Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Quakers , for example , dispensed with a professional ministry altogether and held completely unstructured meetings , at which both male and female members of the congregation could testify as and when the spirit moved them ; they also developed their own simple marriage and burial services .
2 Far from being grateful , she complained of the smell within and declared that sleeping in the open air had its merits .
3 One of his most senior colleagues , Mr Michael Heseltine , the Environment Secretary , indicated that , if the Tories were the biggest party in a hung Parliament , Mr Major would draw up a programme of legislation and put it to the vote in Parliament rather than seeking any formal deal with the Liberal Democrats or Ulster Unionists .
4 When her mother came and sat beside her , twisting her fingers nervously and pulling on and off her gloves , lifting and laying down her basket in agitation , Lily rallied a little .
5 Thus subject departments and individual teachers are to be involved in forming curriculum policies rather than having rights over such policies .
6 As a committed Labour Party member I can not condone nor understand why , with the country suffering from Tory fatigue , the Labour Party does not thrust home its policies rather than become embroiled in this negative smear and counter-smear campaign .
7 Even if one does think of self-consciousness as perceiving one 's own activities rather than heeding them ( as one also heeds the perceived ) , there is no obvious reason why one should not be perceiving as thought and emotion what to the eye would be neural process , just as when , with the same experience of temporal change without spatial extension , one hears as sound what one would see as vibrations .
8 Instruction would be given by the librarian and the class teacher and it would deal mainly in concrete activities rather than abstract theory and should be tied to specific project work .
9 This involves changing the verb altogether and replacing it with one that has a similar meaning but can be used in a different syntactic configuration .
10 The examination , therefore , can now be seen as the culmination of the course rather than viewed as an unwelcome intrusion as it was previously .
11 Further evidence that Castro was pursuing his own course rather than responding to US actions is given by the testimony of US Ambassador Philip Bonsal , who found his efforts to meet with Castro and to pursue negotiations thwarted .
12 Geologists had chiefly looked horizontally where fossils were concerned , using them to date strata rather than following resemblances vertically through time .
13 ‘ It is easier for the institutions to give us records of all accounts rather than trying to strip out just those accounts which paid above a certain level of interest .
14 There is no reason why a couple should continue to have sex into old age if they decide together that they do not want to , but it is important that they make a decision rather than lapse into no sex as a result of neglect or unresolved problems .
15 Democratic centralism concentrates power in a few hands and at the end of the day produces decision rather than fudging .
16 The slow pace of political and economic change led opposition critics to claim that the overthrow of the Stroessner military regime had been an exchange of power among the ruling elite rather than marking the beginning of a genuine transition to democracy .
17 In Tanzania , the Government had control of most of the media and claimed to exercise this control on behalf of the workers and peasants in order to enhance their freedom rather than to restrict it .
18 Which particular words and phrases show that the writer is stating opinions rather than making judgements ?
19 Throughout their secondary school careers , pupils are often persuaded to repeat their teachers ' opinions rather than to develop their own points of view .
20 Accordingly , there has been a gradual realization that the endeavour should advance over a broader field rather than trying to seek a ‘ universal ’ method ( Dearden , 1981 ) , that subjective methods are probably more cost-effective ( Price , 1976 ) , that any method should include room for different tastes ( Jacques , 1980 ) , and that much could be learnt from the approach of experts in the area of aesthetic and artistic judgement ( Carlson , 1977 ) .
21 Why do you think many of the farmers prefer to have a long ley in each field rather than changing from arable crops to grass every one or two years ?
22 And if we were going to be bored , and we were usually bored , rarely being self-motivated , we could at least be bored on our own terms , lying smashed on mattresses in ruined houses rather than working in the machine .
23 By the use of this technique , it will be possible to gain precise information about the nature of reading difficulties at the time of comprehension rather than relying on inferences made from memory performance .
24 Even the economic stimulus package that Congress defeated last week , which contained nearly half a billion dollars for the National Science Foundation ( NSF ) , the National Institutes of Standards and Technology and other federal research agencies ( see right ) , would at best have strengthened existing programmes rather than charting new directions .
25 A major difficulty is likely to be that doctors are usually on the side of giving support rather than receiving it and will probably find it difficult to recognise their own needs .
26 Table 16–5 also suggests that the UK relies quite heavily on indirect taxes rather than direct taxes .
27 It means a government whose chief policies were offered to the voters before the election rather than concocted in political trading after it .
28 He also claims DEC , leery of its margins , has reworked its low-end Alpha price structure to pitch the machines against Hewlett-Packard Co rather than get into a price struggle with Sun Microsystems Inc .
29 Manorial rents fell and in order to avoid financial ruin some lords removed the villages and common fields and turned to direct farming , often preferring to farm sheep rather than grow corn which was less profitable .
30 The hon. Gentleman should perhaps concentrate on feeding his sheep rather than intervene in the debate at this stage .
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