Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This uninhibited tourist did not look like the Frankenstein monster whom many Americans had expected and some of them began to wonder if they had got Khrushchev and his modest and dignified wife wrong .
2 ‘ I was told to mind my own business . ’
3 But I 've been taught to mind my own business , so I wo n't need an answer to that . ’
4 It is clear from the evidence of wills from all social classes up to the sovereign himself that society valued the spiritual input of those whose dying to worldly values ( at their enclosure the burial service was read over them ) was not regarded with jokey discomfort as disturbingly eccentric , but valued as contributing a unique gift to a total social welfare .
5 Speaking about the resurgence of interest in religion which many people see in the world today , the Chief Rabbi , Jonathan Sacks , asks " Whether religious revival might be not a refreshing breeze but a destructive hurricane . "
6 It is far better to look upon the purpose of such negotiations as to define the risks which each party is willing to accept , and what benefits or rewards he requires from the other party in order to accept those risks .
7 The Stanford School of Medicine ( which has some 8000 animals in stock ) and the University of California-San Francisco claim that ‘ the legislation creates a great irony by increasing the number of animals which each year will be euthanased instead of being transferred to research facilities .
8 Second , the formulation of the Authority 's educational policies and programmes , especially those which teachers are expected to translate into day-to-day practice , should from now on be grounded in prior consultation with teachers and others , together with analysis of relevant conceptual and empirical research , and those devising such policies and programmes should be able to justify them in terms of the considerations which this process will reveal .
9 But what was much more important was the relationship between the particular nature of this political crisis and the religious recourse which some people took .
10 Effective deployment of the larger reserves which this system made available required intricate staff work .
11 In the remaining chapters , it is argued that religion in Ireland basically solidifies the opposing alliances in an exclusive way and precludes a common state form , thus providing the structure of violence which such divisions entail .
12 Due to the radio waves which this equipment gives off , an electrical current is induced into the water .
13 In a bizarre case that has once more focused attention on the accountability of art restorers , a United States Circuit Court of Appeals has heard arguments on a decision that , for now , requires an American city to pay more than half-a-million dollars for restoration work on a city-owned mural which that city never contracted to restore .
14 Development technician Dave said : ‘ At the moment the proposals are very much up in the air but we are hoping to plan mixed weekend trips which both groups would enjoy . ’
15 But it has always produced two results : support from other fans who think Newcastle are n't half lucky and complete silence from the club which many fans also accuse of poor public relations except on one occasion when the assistant manager was economical with the truth .
16 It is also the case that the two commonly used relationships with ratios often and 100 concern millimetres , centimetres and metres and are perhaps the units which most pupils use most frequently .
17 Neither does the statement , ‘ All those coloured glass pictures of people which you see in the windows of churches , have been put there to remind us of the good which those people did during their lives .
18 It is essential , therefore , that if we are concerned with the end product ( the school leaver ) continuity and coherence must be the characteristic of the programme which all children follow .
19 The contradictions which this model engenders are somehow even more glaringly obvious in the context of diseases of poverty , with the vicious circle of malnutrition and infectious , though preventable , diseases ( 2 ) .
20 The type of research which this kind of geology necessitates is careful , painstaking fieldwork , covering large areas of difficult terrain , and it is only by long-term work involving many individuals that the answers to the problems can be found .
21 Another concern we have is that special employment and training measures , ( now catering for over 31,000 people in the North ) , have become a substitute for jobs — a way of reducing the official unemployment statistics and complementing the massive statistical fraud which those figures now represent .
22 As a result , people in these institutions quickly came to take on the roles and goals which these institutions required for their survival .
23 And one tends to conclude that all attempts to be poetic in some manner or other defeat their own end ; whereas an intentness on the quality of the emotion to be conveyed makes for poetry .
24 This was a function of the increasingly competitive international economy , and the crises which many stalwarts of British corporate life were facing .
25 Under the immensity of weight which such considerations hold for the developing youngster , it is not surprising that sexuality falls into comparative disregard .
26 Not only were they more cheaply remunerated — at the church 's expense , mainly — and far more experienced in the business and technicalities of administration and negotiation , but their clerical status gave them a weight which most laymen could only acquire by aristocratic connections or by ennoblement ; lay chancellors , to be of any consequence , needed political and dynastic links , which could also spell danger for the king .
27 The name ‘ Alexis Master ’ , first coined in German by the art historian A. Goldschmidt , derives from the illustrations of the life of St Alexis which this artist contributed to the great St Albans Psalter .
28 Such a format will help to diminish the feeling of isolation which some individuals or departments may feel and will provide a forum for the exchange of views and ideas .
29 Conveyor belting : Although often part of heavy machinery , belting demands its own method .
30 HCIMA publishes and regularly updates a list of centres offering its programmes including the modes of study which each centre offers .
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