Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 He was a lifelong Etonian : that his three sons each succeeded him there as captain of Oppidans , and that he himself was elected an Eton fellow , were sources of great personal satisfaction .
2 Dyson half expected him to come jerking back for a reprise of the First Collect .
3 Jamie Spence : first-round 67 gives him one-stroke lead over David Gilford in Moroccan Open
4 It was probably the tension that had him jittery .
5 ‘ We have started to commission artists and craft makers right along the river to highlight leisure as well as art , working closely with Cleveland County Council , ’ says Mr Chettle , whose experience with Arts 2,000 leaves him hopeful of greatly expanded international contacts through Marking the Ways .
6 A closing 73 gave him victory by three shots over Bernhard Langer and Ian Woosnam who finished with a blistering 62 .
7 Ian , 27 , broke his wrist when his Honda CBR 600 spat him off over the high-side during a race .
8 He has the chi , the kids all asking him questions about their parents .
9 When the latter siege had ended successfully , Molla Yegan came to Mehmed II to congratulate him and remarked that his prayers had continually been with him .
10 He encompassed his object of breaking the bond between the two by telling Mehmed II that Hocazade wanted to become kazasker , while telling Hocazade that Mehmed II wanted him to become kazasker , as a result of which Hocazade unwillingly accepted the post which Mehmed II unwillingly offered him .
11 When by 1292 John of York had become too old and infirm to perform the duties of his Forest office , Edward I granted him a pension of ‘ three pence daily out of the issues of the forest , at the hands of the Justice of the Forest north of Trent , and six cartloads of firewood in the said forest by view and delivery of the foresters there ’ .
12 John followed Richard after a lapse of some six weeks , to be succeeded in turn by Henry III after a vacancy of a week , and Edward I succeeded him after a four-day interval .
13 In 1284 Edward I appointed him to a commission sent to Ireland to audit accounts there .
14 Dulcie Howes first met him backstage at one of the performances , given in aid of a war charity .
15 Common sense suggests that a person who submits to an act only because he believes that otherwise he will be over-powered and have it done to him anyway does not consent in law , even though the force necessary to overpower him will be small and non-injurious . ’
16 Put a bucket of food on the ramp at a distance from the horse sufficient to make him put one foot on the ramp .
17 Will 1991 see him take the final step to greatness ?
18 He welcomed the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and William III appointed him a commissioner of the Admiralty , a responsibility he took very seriously , effectively using Whitehaven for gathering intelligence during the Irish war of 1689–90 .
19 On occasions a fortunate , or bemused , beneficiary received no less than three charters each confirming him in the legitimate enjoyment of the same right .
20 That , of course , is a recipe for survival , but there is no doubt that enjoyed the influence this gave him , outside government as within .
21 To a degree this made him vulnerable : Vichy propagandists had an opportunity to fill in the blanks , by vilifying him as a deserter in the pay of the British or of Jewish interests .
22 Harley MS 2397 calls him " maister Watir hiltone hermyte " .
23 Interviewed in the Beirut newspaper An Nahar on Sept. 1 , Aoun called Lebanon 's leaders " marionettes who should be tried for high treason " ; the French magazine Paris Match on Sept. 7 quoted him as saying that the Syrians would only last a year and that he was the future saviour of Lebanon .
24 And there was nothing in his present circumstances likely to ensnare him in sensuality .
25 The Tsar , the landowner , Denikin 's troops , and your Comrades all fleeced him .
26 Fernando Collor de Mello , 43 , on the same day signed a notice from the Senate , thereby formally acknowledging his 180-day suspension from office following the Chamber of Deputies vote on Sept. 29 to impeach him on corruption charges [ see p. 39079 ] .
27 The applicant , a member of the Tax Bar , had been served with notices under the Taxes Management Act 1970 requiring him to produce copies of documents which were in his possession for the purpose of providing legal advice to clients , who had not authorised disclosure .
28 Later , as his family came into the world , it was to be the dining-room and a new surgery was built at the side of the house , but when Mrs Curdle first knew him , the doctor and his wife dined in the sunny little room at the back of the house , conveniently near to the kitchen .
29 Also Tore-Andre Flo — the young brother of Jostein Flo is supposed to train for a week or two at Sheff Utd ; but this is just a training stay — nothing to do with Sheff Utd offering him a contract or so .
30 The judge concluded that since rule 4.4(4) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991did not expressly provide for the making of an application ex parte for a residence order and since section 9(5) of the Children Act 1989 prohibited him from making either a prohibited steps order or a specific issue order to achieve that result he had no jurisdiction to make the orders sought .
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