Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In case my digestive juices were making so much noise that none of you heard what I said , I 'll repeat it .
2 Being a property tax — there is not now any contention between the two main parties about that — we can either tax the kind of house and say , for example , that all three-bedroom properties shall be taxed the same , in which case my hon. Friends should be aware that we would soon have tremendous anomalies as the same tax is placed on a Mayfair flat as is put on a flat in a mining village , or we can have regional banding , and then there must be boundaries between regions .
3 At times my skateboarding skills astounded me : zipping around corners , weaving through obstacles etc .
4 This uninhibited tourist did not look like the Frankenstein monster whom many Americans had expected and some of them began to wonder if they had got Khrushchev and his modest and dignified wife wrong .
5 Over the next four months my Green Chromides flourished , attaining an average size of approximately 4½″ .
6 'E jus ' walked up ter me calm as yer like an' ses , ‘ Tell Mr Maitland 'is ole friends 'ave paid 'im a visit . ’
7 In becoming anorexic , I was saying to those who were in effect my social superiors , ‘ I can contribute nothing to the community ; look how little I have/am . ’
8 It was concern about prostitution , venereal disease , maternal mortality and the control of female sexuality that gave gynaecology its distinctive qualities .
9 Funded by the Merseyside Development Corporation the NLBA is a sister organisation to the city 's Parliament Street Industrialists Association which two years ago celebrated a 73pc reduction in crime after they coordinated to defeat criminal activity .
10 Over her traditional ‘ pollera ’ , the wide , thick skirt which indigenous women wear , she has the bright blue overall of the CDA staff .
11 For Study 4 the total number of films watched in the judgment phase was slightly reduced as was the mean length of a film in order to allow the full stimulus set to appear in the recognition phase , this effectively doubles the amount of information each subject gives in the recognition phase , fortunately this was a part of the experiment which previous subjects had generally found agreeably challenging and intrinsically motivating .
12 The new fact in the world 's history is that for the first time a great power with a formidable Navy , a population from which vast armies might be raised , and an economic and financial strength which might alone be decisive in any future conflict , is prepared to stake its own peace , not merely to guarantee its own interests , nor to further the partisan aims of its allies , but to make an end in the world of the possibility of prosperous aggression … . beyond the American continent her only interests are the open door to trade , freedom of the seas , and the maintenance of peace .
13 Before considering the various methods which various owners and developers have adopted to achieve the satisfactory conversion of church buildings to domestic use , it is important to be aware of the procedure through which the majority of churches become available for conversion .
14 Fourthly , the skills and methods which social workers developed during the welfare state era are relevant as never before ( Department of Health and Social Security , 1985 ; Parsloe , 1988 ; Department of Health , 1989 ) : psychosocial assessments , direct work with children , maintaining links , interprofessional collaboration .
15 Even within the bounds of their overwhelming devotion to Gothic they showed by the end of the century an openness to new styles which other denominations were not as quick to learn .
16 While parental choice embodied in the Educational Reform Act has broken down the traditional secondary-feeder primary school catchment areas , for the vast number of secondary schools their associated primaries are unchanged .
17 JOHN BARNES , the England winger struggling with a hamstring injury , stayed in Liverpool yesterday as Bobby Robson 's squad met up in Buckinghamshire to fine-tune their final plans for next Wednesday 's World Cup qualifying game in Poland .
18 Jean-Georges Noverre in his Letters on Dance ( 1760 ) described the seven movements which give steps their varying qualities , namely : to bend , stretch , rise , jump glide , dart and turn .
19 In the remaining chapters , it is argued that religion in Ireland basically solidifies the opposing alliances in an exclusive way and precludes a common state form , thus providing the structure of violence which such divisions entail .
20 We might well be inclined to call this intentional object the context of the emotional arousal for it is the cognitive relationship with a particular context that gives the emotion its particular characteristics .
21 Development technician Dave said : ‘ At the moment the proposals are very much up in the air but we are hoping to plan mixed weekend trips which both groups would enjoy . ’
22 But it has always produced two results : support from other fans who think Newcastle are n't half lucky and complete silence from the club which many fans also accuse of poor public relations except on one occasion when the assistant manager was economical with the truth .
23 It is also the case that the two commonly used relationships with ratios often and 100 concern millimetres , centimetres and metres and are perhaps the units which most pupils use most frequently .
24 For democratic elitists the state is directed by legitimately elected political leaders ; it is a driverless car which political parties compete for the right to manage .
25 It is essential , therefore , that if we are concerned with the end product ( the school leaver ) continuity and coherence must be the characteristic of the programme which all children follow .
26 She paused as if turning over in her mind her next words before giving them substance .
27 London was the greatest town in England , and during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries its economic resources increased more markedly than those of most other parts of the country .
28 But even where a man threatens to use no more force than is necessary for him to have sexual intercourse with a woman and the force needed , bearing in mind their relative sizes and strengths , would be minimal , it seems to be accepted that this would be rape .
29 Another concern we have is that special employment and training measures , ( now catering for over 31,000 people in the North ) , have become a substitute for jobs — a way of reducing the official unemployment statistics and complementing the massive statistical fraud which those figures now represent .
30 A ‘ stringer ’ is n't just a freelance — it 's a correspondent based away from head office whose local contacts give him an on-the-spot usefulness which far surpasses that of a reporter sent out from head office . ’
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