Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a [conj] " in BNC.

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1 With linear regression , and using historical data ( from countries for which such data is available ) we can derive estimated values for a and b in the formula :
2 Finally , c is a gcd for a and b .
3 Remark We talk of a gcd rather than the gcd of a and b since 1.4.1 says nothing about uniqueness ( nor even about existence ! ) .
4 We claim : c is the required ( unique ) positive gcd of a and b .
5 We invite the reader , in his verbal communications , to refer to the symbols f(a) and af as the value of f at a or , simply f of a and the image of a under f respectively .
6 For some combinations of a and b there is more than one possible stable solution : two different periodic solutions , obtained with the same a and b , but different initial conditions , are seen in Figs. 2.20d and e .
7 PDF files can describe documents containing any combination of text , graphics and images in a device-and resolution-independent format .
8 We invite the reader , in his verbal communications , to refer to the symbols f(a) and af as the value of f at a or , simply f of a and the image of a under f respectively .
9 Definition 1.3.4 If unc are such that unc then d is called a common divisor of a and b .
10 In proving that c is a common divisor of a and b we in fact prove rather more , namely : if w ε S then c\w .
11 Accordingly , the subjects should get more ‘ choosy ’ with higher values of a or lower values of k , in the sense that they should have higher reservation values .
12 Scaled profiles for the approaching waves are illustrated in Figure 10.2 for some particular values of a and b with n equal to 4 , 6 and 8 .
13 Figure 10.2 Scaled wave profiles of approaching waves in the Ferrari-Ibañez-Griffiths solution for various values of a and b , and with n taking the values 4 , 6 and 8 .
14 Also , as in the Szekeres solutions , there are non-scalar curvature singularities in regions II and III when and respectively , for all values of a and all permissible values of k .
15 I have visited the house that my mother stayed at , er called the North House Aye , it was just a pretty bit of a But and beam
16 you know it 's a bit of a and it 's really sore like .
17 I just wanted to erm pick up on a couple of points that er people have made in the course of a and responses I think to my er opening statement .
18 Rather than being concerned with the minor details being elaborated into a more complex picture , they were just interested in how we come to group erm features together for want of a although they were n't thinking about them as features .
19 Even if this had been overcome , a path sequence error between a and thief would have caused problems further on .
20 Thirty years later , I can still recall particular images — Alan Breck 's silver button set on a wooden cross and placed as a sign in the window of a but and ben ; redcoats prodding the heather with their bayonets while Breck and David Balfour sweltered out the day on the top of a huge granite boulder ; Breck lowering his belt so that Balfour could scramble up ; a chieftain 's hide-out somehow built using the trees .
21 What I found amazing , to the extent of keeping me occupied combating fluoridation during the past 20 years on a more-than full-time basis , was that the sales promotion experts employed to build the fluoridation bandwagon have been able for so long to lull most scientists and politicians into accepting this method of diluting and dumping waste fluorides at public expense .
22 The relationship between a and r is The area of the spherical surface labelled by r is and not , and its circumference is and not .
23 We can determine the sign of a and p* experimentally ; for the case usually studied ( a = 10 , b = 8/3 , and r* 13.926 ) , both are negative .
24 ReduceEdge ( a , b ) Replace the edges between a and b with a single edge a-b whose label is the sum of the paths between a and b .
25 Even an early advance in New York — after news of a higher-than expected 2.2 per cent rise in US durable goods orders in February — made little lasting impression in London .
26 Okay let's let's have a list of let's have you going to in respect of a and try from there .
27 I mean , what is the use of a if you 're miles away from everybody 's home ?
28 The second example is similar to the first , but in the more familiar surroundings of a IF statement .
29 So ten years later and the man comes back , the ma they cos they 've never come and checked on them they just sling the food through a but open up the cell where the man had Samantha Fox and millions of little kids come running out , all different ages and sizes , millions of them .
30 Once children discover that , despite the difference in form between a and b , there is no contrast in meaning between them , they are faced with a violation of the principle of Contrast .
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