been raining on the day she had first come to Ireland , in the May of 1898 .
28 For she had been wearing this dress the night she had first glimpsed the truth about her sister , a truth that was as unpalatable now as it had been then .
29 Both of them are ‘ such knowledge of effects or appearances , as we acquire by true ratiocination from the knowledge we have first of their causes or generations : And again , of such causes or generations as may be from knowing first their effects . ’
30 In the block we start running from just in front of the ladder , but on the night we 've first of all got to run from the block to the wire , which is twenty yards away in the nearest place and then put the ladder up .
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