Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Church Commissioners also handle the stipends of the diocesan and suffragan bishops , as well as stipends for the deans/provosts and two residentiary canons at all but two of the cathedrals .
2 He then fired at Pc Kelly through the police car windscreen , and as the officer lay injured across the front seat walked up to the car , put his hand on the roof to steady himself and emptied the gun into the officer 's body .
3 Now I 'm not I like I like the thought of but I prefer the thought of in work and how people can work together using this type of thing and think about it in the context of work rather than in the context that it talks about erm and it 'll be interesting to talk to you tomorrow so if to see what you think have the think about the things we 've talked about .
4 The objectives of these committees are to facilitate an exchange of views between the police and the wider community on issues of local concern ; to help resolve conflict between the police and dissenting sections of the community ; to encourage self-help and crime prevention activities ; and to educate or inform the public regarding everyday police matters ( Morgan , 1989 ) .
5 After all , despite his backward views about the wrongs of women , he really did work very hard for his poor patients !
6 The Commission 's point accords with the development of Stone 's own views about the perils of affective individualism and finds a prominent place in the opening theoretical section to the book .
7 The social movements of the 1960s were relatively unsuccessful in producing such doctrines in a coherent form ; and the student movement , in particular , came to an end in a welter of conflicting views about the agencies and objectives of radical social change , beset by arguments about its own relation to the working-class movement , about the importance of cultural as against economic and structural changes in society , and about the role of violence in movements for social change .
8 He held the same views about the dangers of Serbian nationalism , and he tried to defend Pavlović from his accusers .
9 At the Sixth Plenum of the Twelfth Party Central Committee in September 1986 , the leading members of the Politbureau , such as Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang , put forward their views about the effects of continuing to ‘ open up ’ intellectual debate and introduce political reforms .
10 He said that some witnesses in the action had strong views about the rights of the public over the beach and quarrying which has been carried on there .
11 The Rushdie affair , touched off by Muslim reactions to the publication of Salman Rushdie 's Satanic Verses and reaching a crescendo in 1989 when Ayatollah Khomeini called for Rushdie 's assassination , revealed irreconcilable views about the duties of government in the face of blasphemy .
12 However , regardless of views about the benefits of legislation ( and this remains , as we shall see , a matter of some controversy ) , the evidence in the 1980s was that simply leaving action to employers had left older workers in an exposed and vulnerable situation .
13 He feels that art directors often have such set views about the subjects he photographs that his own creativity is suppressed .
14 The significance of all this as regards locality is that management has clear views about the regions in which these special kinds of worker are to be found .
15 They did , however , anticipate that boards would bring together people likely to have different views about the purposes of boards .
16 The article said that Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Manh Cam had been " blunt " in detailing his country 's views about the disputes .
17 And the motion by Councillor Jack Newell went further … also demanding protection for the families of murder victims .
18 But a regular inspection every four or five years can not by itself be sufficient protection for the parents or the children ; nor can it provide enough information by which to judge the effectiveness of a school .
19 The outcome of these cases is that the Chinese wall has not been seen as providing satisfactory protection for the interests of the former client and , despite the existence of a Chinese wall , the courts have required the law firms not to act on behalf of the new client .
20 I now come to what I regard as the plaintiffs ' most convincing argument , namely , that paragraph 33 of Buckley J. 's order , combined with the letter dated 23 October 1991 from the Crown Prosecution Service , provides effective protection for the defendants against the criminal consequences of having to disclose incriminating information or documents by virtue of paragraphs 18(a) and ( c ) and 19(a) and ( c ) of the order .
21 It argues that protection for the birds is unnecessary as they are not threatened by current control practices .
22 It was one of CI5 's many ‘ dirty tasks ’ to afford protection for the lives of exiles , visitors from repressive Governments , and the representatives of Governments with which Britain maintained the most reluctant and tenuous of diplomatic relations .
23 This is an important time in the development of financial institutions across the community and we are determined that the actuarial professional should play its part in laying the proper foundations , to ensure the most effective protection for the rights and security of the ultimate consumer
24 There must be protection for the rights and aspirations of groups and communities .
25 This was a considerable improvement , providing good visibility and protection for the eggs as well as being sturdy enough to withstand machine-filling .
26 Thus , we are prompted to suppose that an unspecified industrial strategy on the one hand is so like matters of health and safety for the purposes of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , or like employment protection for the purposes of the Employment Protection Act 1975 on the other , as to amount to much the same kind of thing as they are ; and so to accept the view that , just as the second is a subject for joint regulation by management and unions or of prior discussion between management and unions , so too should the first .
27 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
28 The local federation of ecologists , FEPG , hopes to win official protection for the baboons , who appear to have started to breed .
29 There was no such protection for the spinners , who were often exploited .
30 Tala-Tala even had its own home-made harbour , a kind of inner lagoon in the outer lagoon , obviously a laboriously built , three-sided breakwater , in which I assumed that every stone must have been carried by hand or on rollers to afford protection for the boats it enclosed .
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