Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In April of the same year William Symons and John Wood of Halling were bound over 10 shillings each to keep the peace against Richard Wissenden of Gillingham and Henry and Joan Jackson both of Gillingham .
2 By a notice of appeal dated 22 July 1991 the administrators appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law in holding that the court had no jurisdiction to make any order under section 238 of the Act of 1986 against the bank ; ( 2 ) the judge should have held that the words ‘ any person ’ in section 238 meant ( in the case of a company ) any company , whether or not registered in England and Wales , or having a place of business in England and Wales , or carrying on business in England and Wales at the time of the transaction complained of ; alternatively , that those words ( in the case of a company ) meant any company with a sufficient connection with England and Wales : and that , on the facts of the case , there was a sufficient connection ; and in either case the court accordingly had jurisdiction to entertain the originating application against the bank , and to grant leave under rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 to serve the bank in Jersey ; and ( 3 ) in construing section 238 of the Act of 1986 the judge had erred in failing ( i ) to hold that the bank , even though a Jersey company , was within the class of persons with respect to whom Parliament was to be presumed to be legislating in section 238 ; ( ii ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the mischief which the section was intended to remedy , and/or to the disastrous practical consequences for all insolvencies with any international element if the operation of the section were limited to those within England and Wales at the time of the transaction complained of ; ( iii ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the legislative context of the section and related sections ; and ( iv ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the fact that the transactions dealt with by the sections necessarily had a connection with England and Wales in that they involved a disposition of the property of a person or company the subject of insolvency proceedings before the courts of England and Wales .
3 With regard to the actual mechanics of testing , it is of course possible to apply the load to each specimen directly , by means of weights .
4 It is not in any case possible to pin a particular explanatory model to a specific political strategy or standpoint .
5 At times it seemed a bit strange to have a university degree and be working so physically hard but in many ways those three years were a very good period .
6 The debate over the most effective way to promote management education in general and to ensure effective provision in the public sector institutions led the Secretary of State in March 1971 to announce a plan for the creation of twelve Regional Management Centres ( RMCs ) .
7 Mauritius formally dropped ties with the British crown on March 12 to become a republic within the Commonwealth .
8 The only leeway occasionally permitted to Member States is the ability to choose the means and the pace of implementing a policy : a Commission Regulation is applicable in all Member States equally , while a Directive specifies the end , but leaves the Member States free to adopt the method .
9 Part of the task of the Census Dissemination Unit has been to encourage academics who may not be computer literate to use the data .
10 The central committee of Likud , the main party of the right-wing ruling coalition , convened on March 1-2 to elect a ranked list of 50 candidates for the general election scheduled for June 23 .
11 LCH has discretion under reg 12 to require a clearing member " to furnish it with cover " in respect of all contracts for the time being registered in his name .
12 Anne and Dad both bought her paintings and displayed them prominently , and Cameron used his fee from a sanitary napkin commercial to finance an exhibition in London .
13 So for infinite lives , just Reset the game and enter POKE 2048,32 POKE 2–40.153 ; POKE 2-5-.57 ; POKE 1328-.44 SYS 2–49 to restart the game .
14 People with his sort of skills willing to give a bit of time to the Church are in rather short supply . ’
15 In a speech on March 30 to mark the Moslem feast-day of Lailat al-Qadr , President Hosni Mubarak made more direct criticism than previously of " religious fanaticism " which had strayed from the correct teachings of Islam , and " ethnic fanaticism " ( the latter an allusion to attacks against Coptic Christians ) .
16 So start thinking about those charity experiences and make sure you write to us by March 30 to have a chance of winning .
17 Once manufacturer 1 and retailer 1 have signed their agreement , it may pay manufacturer 2 and retailer 2 to sign a similar agreement .
18 The perfusate consisted of Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer containing 0.2% bovine serum albumin ( Serve , Germany ) , 3% dextran T 70 ( Pharmacia , Germany ) , 7.9 or 15.8 mmol/l glucose , gassed with 95% O 2 5% CO 2 to achieve a final pH of 7.4 .
19 I recommend the reader to read through the conversations in Appendix 2 to get a general impression of them before returning to this chapter and the next to read the discussion of detailed points .
20 It is sometimes argued that indirect taxes are , in welfare terms , preferable to direct taxes , as they leave the taxpayer free to make a choice .
21 The dt route suddenly appeared to be promising , though there is still a long way to go as it takes 20 to 40 times this to make a muon in a particle accelerator .
22 His argumentative gifts as a popular orator attracted crowds willing to pay a penny or two to hear him .
23 Mr McGuinness , who is one of four in the delegation due to meet the Americans , was branded ‘ Britain 's number one terrorist ’ by a TV documentary last month .
24 A simple air pressure control valve as used in aircraft is shown in Figure 7.10 to illustrate the procedure .
25 A simple air pressure control valve as used in aircraft is shown in Figure 7.10 to illustrate the procedure .
26 Darlington Memorial Hospital should see increased income from GP fund-holders in the coming year with a North Yorkshire practice due to become a fund-holder from April 1 .
27 The pianist due to play a concerto in public spends many hours in practising the techniques of using his instrument that the piece requires .
28 With Portugal due to assume the EC presidency for the first time in January 1992 a change of leadership would be badly received abroad , he claimed .
29 The race has an earlier than normal start time with the Wirral Mayor due to fire the cannon to set the fleet on its way at 5p.m .
30 For instance , Barnet have to go to Scarborough , with fans due to begin the trek at 6am for an 11am kick-off .
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