Example sentences of "[noun] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances , the court has the power to abridge the time for service .
2 The appropriate formula is where is the rate of discount , the redemption value , the initial price of the bill and n the time to redemption in years .
3 The cost of all significant community services provided for each of the clients ( including day hospitals and day centres ) has been included , plus of course the time of support workers and a proportion of the time of the development officers ( see Appendix IV ) .
4 Time of Submission The time of submission of the application within the date set by the UCAS is not important ; all candidates are given equal consideration .
5 Time of Submission The time of submission of the application within the dates set by UCAS is not important ; all candidates are given equal consideration .
6 In some respects the time for making images of landscape from a static viewpoint might seem to be over .
7 It was only a pound a time including tea and biscuits ; fifty pence for OAPs , UB40s , students and disabled , which was most of us in Claro .
8 In English pubs the time between two and three on a Sunday afternoon should perhaps be named ‘ The Ferrers Hour ’ .
9 For Jeanne the time in the south had been desperately unhappy , with the endless rows between Modigliani and her mother .
10 I want five storm-troopers to give that girl the time of her life .
11 If the cells have a ‘ clock ’ that stops when they leave the zone the time on the clock will give them their position along the axis .
12 To be honest , he had hardly given rugby the time of day as he spent his Saturday afternoons on the soccer pitch , writes Graham Tait .
13 While he made his way swiftly but lightly across the boggy ground , giving his feet no time to be drawn down , the men higher up the bank were fastening the rest of the horses to the leash .
14 Recovering Alphameric Plc is seeking to raise another £363,000 to bolster its return to prosperity with a placing of 1.29m shares at 28.25 pence a time via Henderson Crosthwaite Corporate Finance Ltd .
15 He was a hard worker , and you had to set these pens every time for the sheep you see , well he could carry three hurdles on his back , and I could , five , that 's right five , and I could carry three , he carried five .
16 In radionuclide transit the times of the appearance of 5% and 90% of the isotope in the stomach differed significantly ( p<0.02 and p<0.05 ) between the 15 patients who were tested and the healthy controls ( Fig 6 ) .
17 When Harry 's front axle buckled , he was behind a truck A few brief comments on each of these : in ( 35a ) the pronoun I is used gesturally to self-nominate from a group , in ( 35b ) it just has the symbolic usage ; in ( 36b ) the word ago places the time at which the action occurred relative to the time of speaking , in ( 36c ) the time is relative to the time at which the events in the narrative occurred .
18 ACCORDING to the Daily Mail , a doctor in Florida has just been busted for charging people £12 a time for a new dieting aid .
19 It seemed in truth a time of indulgent expansion ; and , as if in retribution , students of all kinds , in universities old and new and in the polytechnics , became more and more resistant to authority , not just social authority , but the academic authority of their teachers and of the disciplines within which they were studying .
20 Succeeding against challenge is part of the satisfaction — if a rose were to grow perfect blooms every time without problems , that would be too easy and give no sense of achievement .
21 It is on one level a time of transition between one set of viewpoints , and the gradual emergence of another , if you like , the conscious pantisocracy and the unconscious ‘ shapes and thoughts ’ , but it is a moment at which the two not only meet , as the river Alph becomes a fountain , but merge and seem not only to contradict but support one another .
22 The forgeries are understood to be changing hands at up to £60 a time across the province in pubs and clubs .
23 In any event the time for sovereigns meeting was long past and in the particular case of Prussia Napoleon III was not being stalked by the King but by Bismarck , who had no intention of allowing his quarry to elude him .
24 as if they had known to the minute the time of Rachaela 's arrival .
25 It was Litvinov 's open letter to the Western press , published in the UK newspaper The Times in 1968 , which brought to public attention the censorship situation then in the Soviet Union .
26 Stephen Smailes , Stockton cricket buff and councillor , is offering 50p a time to charity ( yet to be decided ) for each catch and stumping .
27 It also allows the diarrhoetic person no time for listening or taking in from the other .
28 After all the excitement of a major event a time of exhaustion and deflation tends to set in when it is over .
29 Just that they , they 're not willing to do it for nothing , and it 's going to cost you twenty pounds a time on top of the P A hire .
30 She was at court every time with me , and she came and visited me at Holloway .
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