Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [subord] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , as we shall see , employers in the USA — particularly in the manufacturing sector where enterprise-level bargaining and large corporations predominate — have felt less need for association with other employers for negotiating purposes , while in Britain over the past two decades there has been a trend towards the adoption of company-centred industrial relations policies rather than continued adherence to the norms laid down by an association .
2 Police and army behaviour and tactics had been improved to some extent , especially in appreciating the need for reform policies rather than simple oppression .
3 They attempted to demonstrate that equity value is dependent on the success or failure of the firm 's investment policies rather than any deliberate policy concerning dividends .
4 These were slow to develop , and the realisation of this made it difficult ( even had they wished to do so ) for Ministers to treat them like private sector companies , subject largely to control by fiscal and monetary policies rather than detailed intervention on capital spending .
5 We must entertain doubts about Baden-Powell 's enthusiasm for Hooligans , and the extent to which it represented Edwardian wish-fulfilment rather than real accomplishment .
6 The £4.1 billion jump in bank-lending was month was twice the average monthly increase in 1992 , but economists warned that it reflected a rebound rather than new hope that consumers are taking on significantly bigger borrowings to fuel recovery .
7 Proof that these outbursts are overflow or vacuum activities rather than pathological fits can be found by comparing the indoor behaviour of hard-living rural cats , with that of lap-of-luxury town cats .
8 The concentration on wealth-generating activities rather than social programmes ; this was most apparent in the creation of enterprise zones .
9 All three represent fundamental shake-ups and policy shifts , and as their implementation coincides with a ruthless financial squeeze on local government , the council tax and community care may look like empty statements of ideology rather than meaningful new policies .
10 • Use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk rather than full-fat milk ; • Use cream less often on desserts and not at all in cooking ; • Have only three or four eggs a week ; • Buy more yogurt and less hard cheese ; • Eat less red meat and trim off the visible fat ; • Eat fewer fatty meat products such as sausages , meat pies , and burgers ; • Cut down on fatty snacks such as crisps ; • Use less pastry in cooking and buy fewer foods that incorporate pastry ; • Use less fat in cooking ; • If you are having a take-away meal such as fish and chips , leave some of the smaller , fattier chips usually found at the bottom of the bag .
11 Most consumers ‘ certainly fail to recognise the implications of agricultural practices and policy ’ , such as subsidies for producing and promoting full-fat milk rather than semi-skimmed or skimmed milk , and those for butter and meat .
12 And it 's preferable to have a golf course rather than agricultural land which might be heavily dosed with chemicals six times a year , which is more than the average course . ’
13 They focus on social strata rather than social inequality in general .
14 However , if it is a moral decision rather than mechanical conformism or a prudent surrender to social pressures , the case remains fundamentally as before , but with an added layer ; he now takes account , not only of the effects on his parents but of the damage to the community as a whole of any successful disobedience .
15 And if firms are now hiring two part-timers rather than one full-timer , it may also explain why unemployment has started to fall earlier than expected .
16 Much of the peripheral area is former coal field rather than rural .
17 But in any case it has been clearly apparent to all fieldworking anthropologists for at least sixty years that the various kinds of performance which have , in the past , been assigned to the categories " magic " , " religion " , " magico-religious " , are expressions of artistic creativity rather than misguided attempts to control the material world by mechanical means .
18 If casual consumption of cocaine is down , it may well be the result of education and treatment programmes rather than criminal enforcement .
19 Government approvals now mainly apply to programmes rather than individual projects and relate to only one year at a time .
20 The tradition of the words of the Lord was largely oral , and even after the canonical gospels were freely circulating , second-century citations of Jesus ' teaching often suggest oral rather than written transmission .
21 Smoking clinics usually provide health information , group discussion and mutual support rather than specific treatment .
22 On the day of application he convened an extraordinary board meeting and , within minutes , announced that Whaddon Athletic was now known as Athletico Whaddon , thus ensuring Premier rather than Fifth Division football .
23 More generally , the " diglossia " paradigm tends to emphasise linguistic behaviour in terms of community norms rather than individual interactions which are orientated to those norms in a general way .
24 In fact , for personal or even health reasons rather than financial ones — you must take it .
25 Yet the commercial farmers can be forgiven for believing that the decision to buy the white farms has been taken for short-term political reasons rather than longer-term ones of efficiency or fairness .
26 Both Harold Wilson and Margaret Thatcher have appointed BBC chairmen for personal reasons rather than suitable qualifications , and in 1988 the Conservative Government was strongly condemned for appointing its political partisans Lord Rees-Mogg ( to the Chairmanship of the BSC ) and Lord Chalfont ( to the Deputy-Chairmanship of the IBA ) .
27 Similarly , Alison Hennegan has described how as a teenager she hunted out lesbian fiction and based her decisions to investigate one text rather than another on clues as vague and ‘ irrational ’ as a publisher 's logo or a particular chapter title .
28 The more we look at the behaviour of insects , birds , mammals , and man , the more we see a continuum of complexity rather than any difference in kind that might separate the intellectual Valhalla of our species from the apparently mindless computations of insects .
29 They appreciate that B because A and A because B are different in meaning , and this understanding is probably based on causal direction rather than temporal order .
30 Neither lexicographers nor political theorists can or should hope to halt this process of constant revision , although they may legitimately aspire to guide or nudge it in one direction rather than another .
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