Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 DEC is trying to gain visibility for the 661 companies it says are converting programmes for Alpha RISC .
2 In the winter of 1956 , he was further irritated by problems with his teeth : he was about to have X-rays for the three which remained to him .
3 It is only over the question of Faculty examinations and the associated ‘ grandfathering ’ provisions that there is a material divergence of views between the two bodies .
4 Contrary to expectations , there appears to be a broad convergence of views between the two men , even on such tricky issues as Bosnia , NATO , the EC and the GATT trade talks .
5 Sure , Ratner embarked on a takeover spree during the Eighties .
6 He said the figures came hard on the heels of the news that there were just 202 job vacancies for the 4,685 unemployed in the Darlington district .
7 Steve , who has won the Isle of Man race eight times and holds the outright lap record , will be arriving with his latest bike for the 1992 racing season .
8 Le Roux wanted to create an industrial miniconglomerate which would finance the development of a new Norton bike for the Nineties : the rotary-engined F1 , a sleek , stylish , jet-black , light and aerodynamic superbike .
9 Three days later 100 paramilitary carabinieri were sent to the island , to join another 100 who were already providing protection for the 5,000 troops ( largely conscripts ) who since July 21 had been stationed there , ostensibly for training exercises .
10 341 companies changed their auditor during the four years the study covers ; 60% of these involved a change of tier .
11 Apart from these various policies of positive discrimination for deprived areas , a series of Acts of Parliament during the 1960s and 1970s sought to strengthen the rights of workers against unfair dismissal , the rights of tenants against unfair eviction , and the rights of immigrants and women against discrimination in the areas of employment , finance , housing , etc .
12 It was an opportunity to place Save The Children Fund 's current and future aim into historical context and for volunteers a valuable lesson in preparation for the seventy fifth .
13 Although I fully understand why my right hon. Friend can not attend the conference of Parliamentarians , will she tell the House now whether the Government support the recent call by Mr. Robert McNamara for a global commission on population in preparation for the 1994 United Nations conference on population ?
14 They uncover the gap left in Thomas 's intellectual development by the death of Ashcroft Noble and his own sense of the inadequacy of his preparation for the nine terms spent at University between October 1897 and his final viva voce examination in July 1900 .
15 Scotland 's coach , Ian McGeechan , made the pertinent point that fixtures against Fiji and Romania had provided a valuable contrast of styles , expansive and then forward dominated , that were useful preparation for the Five Nations Championship .
16 It was reported at the end of February 1990 that the then Minister of State for the Southern Province R. H. Sam Kpakra had suspended voter registration in preparation for the 1991 elections in the constituencies of Bo Town 1 , Bo West and Bo North , following claims that irregularities had taken place .
17 Many Surrey Teachers were very busy for months ahead in preparation for the 1983 Crystal Palace Rally , organised by this area , and this time the programme included an item performed by a Surrey team devised and produced by Vanessa Forbes and Delia Beaver .
18 The final week of the term entails tutorials where specific guidance is given in the planning of work to support the preparation for the four week school practice .
19 The internal review in preparation for the 1984 — 85 validation event was a massive exercise which galvanized the whole Polytechnic ( one conclusion from the CNAA 's report was that the process of critical appraisal could be overdone ) .
20 Thus our activities at Windscale will be an essential part of the overall review we will be carrying out in preparation for the three Divisions .
21 In such a small group the special sympathy between the two boys was obvious to all their companions .
22 The coincidence of rising inflation and unemployment , in spite of Keynesian-type policies to maintain aggregate demand , cast doubt on the continued effectiveness of conventional economic policies during the 1970s .
23 Indeed , increasing concern over inflation led to the operation of more or less continuous incomes policies during the 1970s .
24 The experience of California both in pollution control policies and as a testing or proving ground strongly influenced the direction of federal policies during the 1960s .
25 The building societies are not without blame , due to their lending policies during the 1980s which led to individual circumstances not being properly taken into account .
26 Important investments during the twelve months to June 1991 included a joint venture between US General Motors and Raba , involving a $200 million capital injection , and between Japanese Suzuki and Autoconcern , finalized in April 1991 , representing a $150 million investment .
27 ‘ Acid ! ’ he cried after consulting his notes for the one hundred and thirty-ninth time .
28 In the result , it was agreed between the Commissioners and the defendant that the amount charged upon him should be reduced , and that time should be given to pay it in three instalments ; he gave three promissory notes for the three instalments ; the first was duly honoured ; the others were not , and were the subject of the present action .
29 Growth in gold mining activities during the 1930s continued , and by 1939 , JCI was responsible for the administration of seven major gold mining companies producing on an annual basis , nearly 20 per cent of the total gold output in South Africa at that time .
30 It also highlighted a complex network of contracts between the two teams and suggested the need for clear lines of communication .
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