Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 Quigley et al. ( 1976 ) report on the tendency of deaf children to try to fit subject — verb — object patterns on to all sentence constructions .
2 Body position and movement also play an important part — although the fact that turns latch on to each other successfully in telephone conversations seems to suggest that these factors , like gaze , are perhaps not as important as might at first appear .
3 No , no , look I must ring here , we have a bit on to that behind the tree , you can let that happen .
4 Even to the extent that regional organizations do succeed in moderating the pursuit of purely national goals , as the EC has done , such organizations may themselves develop into power blocs which transpose international conflicts on to another level , in a manner which recalls the imperialist rivalries of the earlier part of this century .
5 Once , as she was heading towards the gate ( thus walking in the direction opposite to that which Agnes was to take somewhat later , followed by the gaze of her unfortunate schoolfriend ) , the secretary turned , smiled and lifted her arm out in the air in an unexpected gesture , easy and flowing .
6 Incidentally , Dubhe and Alkaid are moving across the sky in a direction opposite to that of the remaining five stars , so that over a sufficiently long period the Plough will lose its familiar shape .
7 However , tachistoscopic half-field studies with normal subjects suggest that for sinistrals the presence of familial left handedness reduces perceptual asymmetry for non-verbal as for verbal tasks ( Gilbert , 1977 ; Albert and Obler , 1978 ) or shifts the asymmetry in the direction opposite to that for dextrals ( Schmuller and Goodman , 1980 ) .
8 Within each handedness group the difference between female inverters and non-inverters was in the direction opposite to that predicted by Levy and Reid but , for males , the difference was in the predicted direction .
9 As usual , I felt that , on taking leave , I ought to proceed in a direction opposite to that which he was taking , because there was a mystery as to where Eliot lived , and I did not want to appear inquisitive .
10 As he will be aware , for the most part attacks have been going in the direction opposite to that to which he drew attention .
11 Visibility Especially to those bosses with more power .
12 THE Queen , rather pre-occupied these days , has nevertheless found time to quash attempts to strip Sir Walter Raleigh of his title for introducing the dreaded weed in to this country .
13 In enacting a liberal abortion law Maryland pursued an course opposite to that being followed in much of the rest of the country .
14 Some went further and stated that the press must be free to say whatever needed saying ; not surprisingly , opponents of this school of thought pointed out that this gave freedom only to those who had a newspaper at their disposal .
15 Thus political leaders of lesser developed countries found themselves part of a government that had officially accepted a family planning programme or soil conservation programme ( or both ) , but were aware that there was widespread opposition locally to both .
16 First cut away the damaged wood , then brush the special hardener on to all remaining soft fibres .
17 Mr Chairman , this , in actual fact , I can put a little bit of light on to this , I mean , having had two of my children , erm , attended this , Air Training Corps .
18 He concluded that the liquidators ought not to make the transcript available to the SFO unless it undertook not to use the statements in the transcript in any prosecution against Mr Naviede ( otherwise than in accordance with s 2(8) ) , and that it would not pass the transcript on to any other authority without first securing a corresponding undertaking .
19 If we add our weathercock effect on to this , the tail rotor is now too effective and a trim change is required ( Fig.5.9 ) .
20 Turn the cooked sponge on to this and carefully peel off the paper .
21 Places are not restricted to locals ; students who are willing to undertake a journey many still be successful in gaining entry on to this stimulating and imaginative course .
22 I also want to express my deep appreciation especially to those who took the time to pray for me .
23 None of us are lock in to this P I and production phases , we will not be locked in until we sign the memorandum of understanding for those phases and that is scheduled for nineteen ninety five .
24 Earlier we talked about antimatter — particles which have all their physical characteristics opposite to those displayed by particles of matter .
25 I was ruled out of order , I erm I there were point out then that twenty five new councillors and I understand it was n't legitimate if I wanted to restrict the vote only to those twenty five so that the rest of you would actually realise that this has gone on far too long , I only put that as a I think it is very , very important erm that we break new ground .
26 Thomas son of Adam , who had held the manor of Hutton-in-the-Forest by the serjeanty of keeping the king 's hay of Plumpton in Inglewood Forest , had by 1244 alienated the manor entirely to several tenants .
27 10 Send pictures only to those editors who you are sure will want to print them .
28 I feel I have let Sir Charles Irving down to some degree , ’ he added .
29 Ideally , as the names imply , a low-pass filter passes signals up to some limiting frequency but not above it , a high-pass filter passes signals down to some limiting frequency but not below it , a band-pass filter passes signals over a range of frequencies but not outside it and a band-stop filter only passes signals outside a range of frequencies .
30 After a frightful red-headed youth with a beard had taken Hyacinth away to some dance , the party had broken up , though not before Grunte , who was tight , had made a speech about ‘ many years of close friendship … a happy ship … a united party ’ and much more of the same .
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