Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [subord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er here erm you can form your own views about whether Mill 's right or wrong , I mean that the situation of a secret ballot was brought in to erm overcome as one where the local industrist industrialist who employed half the member of the town was also standing for parliament .
2 As fate had a habit of doing , it had played what he termed a rather dirty trick for although Martin and his father before him had both found the running of the estate anything but easy as far as money was concerned , this young man would be better off than either of them , for Martin had only within the last year taken out two very large policies on his life , the second when he knew he was going to be married .
3 In a sense I suppose , er what DeKlerk 's government has demonstrated is that they are trying as it were to be impartial and not allow political considerations to influence their judgement about whether Mrs Mandela should go on trial .
4 The line continued its progress as if Denwood were at the North Pole .
5 There is a long running case before the House of Lords concerning the River Derwent at present about whether rights of way can be established on waterways in the same way as on land .
6 But Barney Moss did n't like the joke , stared at Doyle as if Doyle were the pits of the earth .
7 Mat. as if life was full of jolly little surprises .
8 She 's still in correspondence with the Vatican about whether dogs go to heaven .
9 The restoration of sight was made a general activity of Jesus in his answer to John the Baptiser , who was imprisoned by Herod , but seemed to have had doubts about whether Jesus was the expected one .
10 Nor is it ‘ negative ’ to raise doubts about whether Mr Kinnock and his team would confine themselves even to these immodest proposals .
11 Looking back , I certainly had my doubts about whether Charlie was capable of doing the job but in the end they were outweighed by Tata 's high opinion of him .
12 Although the Hervert Laming letter of 13 December 1992 created its own furore about what should be written down , senior managers had already been debating for six months about whether care managers should bluff users and relatives about the money available for them .
13 It 's what the Godfathers might have in mind for when George goes that worries me . ’
14 Clynes 's uncertainty about whether Labour was laying down War Aims or Peace Terms was significant .
15 If what Pascal , Butler , Newman and Browning say is true , then there will always be a degree of uncertainty about whether God exists that reflects an absence of proof .
16 Uncertainty about whether God exists can be interpreted as a condition of , rather than the negation of , faith in God .
17 Whatever the uncertainty about whether God exists , the theist has a duty to be precise about what he or she means by ‘ God ’ .
18 There is , surprisingly , still a good deal of uncertainty about whether animals — and if so , which animals — can solve problems of this kind .
19 ‘ This family has always been poor , but they were not slaves , ’ the old woman almost shouted , snatching back the photograph as if Martha 's impious fingers would stain it .
20 The 1985 specification 's emphasis on special needs was consonant with the mixed origins of PNP , and it reinforced initial — and persisting — confusion about whether PNP was a special needs programme or something else .
21 Fat chance , thought Leonora , unable to resist keeping him in the dark about whether Elise was going with her .
22 If there had been any last doubts in Pascoe 's mind about whether Charlie Singer might be Zeno , Singer 's tone of voice would have dispelled them .
23 This chapter seeks to distinguish arbitration from references to experts by considering : ( 1 ) confusion between whether references have been to experts or arbitrators ( 15.2 ) ; ( 2 ) how the court interprets express words in the contract about a referee 's status ( 15.3 ) ; ( 3 ) the guidelines for assessing the referee 's status ( 15.4 – 15.9 ) ; ( 4 ) the procedural differences between arbitrations and references to experts ( 15.10 ) ; ( 5 ) the different consequences of an expert 's decision and an arbitration award ( 15.11 ) .
24 The molar extinction coefficient has units of if c is in and I is in cm , so that A is a pure number .
25 Predictably the study is a small-scale one with no indication of whether recall is serial or not .
26 This organisation has since been in correspondence with Neil Kinnock 's Westminster office , but has yet to receive any clear indication of whether Labour would indeed reduce the age of consent for gay men from 21 to 16 .
27 The frequency of fluent restorations is thus an indication of whether mispronunciations occurred before or after the recognition point of a word , and thus an indication of where in a word the recognition point actually occurred .
28 It looks like an average piece of As bond at first sight but it is n't actually a standard size at all .
29 Furthermore , now that solicitors are strongly recommended to provide information about costs in advance the Society will carry out a review of whether clients should continue to have the right to ask the Society to reduce a solicitor ; s bill by the remuneration certificate process .
30 Even in the absence of a complete procedure for deciding expressions it will be possible to automatically transform each finite program to normal form ( except perhaps for the inclusion of some false branches in IF statements ) .
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