Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 The disadvantage of share schemes is , Mr Luder says , that ‘ it is all very well my being an employee of a subsidiary five tiers down of some major plc , and their saying ‘ Here is a dollar for a share option and you will be motivated if the share price rises ’ , but there is no direct link between cause and effect' .
2 Heavens ! she thought , and was suddenly so impatient with herself that , seeing it was only for one night , for goodness ' sake , she grabbed hold of a favourite dress and folded that into her case along with some trousers and a spare lightweight sweater .
3 At the moment , at least , it seems that gravity can be unified with the other physical interactions only in some supergravity theory .
4 If one is willing to discard the possibility of Picasso having focused his attention on these particular heads in the Louvre — and this is unlikely since they were not shown on the ground floor like the Osuna reliefs , the Dama de Elche and other important Iberian pieces , but in a small room in the basement together with some twenty other heads — his acquisition of them is useful in establishing a chronological sequence for the painting of the different sections of the Demoiselles .
5 And the insane , uncontrollable screaming of ‘ I 'm gon na be a pop star might be a bit much for some .
6 Half a dozen lapwings are feeding on a potato field along with some sparrows and a party of twite , and I spot the white wing-flashes of a cock chaffinch among the black earth .
7 Notice that we have mentioned two ways of specifying an operation to be performed : by having various lengths of operation code field , or by having a fixed length operation code field together with some form of subsidiary information field .
8 By explicit training is meant a procedure in which the animal is given pairings of a CS and a US in one distinctive context , and presentations of the same CS along with some other event in a different context .
9 Martin sat down ; he had been wanting to get to know Sarah better for some time and this seemed like a good opportunity .
10 The wing had stopped off in Germany merely for some flaps to be fitted .
11 It was captain Richards who put the brakes on with some neat off-spin , only for the last ten overs to realize another 83 .
12 We had developed this principle by joining lumps of plastic explosive together with some machine gun cartridges to make a simple anti-personnel charge .
13 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
14 Taken at the Contract 's Division annual sales conference in March , the photograph shows the Stoddard Mercia Sales Force together with some of the back-up team , including designers from London , Runcorn and Elderslie .
15 I feel I have let Sir Charles Irving down to some degree , ’ he added .
16 But if , and most of are I 'm sure that we 've come today with some thorn in our flesh somewhere , some worry , some difficulty or a disappointment perhaps of some kind , then just remember that in all things God works together for good with those who love him , and for that rejoice and give thanks , and again I say , rejoice .
17 This annual event for Harlow Schoolchildren culminates in the reading of the winning entries along with some music from local schools .
18 It 's a vicious circle from which the only escape is to bring all parties together with some common framework such as Eureka with the prospect of Government support in order to reduce the very real financial risks involved .
19 Ideally , as the names imply , a low-pass filter passes signals up to some limiting frequency but not above it , a high-pass filter passes signals down to some limiting frequency but not below it , a band-pass filter passes signals over a range of frequencies but not outside it and a band-stop filter only passes signals outside a range of frequencies .
20 After a frightful red-headed youth with a beard had taken Hyacinth away to some dance , the party had broken up , though not before Grunte , who was tight , had made a speech about ‘ many years of close friendship … a happy ship … a united party ’ and much more of the same .
21 By her stand we judge them , and we see that Cordelia 's calm statement of her love for her father , her refusal to compete in extravagant adulation , was the result not of some inherent coldness but of integrity under unusual and unnatural pressure .
22 Edwards also states that he is being driven by environmental concern and that climbers are wearing the crags away in some place .
23 Thanks largely to some generous donations from absent well-wishers , we also made more money than last year .
24 It was well known how these sinister plasteel cadavers could house Stealer broods , adrift for centuries or millennia till a fluke of the warp vomited the derelict into truespace close to some vulnerable world .
25 The Spidergobs had once caught a technerd to have fun with , a technerd who could savvy scumlingo , and who 'd screamed about how all his gang cousins had been taken into the Troopies up at some gateway fortress where the land-trains left , whatever those were .
26 One needs therefore deliberately to seek the setting up of some new high-growth businesses ( in our case based technologically ) , which will replace those which are so successful at present , such as pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals .
27 These include the setting up in some areas of special rooms and facilities where cases of sexual assault can be dealt with , the training of police by Rape Crisis groups , and some specialist police units .
28 The maths that you do ties up in some way with usually ties up with reality there 's some reason for it .
29 Ideally , as the names imply , a low-pass filter passes signals up to some limiting frequency but not above it , a high-pass filter passes signals down to some limiting frequency but not below it , a band-pass filter passes signals over a range of frequencies but not outside it and a band-stop filter only passes signals outside a range of frequencies .
30 On Oct. 1 it was reported that the UN intended to bring its peacekeeping force up to some 4,200 .
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