Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And on the M forty itself at junction two there 's a contraflow now in operation with two narrow lanes only in both directions and you 'll also find the westbound entry slip road closed .
2 On the M forty itself between junctions four and five , that 's the stretch between High Wycombe and Stokenchurch , it 's down to two narrow lanes in both directions , with a contraflow system for a short stretch about midway between the two junctions , and at times , it 's down to single line traffic .
3 The M forty itself between junctions four and five , that 's between High Wycombe and Stokenchurch , there are two narrow lanes in both directions and a contraflow running for a short stretch about midway between the two junctions , there 's also down to single line traffic at times .
4 In 1629 the Tsar Mikhail severely reproved Louis XIII himself for failing to use his full title in official letters and warned him that " We can not approve your habit of wishing to be our friend and yet denying and taking from us the titles and qualities which almighty God has given us and which we so justly possess . "
5 1775 " A plan and Estimate of a Church yeard Dyke arround the Kirk of Bowmore , amounting to ffourty four pounds one shilling and seven pence sterling , being produced , which sum Shawfield is to lay out next season , and this meeting stent themselves with the sum of twenty pounds Sterling of the said sum for this year , and agree that the rest of the said sum be stented in following years . "
6 1776 The Meeting stent themselves with the Expence of Building the Timber Bridge over the water of Duich performed by Hugh McKay £6 ; 0:0 .
7 FOR many years the House of Commons regarded itself as a closed society whose proceedings were private except to the extent that the House itself decided to report them .
8 But they left largely unchallenged the Bolshevik view of October 1917 itself as the greatest achievement of the world revolutionary movement .
9 Innocent III himself by the bull " Vineam Domini " of April 1213 summoned a great council to meet at the Lateran in Rome on 1 November 1215 to be known as the Fourth Lateran Council .
10 According to Ali , the Ayasofya medrese was already a 60-akce medrese In Mehmed II 's time ; and it appears generally to have been the case that it and , from the time of Bayezid II , the medrese of Murad II in Bursa ( the Muradiye ) and , more particularly , that of Bayezid II himself in Edirne , completed in 893/1488 , ranked higher in the first half of the sixteenth century than the Sahn in the sense that the muderrises appointed to them were normally promoted from the Sahn .
11 Bishops at the Synod of 1985 and Pope John Paul II himself in 1986 complained that the message has not yet been heard .
12 She devised the decorations at Middle Temple following a design used by Elizabeth I herself for a party at Whitehall which is described in detail in the State Papers .
13 This was designed by Henry II himself in token of the way in which his own offspring spent most of their lives fighting against him .
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