Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though he quarrelled sharply with I. A. Richards 's statement that Eliot had effected ‘ a complete severance between his poetry and all beliefs ’ , the editor of the Criterion did not dissent from Richards 's hostile analysis of Lawrence 's ‘ reversion to primitive mentality ’ .
2 As his family began to grow , money was hard to come by so he became a clerk for his family and John cannily gave dressmaking work to his new daughter-in-law to help them survive whilst getting good value for money for himself .
3 Ray Doyle had bowed to Jack Stone 's pleading request for protection for his family .
4 On 5 June he is said to have ignored a request from a Catholic merchant for protection for his family in the Mansion House ; and he stirred himself only when the Bank of England was reported to be in the mob 's sights .
5 The employer is entitled only to adequate protection for his business secrets : the concept of adequacy prevents the employee being restricted from using his general skills and knowledge .
6 The headline said : ‘ Skeleton Found in Woodland Grave ’ , and the story beneath it ran : ‘ While digging a grave for his pet dog a Suffolk landowner , with a home near Hadleigh , unearthed a human skeleton .
7 Tweed paced the room , wiping moisture off his forehead as Monica relayed-the message .
8 Mr Miller uses the buses to pick up medication from Loftus for his heart condition .
9 With the exception of preparation for his meeting with Kiichi Miyazawa , the prime minister of Japan , he has still not had a full-blown meeting on trade with his economic team .
10 Even as he did so , Angel One was already shifting his weight onto his left foot , in preparation for his counter-attack on his second assailant .
11 At intervals throughout the next months he worked on this material , in preparation for his show at the Lefevre Gallery in September 1951 and for other exhibitions .
12 I sent details of the case to a large number of politicians in preparation for his move in the Commons .
13 Indeed , one Wettin of Reichnau , a visionary monk , claimed to have seen Charles in Purgatory , where the purifying flames burned away his lust in preparation for his entry into Heaven .
14 The John Gosden-trained three-year-old has not been seen in public so far this term , but has certainly been sparkling on the Newmarket gallops in preparation for his reappearance .
15 Whether this was all done in preparation for his wedding is not certain , but in 1744 he married a daughter of Richard Osborne from neighbouring Wortley House .
16 Ron and I thought that the best way to arrange this would be for me to interview the Prince about his uncle , and to tack the result on to the end of the obituary programme .
17 But Watson revealed the Everton players have accepted an apology from the £2.2m striker for his criticism of a lack of service to the strikers .
18 Babur makes notes for his letter .
19 Michael Parnell presented his research notes for his biography of Eric Linklater , 1984 .
20 THE TRAGICALLY early death of 28-year-old West Hartlepool lock John Howe during his club 's Division Two game at Morley has cast a sad shadow over West 's promotion celebrations .
21 Gorbachev went on to give an emphatic answer in his keynote address to calls heard from both ends of the political spectrum for his resignation not just from the party leadership , but also from the presidency .
22 This was achieved by repeating one noun in the indirect antecedent condition as in the following : Ed wanted an alligator for his birthday .
23 Linking these sentences requires the inference that Ed received an alligator for his birthday .
24 He had a pathetic wish to please and I hated Mandeville for his arrogance as he rapped out his orders .
25 He grabbed two goals and signed as an apprentice for his home club .
26 It would have been a good excuse to use to get Mr Parnham off his back .
27 Asked if he blamed Murray for his heroin addiction , Mr Mackie replied : ‘ I do n't blame anyone . ’
28 His sense of identity with his fellow men may be interpreted as one of the reasons for his participation in social , political and economic affairs .
29 ‘ ( 1 ) Every local education authority shall make arrangements for enabling the parent of a child in the area of the authority to express a preference as to the school at which he wishes education to be provided for his child in the exercise of the authority 's functions and to give reasons for his preference .
30 I can see no ground whatever , on the face of the statute , why in a section 8(2) case the driver should be invited to state whether he prefers to give blood or urine or to state any reasons for his preference .
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