Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] but " in BNC.

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1 I have visited the house that my mother stayed at , er called the North House Aye , it was just a pretty bit of a But and beam
2 Thirty years later , I can still recall particular images — Alan Breck 's silver button set on a wooden cross and placed as a sign in the window of a but and ben ; redcoats prodding the heather with their bayonets while Breck and David Balfour sweltered out the day on the top of a huge granite boulder ; Breck lowering his belt so that Balfour could scramble up ; a chieftain 's hide-out somehow built using the trees .
3 The reference to the but many of the other astrological signs have been lost ( although Glastonbury has been associated with Aquarius ) and the concept is difficult to prove .
4 top of the but it stops losing .
5 I mean there are some Conservatives who do actually believe in the social welfare of the but there are also , I 'm I 'm sure there are large numbers who actually know what vicious streak there is behind a lot of the other measures of social control that have gone on in this country since consensus was in nineteen seventy nine er you actually realise what what a tragedy it is in this area .
6 Well the point was you see , we had a dumb hopper , the dumb hopper was towed by an old tug , they had to tow that dumb hopper to sea , what was called dumb cos they ai n't got no engines and so that was towed to sea and then course the er the dumb hopper ha had four winches , hand winches and then they , cos they had the chains on the but the steam hopper
7 The inhabitants of the closes and the tenements had headed for the high ground , leaving the trams and turmoil behind for the mist , the heather , and a good brew-up in the but and ben .
8 So ten years later and the man comes back , the ma they cos they 've never come and checked on them they just sling the food through a but open up the cell where the man had Samantha Fox and millions of little kids come running out , all different ages and sizes , millions of them .
9 Hell of a but er I mean last night , Val said it 's alright . .
10 An application of the but for test will mean that neither A nor B will be liable .
11 please sir , I want some more , the master of the but he turned very pale and then he what , said the master at in a stern voice , please sir , replied Oliver I want some more , the master glare at Oliver 's head with the ladle
12 Similar view to a but with repressors shown as α- carbon traces , and side chains that contact the DNA as ball and stick .
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